
  • 【医】examination of visual acuity
  1. 课题设计基于视力检查ISO标准,综合使用微电子、光学、液晶显示、红外遥控、位置检测、I~2C总线存储等技术,文章全面的阐述了整个测量系统的设计过程。

    This apparatus bases on ISO standards , micro-electronics , optics , LCD , infrared remoter , location inspection , I ~ 2C bus memory .

  2. 方法用国际标准视力检查视力,以象膜映光法及遮盖法检查眼位,1%阿托品眼水点眼,每日3次,连续3d后进行检影验光,3周后配镜。

    Methods Sight was examined with international standard chart and eye place was checked by cornea illumination and covering methods . The eyes were put 1 % atropine 3 times per day for 3 consecutive days and optometry was made .

  3. Pearson-x~2距离的推广视力检查距离是为3m。

    The generalization of the distance of pearson-x ~ 2 The progression rate of optotype size between 2 lines was 10 and the testing distance was 3 m.

  4. 因而,可能表明临床视力检查与VEP检测反映不同视觉信息的处理过程,弱视患者“正常”眼的VEP表现并不正常。

    This study demonstrated that possibly the clinical examinations of visual acuity and VEPs reflect different visual information processes , and the " normal " eyes of amblyopes are not normal .

  5. 目的:评估YZ53白内障视力检查仪对白内障术后视力预测的可靠性。

    Objective : To evaluate the reliability of YZ53 potential acuity meter in predicting the visual acuity before cataract surgery .

  6. 方法:对来我们诊验配RGP的33例患者(66只眼),分别于戴镜前、戴镜后1周、1个月、3个月进行戴镜视力检查。

    Methods : Examining the vision of33 sufferers ( 66 eyes ) who came to our department , together with GRP , before wearing and after wearing for a week , a month , 3 months .

  7. 各种频率视力检查条纹的计算机生成

    Generation of the multi frequency stripes for vision inspection by using computer

  8. 数字化视力检查仪的遥控显示系统设计

    Design of Remote Display System in Digital Visual Testing Instrument

  9. 扫描图像视觉诱发电位视力检查系统的研制及评价

    Establishment of the Sweep Pattern Visual Evoked Potential System and Its Application

  10. 上星期我们在学校的健康中心做视力检查。

    We our eyes in the health center at school last week .

  11. 提高儿童视力检查准确度的心理护理对策

    Psychological nursing in accuracy of children with eyesight test

  12. 测试时间:统计完成视力检查的幼儿的平均测试时间329.70±86.60秒。

    Test time : The average test time was 329.70 ± 86.60 seconds .

  13. 安娜:我儿子视力检查的结果怎么样?

    Anna : What are the results of my son 's eyesight check ?

  14. 学龄前儿童视力检查后10年连续观察与分析

    Consecutive observation and analysis of visual changes of preschool children for ten years

  15. 我们先给他做个视力检查吧。

    Let 's have his eyes tested first .

  16. 大学生视力检查结果分析

    College Students ' eyesight test and eye health

  17. 我的视力检查后是正常的。

    After the examination my vision is normal .

  18. 学龄前儿童屈光及远视力检查对早期发现弱视的作用

    Effects of Screening Optometry and Eyesight Test on Early Finding Amblyopia Among Preschool Children

  19. 视力检查完后,雪莉下楼来。

    Shirley walks downstairs after the eye examination .

  20. 参加焊接检验师考试前必须出示完整视力检查报告。

    The completed Visual Acuity Record must be presented prior to taking CWI examination .

  21. 视力检查对儿童免费。

    Sight test are free to children .

  22. 我上周刚刚做了视力检查,所以这应该是准确的度数。

    I just had my eyes tested last week , so it should be precise .

  23. 我们昨天进行了视力检查。

    We had our eyesight tested yesterday .

  24. 美国焊接重协会不接受不符合要求之视力检查结果。

    AWS will not accept visual acuity test results that do not comply with regulations .

  25. 视力检查:美国眼科协会推荐每两年做一次全面眼科检查。

    Eye exam : The American Optometric Association recommends a comprehensive eye exam every two years .

  26. 临床研究包括两个家系中所有患者的病史,视力检查,裂隙灯检查,眼球运动及眼位检查,提上睑肌力,牵拉实验等。

    Ophthalmic examination included distance visual acuity , slit-lamp examination , eye movement and ocular position .

  27. 方法对6956名(13912眼)3~6岁儿童进行视力检查筛选,视力不足1.0者进行屈光、斜视检查。

    Methods 6956 preschool children ( 13912eyes ) were investigated and selected according to visual examination .

  28. 方法:应用眼科常规检查方法对北京盲校学生进行全面的眼科检查,全部视力检查结果均为矫正视力。

    Methods : The routine examinations of ophthalmology to check the students in details were used .

  29. 纽约中华公所属下的华埠儿童培护中心25名儿童,接受由国宝银行全部赞助的免费视力检查。

    Sponsored by the Abacus Saving Bank , 25 students from the Chinatown Daycare Center accepted free vision checkup .

  30. 每两年,你需要做:5.视力检查:美国眼科协会推荐每两年做一次全面眼科检查。

    Every Two Years 5 . Eye exam : The American Optometric Association recommends a comprehensive eye exam every two years .