
jú huā chá
  • infusion made from dried chrysanthemum
  1. B菊花茶听起来很有意思。我能尝尝吗?

    B Chrysanthemum sounds interesting . Can I try that ?

  2. PET热灌装菊花茶饮料品质的过程控制措施

    Process control measures for quality of hot-filled chrysanthemum beverage in PET bottles

  3. GB和我都喜欢菊花茶。

    GB And I like chrysanthemum tea .

  4. 简介了PET热灌装菊花茶饮料的工艺流程,详细说明了PET热灌装菊花茶饮料品质的过程控制措施和管理要求;

    The technological flow of hot-filled chrysanthemum beverage in PET bottles is briefly introduced . The process control measures and requirements for its quality are described in detail .

  5. 并通过饮料发酸或饮料变浑浊(透过率97%)的原因分析来说明其控制要点;从而为PET热灌装菊花茶饮料的品质控制提供了较有借鉴意义的一手资料。

    The control points are pointed out based upon the analysis of the reasons for acidifying and getting cloudy ( permeability < 97 % ) of the beverage , with a view of providing useful references for its quality control .

  6. 结果表明:海带汁提取时加入10倍的水、柠檬酸用量为0.5%、常压煮沸30min,以菊花茶除腥,按苹果汁:海带汁7:3配合,制成的复合饮料风味较好。

    The result showed the optimal flavor compound beverage as the following : the weight of the water is decuple as much as kelp , dosage of citric acid is 0.5 % , seethe for 30 min , using chrysanthemum tea , apple juice to kelp extract of 7:3 .

  7. 我们这有清茶、菊花茶、八宝茶。

    We have green tea , chrysanthemurn tea eight treasures tea .

  8. 现在就让我们一起慢慢地品味菊花茶。

    Now let 's take our time to savor the chrysanthemum tea .

  9. 试着在菊花茶中加入小量的蜂蜜。

    Try drizzling a small amount of honey in your chamomile tea .

  10. 菊花茶和薄荷茶总是很好的选择。

    Chamomile and mint tea are always good options .

  11. 还可适当喝些清凉饮料,如酸梅汤、菊花茶等。

    Drink soft drinks can also be appropriate , such as chrysanthemum tea .

  12. 你还得试试甘美的菊花茶,也是本地特产哦。

    Also try the delectable chrysanthemum tea that is a specialty of the region .

  13. 她喜欢什么茶?凉茶乌龙菊花茶?

    What kind of tea does she like ? Herbal ? oolong ? chamomille ?

  14. 菊花茶也是非常健康的一款饮品,对女性好处颇多。

    Chamomile tea is a healthy drink option as well , especially for women 's health .

  15. 银杏叶菊花茶的研制

    The folium gingko-chrysanthemum tea develops

  16. 枸杞茶、菊花茶、决明子茶和杜仲茶也有相同功效。

    Chinese wolfberry tea , chrysanthemum tea , cassia seed tea and Eucommia Tea have the same effect .

  17. 玫瑰花茶里加冰糖,红茶里放红糖,菊花茶里加甘草片。

    Put crystal sugar in rose tea , brown sugar in black tea , liquorice slice in chrysanthemum tea .

  18. 同时菊花茶香气浓郁清新,有助于放松和缓解头疼。

    Meanwhile , the chrysanthemum tea is rich in aroma and refreshing , which also helps to relax and relieve headache .

  19. 据《中国日报》表示,无论是热饮还是冷饮,菊花茶都能有效降低体温。

    Whether it 's hot or cold , chrysanthemum tea is served to lower body temperature , according to China Daily .

  20. 我们有红茶、绿茶、乌龙茶、普洱茶和菊花茶,请问喜欢哪一种?

    We serve black tea , green tea , Oolong tea , Puer tea and chrysanthemum tea . Which do you prefer ?

  21. 脑力工作者或者是整天勤奋学习的学生应该多喝菊花茶;

    People who use their " brain " to work or students who study hard day and night & should drink more Chrysanthemum .

  22. 菊花茶相较于普通的茶饮,这款草本饮料咖啡因含量很低,同时还有着凝神的功效。

    Chamomile Tea This herbal drink lacks the caffeine found in traditional teas , and it has a calming effect on the body .

  23. 可以试试泡菊花茶喝,菊花茶是最好的清凉茶。或者说也可以每天泡杯绿茶喝喝。

    Try switching to chamomile , which is the best herbal tea , or you can have one cup of green tea a day .

  24. 叨教您喜好喝哪种茶,我们备有红茶,绿茶,普洱,菊花茶和铁观音。

    What kind of teas would you like ? We have brown tea , green tea , puer tea , jasmine tea and oolong tea .

  25. 如果吃特别油的粽子,如鲜肉、火腿、香肠等,相配的茶有普洱茶、菊花茶。

    If you eat the rice dumplings in particular oil , such as fresh meat , ham , sausages , tea with matching tea , chrysanthemum tea .

  26. 茶:计算机对视力危害很大,经常操作计算机的人应多饮些,明目抗辐射的饮料,如枸杞茶、菊花茶、绿茶。

    Tea : computer vision enormous harm , often operating computers people should drink more , Mingmu anti-radiation beverages , such as medlar tea , chrysanthemum tea and green tea .

  27. 在所有的种类中,白菊可以用来泡制一种饮料,叫做菊花茶。有时也会在茶叶中加入一些菊花,用以混合一下茶的味道。

    Among all breeds , the white chrysanthemum can be made into a drink called chrysanthemum tea , while sometimes tea leaves are added so as to blend the flavor .

  28. 吃这种甜腻的食物最好是就着一杯中国茶,特别是茉莉花茶或是菊花茶,这样可以有助于消化。

    The best way to wash down one of these sticky cakes is with a cup of Chinese tea , especially Jasmine or Chrysanthemum tea , which aids the digestion .

  29. 静静地呆在室中,独享那份少有的宁静和那份独处的内涵,泡上一杯平时爱喝的菊花茶,淡淡的清香怡人心田。

    To stay quiet room , exclusive share of share of the few quiet and solitude of the content of Paoshang drinkers usually a cup of chrysanthemum tea and a touch of fragrance and pleasant Xintian .

  30. 菊花型清香苦荞茶的研制

    Study on Processing of the Faint Chrysanthemum Perfume Bitter-buckwheat Tea