
  1. 通过分析比较信用证下票据基础关系、票据行为及票据权利的特殊性,阐述以一般票据规则约束信用证下汇票所带来的法律后果及在实践中产生的种种问题。

    Then through the analysis and comparison of various aspects of draft , this paper presents the adverse legal effect common negotiable instruments rules have on bill of exchange used according to letter of credit arrangement .

  2. 票据行为具有抽象性,票据关系与票据的基础关系相分离。

    Bill 's behaviour has abstraction . Bill 's relationship is separated from basic relationship .

  3. 但票据法同时应考虑票据行为人的利益,赋予票据债务人以基础关系对与其有直接债权债务关系的持票人的抗辩权,从而票据行为的抽象性只具有相对意义。

    The Law of Bill should also consider the benefit of party involved , endue the creditor of bill with basic relationship and endue the holder counterplea . Therefore , the abstraction of bill 's behaviour only has relative meaning .

  4. 坚决贯彻票据的无因性,澄清一些法律条文的模糊规定,进而把票据关系与票据基础关系分开。

    The non-reasonability of bills should be implemented and some ambiguous regulations should be made clear in order to separate bill relation from basic bill relation .

  5. 第二部分为票据无因性概述,该部分从两个方面介绍了票据无因性,一方面是票据无因性的内涵及表现形式,另一方面是票据关系与票据基础关系。

    The second part is an overview of bills without cause , the part of the bills introduced in two ways without cause , one is not because of the connotation of bills and forms , on the other hand is a instrument basis and the relationship between notes .