
  1. 这家初创公司的产品SentabTV可以让那些不习惯使用电脑的老年人只需操控电视和遥控器就能打开电子邮件、视频聊天和社交媒体。

    The startup 's product , SentabTV , enables older adults who may not be comfortable with computers to access email , video chat and social media using just their televisions and a remote control .

  2. 手机、电子邮件、在线聊天以及视频聊天等通讯技术可以让双方随时保持联系。

    Technologies including cell phones , e-mail , online chatting and video conferencing have made it possible to keep in touch .

  3. 从数码相机、PC视频聊天用的摄像头等消费产品到门禁、数字视频监视等工业控制及安防产品,视频采集和处理已成为嵌入式系统的重要应用之一。

    Video capture and processing have became one of the most important applications of embedded system .

  4. 装载有3D全息摄像头的手机将使人们可以与好友实时进行3D全息视频聊天。

    And 3D and holographic cameras that fit into cellphones allowing video chat with 3D holograms of your friends in real time .

  5. 给我爸爸发即时消息和我姑姑Helen视频聊天

    IM my dad , video-chat my aunt Helen .

  6. 发短信或是聊QQ,要不就去视频聊天。

    Use an instant messenger program or web cams for that visual connection .

  7. 肯兹喜欢用视频聊天软件Skype与人交谈。

    Kanzi loves chatting on the video-calling service Skype .

  8. 否则,应该禁用视频聊天应用程序的“startwhencameraopened”功能(查看Tools菜单)。

    If you haven 't already , you should disable the " start when camera opened " feature ( look in the Tools menu ) of the video chat application .

  9. 现在,18岁的梁晓宇手拿iPad就能在寝室的任何地方和女友视频聊天了。

    Now , holding an iPad , the 18-year-old can virtually video chat with his girlfriend anywhere in the dorm .

  10. 在和戈麦斯视频聊天时,她也证实了正在制作新专辑,她在一月份刚发行了第三张录音室专辑《Rare》,到现在还不到一年。

    During her virtual chat , Gomez also confirmed she is working on a new album , not even a year after her third studio album , Rare , came out in January .

  11. 想在QQ,MSN的视频聊天中给别人留下神秘的感觉么?

    Do you want to leave a mysterious expression when you are charting on QQ & MSN ?

  12. 其开发的语音视频聊天、即时通讯、SNS、Email等人际传播工具得到了人们的广泛好评。

    People widely praise the interpersonal communication tools , such as video chat tools , instant messaging tools , SNS , Email and so on .

  13. Goggles眼镜会告诉你天气状况,并支持图片搜索,通过语音控制技术实现视频聊天功能。

    The Goggles will tell you the weather and allow photo-based Web searching and video chats through voice-activated technology .

  14. 如有无线网络连接,还可以免费使用FaceTime进行视频聊天。

    FaceTime video can also be free with a Wi-Fi connection .

  15. 许多医生都表示,Facebook和一些视频聊天工具,如Skype和FaceTime在某种程度上促进了这个年代的外科整形行业的发展。

    Doctors say Facebook and video-chatting tools like Skype and FaceTime have partly fueled this decade 's boom in plastic surgery .

  16. 刘易斯说,现如今学习语言最好的工具是互联网,特别是像Skype这类网络视频聊天工具。

    One of today 's best language learning tools , Lewis says , is the Internet specifically video chats like Skype .

  17. Facebook早期的高管肖恩帕克(SeanParker)推出了一个视频聊天网站,因为他认为社交媒体让人们感觉到愈发孤独。

    Sean Parker , an early executive at Facebook , is starting a video chat site because he says social media are making people ­ lonelier .

  18. 扎克伯克和公司高管们还在现场发布了三款新产品,分别是群组通讯功能、一个全尺寸的好友名单设计,以及基于Skype技术的视频聊天功能。

    Zuck and crew also unveiled three products : group messaging , a new full-sized buddy list design and skype-powered video chat .

  19. 论文最后介绍了模型基编码在开发视频聊天系统GrimaceChat中的应用,并展望了今后的工作方向。

    Finally , the thesis indicates the model-based coding implement in developing video chat system Grimace Chat , and discusses the prospect of future work .

  20. 即使没有Skype、FaceTime以及你们使用的所有视频聊天工具,他也知道你的存在。

    Minus the Skype , FaceTime and whatever video call apps you use , you are present . And he knows that .

  21. 下一个大的目标之一是集成语音和视频聊天功能,通过Adobe系列技术,这个功能是极有可能实现的,我们目前正在对其进行评估。

    One of the next big goals is to integrate audio and video chat capabilities and there are some exciting possibilities within the Adobe ecosystem we 're evaluating right now .

  22. 可供选择的还有Skype,这项免费服务允许人们通过智能手机和其他设备与世界各地的亲朋好友进行视频聊天。

    There 's also Skype , which is free and allows video chatting via smartphones and other devices with friends and family anywhere in the world at no cost .

  23. 如果你们的关系有所进展的话,用Skype等视频聊天工具面对面地交流,你可以从非语言的行为中获得更多的信息。

    Use Skype ( and other visual media ) to actually see each other if the relationship progresses . You get more information when you can observe nonverbal behavior .

  24. 此外还在考虑视频聊天应用Rounds,开发这一应用的Rounds公司也是一家以色列的初创企业,这一应用将可以帮助三星与苹果的FaceTime和谷歌的Hangouts竞争。

    It has also looked at video-chat app Rounds , another Israeli startup , that would help Samsung compete with Apple 's FaceTime and Google 's Hangouts .

  25. 一种是端到端加密,苹果公司在iMessage和视频聊天服务FaceTime中就使用了这种方式。

    The first is end-to-end encryption , which Apple uses in its iMessage system and FaceTime , the video conversation system .

  26. 除此之外,这款手机还具备视频聊天功能,配有5百万像素摄像头,720p视频捕捉和1千兆赫SnapDragon处理器。扣除50美元的邮寄退款折扣后,这款手机售价199美元。

    The phone also has Wi-Fi video chat , a Front-Facing 5-megapixel camera , 720p video capture and 1GHz Snap Dragon processor . It costs $ 199 after $ 50 mail-in rebate .

  27. 她的投资对象也是硅谷最时髦的:Twitter联合创始人杰克•多尔西(JackDorsey)执掌下的支付公司Square,Facebook前总裁肖恩•帕克(SeanParker)新创立的视频聊天服务Airtime,以及高端商务网站OneKingsLane。

    Her investments are among Silicon Valley 's hippest : Square , the payment company led by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey , ex-president of Facebook Sean Parker 's new video-chat service Airtime , and high-end ecommerce site One Kings Lane .

  28. 新品的创新之处如下:它搭载了一块6.2英寸触摸屏的全新控制器,创造了基于Wii式动作的体验的陀螺仪和加速器,还配有供视频聊天用的摄像头和麦克风,并具有振动功能。

    A new controller packing a 6.2-inch touchscreen , a gyroscope and accelerometer enabling a wii-like motion-based experience , video camera and microphone for video chat , and vibration feature .

  29. 完成了聊天历史记录查询,一对一的语音和视频聊天,离线留言并Email通知,答疑库的智能搜索等功能。最后对系统进行功能和性能测试,并对未来的发展进行展望。

    All the functions are including searching the chat history , one on one video and audio chat , offline message , notification through Email and intelligent Q & A library query etc. Finally , make the function and performance test and forecast the direction of improving .

  30. 除了花大力气制作外观更加漂亮的游戏外,XboxOne还允许用户分屏,在观看电视的同时浏览其它信息,比如梦幻足球联赛(fantasyfootballleague)的成绩或进行Skype视频聊天。

    Aside from additional horsepower to make better looking games , Xbox One includes the ability to watch TV on one part of a screen while looking at other information , such as a fantasy football league scores or a Skype video chat , on another .