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  • worm-type virus
  1. 基于行为异常的SymbianOS蠕虫病毒检测方法研究

    A Methodology of Detecting the Symbian OS Worm Virus Based on Abnormal Behavior

  2. 并从HONEY技术主动防御蠕虫病毒和主动防御垃圾邮件两个方面对当前的技术和方法进行了详细地介绍。

    Moreover , introduces present technologies and methods on defending worm virus and junk mail based on HONEY Technology .

  3. 例如,恶意节点将病毒散发在网络中,导致VBS.Gnutellaworm蠕虫病毒的流行。

    For example , the virus dissemination of malicious nodes in the network , resulting in VBS . Gnutella worm epidemic .

  4. 目前IM安全方面的研究主要是针对计算机病毒传播的研究,如:IM系统中蠕虫病毒传播研究等。

    At present , the safety research for IM system is mainly on computer virus such as IM worm propagation research .

  5. 同样在周一,Twitter再次强调,尽管蠕虫病毒的攻击已经给人们造成困扰,但它们并未成功盗取用户的任何帐户信息。

    Also on Monday , Twitter again emphasized that while the worm attacks have been a nuisance , they haven 't stolen any user account information .

  6. Linux下的ELF病毒是该系统下的四大类病毒之一。其危害性和技术上的复杂性都是其它三类病毒(蠕虫病毒、脚本病毒、后门病毒)不能比拟的。

    ELF virus is one of four class virus in Linux , and its damage and technic complexity are most advanced than other three class virus .

  7. 接着介绍了与系统设计实现相关的原理和技术,包括CiscoNetFlow技术,以及应用NetFlow技术检测分析DDoS和蠕虫病毒等网络异常流量的方法;

    Then we described the technical principles related to the system , such as CISCO NetFlow technology , technology of detecting DDoS and worm virus based on NetFlow .

  8. 因为一种叫做Conficker的计算机蠕虫病毒将会在愚人节袭来。

    Because a worldwide virus called Conficker could come to life tomorrow , April Fool 's Day .

  9. 如果你用蠕虫病毒Stuxnet攻击伊朗,你自身的核系统将面临黑客报复的危险,无论这种报复是出自个人还是国家。

    If you hit Iran with Stuxnet , you render your own nuclear systems vulnerable to the next hacker , individual or state .

  10. 例如Ddos、蠕虫病毒入侵等入侵手段都曾给我们的高校校园网络造成不同程度的破坏和打击。

    Especially in recent years , the frequent occurrence of the campus network security , such as worms , Ddos attacks and other attacks have to our campus network and the varying degrees of damage caused by blow .

  11. 相比之下,除了Stuxnet蠕虫病毒这个例外——这种传说中美国与以色列对伊朗核设施发动的网络攻击——西方攻击性的网络活动始终是有限的。

    With the exception of Stuxnet , a suspected US / Israeli cyber attack on Iran 's nuclear capability , aggressive western cyber activity has been limited .

  12. 然后讨论了系统的总体结构和应用上述技术原理实现各个模块的细节,包括如何实现用户行为分析,以及如何实现检测分析DDoS和蠕虫病毒等网络异常;

    In the third part , we described the architecture of the system and the details of all the modules , including how to implement user behavior analysis , and how to implement network abnormal traffic such as DDoS and worm attack monitoring .

  13. 据赛门铁克观察发现,2010年之前,没有任何网络受到过针对性攻击,后来,旨在攻击企业控制系统的蠕虫病毒Stuxnet出现了,这种情况就改变了,去年12月,每天就有154个系统受到这种病毒的攻击。

    Symantec observed virtually no targeted attacks before Stuxnet , a worm that attacked industrial-control systems , appeared in 2010 . Last December it spotted an average of 154 a day .

  14. 本课题在典型蠕虫病毒样本剖析的基础上,深入研究了网络蠕虫病毒的作用机理及防治策略,并给出了利用DNS服务器抑制网络蠕虫病毒传播的系统设计与实现方案。

    The subject aims at studying the function of internet worm virus and prevention 's methods , and making a systemic design and program which control the spread of internet worm virus by DNS service machine at the base of analysis of the typical internet worm virus samples .

  15. 人们应该记得,正是美国的情报机构与以色列合作,凭借对微软Windows操作系统各种版本的深入了解以及对工业控制系统的专业知识,才创造了蠕虫病毒震网(Stuxnet),并利用这种病毒破坏了伊朗的核研究项目。

    Remember that it was intelligence agencies of the U.S. , in partnership with Israel , that turned deep knowledge of the numerous variants of Microsoft 's Windows operating system combined with specialized knowledge of industrial control systems to create the Stuxnet worm that damaged the Iranian nuclear research program .

  16. 通过对该算法与Polygraph系统的层次式聚类算法进行理论比较,表明该算法具有高效、高聚类质量的优点。(3)特征提取:通过恶意行为检测和聚类,过滤出多种蠕虫病毒。

    This algorithm is efficient and has the advantage of high clustering quality according to compared with hierarchical clustering algorithm of the Polygraph in theory . ( 3 ) Feature extraction : By malicious behavior detection and clustering , many types of worms filtered out .

  17. 后来,桑迪发现是一种蠕虫病毒。

    Later , sandy found out it was a wom virus .

  18. 揭示了传统计算机病毒尤其是网络蠕虫病毒的原理和机制,同时提出有效的防治措施。

    Then it gives efficient measures of virus prevention and cure .

  19. 基于元胞自动机的网络蠕虫病毒传播仿真

    Simulation of Worm Viruses Spread in Network Based on Cellular Automata

  20. 校园网络环境下网络蠕虫病毒的预警技术

    Early Warning Technology of Network Worm Virus in Campus Network Environment

  21. 基于入侵检测模型的蠕虫病毒诱捕系统的研究

    The Research of Entrap Worm Virus Based on The Intrusion Detection System

  22. 双系统会导致蠕虫病毒很容易调整反弹。

    Dual lead worm system would be very easy to adjust backlash .

  23. 网络安全中蠕虫病毒技术与防范措施研究

    In Network Security Worm Virus Technology and Guard Measure Research

  24. 蠕虫病毒是网络的主要威胁之一。

    Worm is one of the main threats of networks .

  25. 这种蠕虫病毒已经影响到了世界范围内企业的生产与运行活动。

    The worm has affected manufacturing and utility companies worldwide .

  26. 这个蠕虫病毒具有较强的伪装和诱惑能力。

    This vermian virus has stronger camouflage and alluring capacity .

  27. 这就决定了蠕虫病毒在信息对抗中将占有重要的位置。

    So worm viruses are vital to information antagonism .

  28. 基于网关的蠕虫病毒检测与防御关键技术研究

    Technology of Gateway - Based Worm Detection and Prevention

  29. 邮件蠕虫病毒机理研究

    Study in the Mechanism of the E-mail Worm Virus

  30. 计算机蠕虫病毒的分析及防御技术

    The analysis and restraint of Computer worms ' virus