
rú chóng
  • worm;helminth
蠕虫 [rú chóng]
  • [worm] 许多相当小的、多少有点细长的像蚯蚓样的光裸而柔软的动物

蠕虫[rú chóng]
  1. 萤火虫不是蠕虫。

    The glowworm isn 't a worm .

  2. 它是由蠕虫自身产生的酶还是由肠道微生物产生的酶?

    Is it an enzyme produced by the worm itself or by its gut microbes ?

  3. 蠕虫的寿命为几个月。

    Worms have a lifespan of a few months .

  4. 田纳西大学的微生物学家詹妮弗·德布鲁恩(JenniferDeBruyn)没有参与这项研究,她说,这种蠕虫能分解聚乙烯并不奇怪。

    Jennifer DeBruyn , a microbiologist at the University of Tennessee , who was not involved in the study , says it is not surprising that such worms can break down polyethylene .

  5. 但她希望通过某种工业流程使用这种化学物质,而不是简单地"把数百万条蠕虫扔在塑料上"

    But she expects using the chemical in some kind of industrial process — not simply " millions of worms thrown on top of the plastic ."

  6. 为了证实蠕虫并不能光靠咀嚼就导致聚乙烯破裂,研究人员将一些虫子制成糊状物并放到塑料薄膜上。

    To confirm that the worms ' chewing alone was not responsible for the polyethylene breakdown , the researchers made some worms into paste and applied it to plastic films .

  7. 到目前为止,还没有有效的方法来清除它,但是一项新的研究表明,答案可能就在一些饥饿的蠕虫的肚子里。

    So far there is no effective way to get rid of it , but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stomachs of some hungry worms .

  8. 这项研究的合著者费德丽卡·贝尔托基尼说,蠕虫分解日常食物的能力也就是蜂蜡的能力,可以让它们分解塑料。

    Federica Bertocchini , co-author of the study , says the worms ' ability to break down their everyday food — beeswax — also allows them to break down plastic .

  9. 研究小组在一个商业聚乙烯购物袋里放置了100个蜡螟蠕虫,12小时后,这些蜡虫消耗并分解了大约92毫克的塑料,几乎占总数的3%。

    The team left 100 wax worms on a commercial polyethylene shopping bag for 12 hours , and the worms consumed and broke down about 92 milligrams , or almost 3 % of it .

  10. “蜡是一种复杂的混合物,但其内部也存在聚乙烯中的基本键——碳碳双键,”她解释道,“而蜡螟蠕虫进化出了一种方法或系统来破坏这种键。”

    " Wax is a complex mixture , but the basic bond in polyethylene , the carbon-carbon bond , is there as well , " she explains , " The wax worm evolved a method or system to break this bond ."

  11. 昆虫和蠕虫都是无脊椎动物

    Insects and worms are all invertebrates .

  12. 利用Internet蠕虫实现木马服务程序的自主传播

    The Implementation of Trojan Horse Server Program 's Self-Spread by Internet Worm

  13. 通用Internet蠕虫查杀防治系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of General Internet Worm Defense System

  14. 基于卡尔曼滤波的INTERNET蠕虫预警系统研究

    Improving Internet Worm Warning System Based on Kalman Filter

  15. Windows防火墙提供了面临诸如蠕虫之类恶意程序的网络攻击时的防御手段。

    Windows Firewall offers some protection from network attacks by malicious software known as worms .

  16. 基于应用识别的P2P蠕虫检测

    P2P worm detection based on traffic classification and application identification

  17. P2P蠕虫及其对抗技术的研究与进展综述

    Review of Research and Development on P2P Worm and its Countermeasure Technology

  18. 随着网络安全技术的发展,Internet蠕虫问题已经得到广泛重视。

    With the development of network security , Internet worms have been paid more and more attention from all kinds of people .

  19. 蠕虫在P2P网络中的传播研究

    Research on Propagation of Worms in P2P Networks

  20. P2P蠕虫的分析与对策

    Analysis and countermeasure on P2P worms

  21. 采用球&棒蠕虫链模型表示DNA链,应用布朗动力学对DNA在微流道内的运动轨迹进行数值模拟。

    Brownian dynamics method is used to simulate the trajectory of DNA in the microchannel where DNA is modeled by the wormlike bead-rod chain .

  22. 基于网络流技术实现Intranet蠕虫快速侦测

    To Detect Intranet Worms Using Network Flow Technologies

  23. P2P蠕虫是利用P2P机制进行传播的恶意代码。

    The P2P-based worm is a kind of malicious code that takes advantage of P2P system to propagate .

  24. P2P流量是目前互联网上主要的流量,但是它存在和蠕虫类似的流量行为。

    P2P traffic has become the most popular traffic in the Internet , but it has worm-like traffic behavior .

  25. 随着黑客攻击事件数量的不断上升,蠕虫在Internet上的泛滥,信息安全逐渐成为人们眼中的焦点。

    With the ever-increasing number of hacker attacks and the spread of the worm on the Internet , information security has gradually become the focus of people 's eyes .

  26. adhoc网络中OLSR路由协议的蠕虫防御

    Worm recovery of OLSR protocol in Ad Hoc

  27. 网络蠕虫与IDS防范

    Network worm and IDS Defense

  28. 基于ISP分布的网络蠕虫检测系统

    Internet-Worm Detecting System Based on ISP Distributed

  29. 例如,恶意节点将病毒散发在网络中,导致VBS.Gnutellaworm蠕虫病毒的流行。

    For example , the virus dissemination of malicious nodes in the network , resulting in VBS . Gnutella worm epidemic .

  30. 网络蠕虫之所以难于控制主要是由于Internet本质上是一个开放的复杂巨系统,其结构复杂,缺乏中心控制能力以及其开放性的特征导致存在大量网管层面上的不可控节点。

    Internet worms are difficult to eliminate because Internet is an open and complex scale-free system , and there are a mass of vulnerable nodes , which are absent of managing and defending .