- 名Bill rights;right of bill

In defense to people , there are defense to the reason , defects of act and the right of bill .
Research on the Special Systems of the Rights on Negotiable Instruments
A Research on Legal System of Chinese-foreign Rights of Instruments
The second version is the remains of the rights of bills ;
How to Transfer Bill Rights by Endorsing
This paper discusses the Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights by use of nomology and comparative jurisprudence .
However , the holder 's rights to the instrument shall not exceed those of his prior parties thereto .
In this case the loser should take immediate remedial measures in order to retrieve his right concerning the bill .
Once we solve the security problems of the note right , the blank bill can be accepted by the law .
The third part of this paper concerns the comparing analysis on Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights and that of Chattel .
The right of instalments is an important kind of civil and commercial right , and emerges accompanying the development of commercial economy .
Boon Fide acquisition of instrumental rights aims at solving the conflict between the former owner of instrumental rights and final holder ` s.
Discuss-ion about the Constitutive Requirements of the Insider Trading A Study on Some Issue About Constitutive Requirements of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights
As the endorsee is not recorded in the blank endorsement , the bearer is considered as the person in power of the bill .
As securities-based obligatory right , the right of instrument puts much focus upon transferability and security compared with average rights in civil law .
Therefore , disputes over the right on a negotiable instrument require to be resolved quickly in order to make a negotiable instrument current .
That will bring the loss of the right of the right of the original obligee to affirm the innocent gaining system in law .
It differs from the voucher right in its characters , the condition in which it comes into being and the actual use of it .
Furthermore , there are different regulations for the way , the date and the requisites of the instrument behaviors , which also can result in the conflict .
The said system is a very special arrangement in the Bill Act , to ensure the Bill negotiability and the legal social value of justice and economic benefit .
Meanwhile , since the invalidating judgment cancels the right of the negotiable instrument from its original entity ; it triggers the legal conflicts between the invalidating judgment and the bona fide assignees .
Indorsement is fundamental way that the rights of all kinds of active securities transfer , and the uninterrupted series of indorsement is the most important factor which decides the bill rights of holders .
The second part of this paper is named as " Concrete System of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights ," including " ingredients " and " legal consequence " of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights .
Even if it needs time to accept the check , check belongs to new debt liquidation . If the check cannot be accepted , the insurers own the option to achieve the right of the bill or right of the contract .
The pawnee has bill rights completely , but to exercise this rights is limited to some degree . If the condition has reached , the pawnee may exercise the rights of claim for payment and the right of recourse , or re-endorse the bill for transfer .
The right on a negotiable instrument as used in this Law means the right of a holder to demand from the person liable for the negotiable instrument payment of the sum payable by the instrument , including the right of claim for payment and the right of recourse .
On Pledge of Atypical Rights The Duality of Bill Pledge
Bill is the carrier of bill rights .
Bill is the carrier of the holder 's right , and loss of bill means that the holder loses the material basis of exercising the right .
Can in the suitable argumentation that make with good intention , expound from note , bill of lading right creditor 's rights law situation can suitable to apply with good intention makinged to have take place too .