
  • 网络signature
  1. 后手是指在票据签章人之后签章的其他票据债务人。

    A subsequent party means a person liable for an instrument who puts his signature thereto after it is signed by another .

  2. 其他票据债务人在票据上签章的,按照票据所记载的事项承担票据责任。

    Other debtors endorsing the instrument shall bear liability for the instrument according to the items specified therein .

  3. 票据上有伪造、变造的签章的,不影响票据上其他真实签章的效力。

    A forged or altered signature on a negotiable instrument shall not affect the effect of other true signatures thereon .

  4. 第五条票据当事人可以委托其代理人在票据上签章,并应当在票据上表明其代理关系。

    Article 5 A party to a negotiable instrument may authorize his agent to sign the instrument and the agency relationship shall be indicated thereon .