
piào jù quán lì
  • Bill rights;right of bill
  1. 对人抗辩主要有票据原因的抗辩、票据行为瑕疵的抗辩、票据权利瑕疵的抗辩。

    In defense to people , there are defense to the reason , defects of act and the right of bill .

  2. 票据权利特殊制度研究

    Research on the Special Systems of the Rights on Negotiable Instruments

  3. 中外票据权利法律制度研究

    A Research on Legal System of Chinese-foreign Rights of Instruments

  4. 二是票据权利残留物说;

    The second version is the remains of the rights of bills ;

  5. 论票据权利的背书转让

    How to Transfer Bill Rights by Endorsing

  6. 论善意取得制度本文系一篇从法理学和比较法学的角度对票据权利善意取得制度进行研究的文章。

    This paper discusses the Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights by use of nomology and comparative jurisprudence .

  7. 但是,所享有的票据权利不得优于其前手的权利。

    However , the holder 's rights to the instrument shall not exceed those of his prior parties thereto .

  8. 失票人必须及时依法采取有效的救济措施,才能使票据权利最终得以实现。

    In this case the loser should take immediate remedial measures in order to retrieve his right concerning the bill .

  9. 一旦票据权利的安全性问题得以解决,空白票据便可以被法律所接受。

    Once we solve the security problems of the note right , the blank bill can be accepted by the law .

  10. 票据权利善意取得与动产善意取得之辨析是本文的第三部分。

    The third part of this paper concerns the comparing analysis on Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights and that of Chattel .

  11. 票据权利是一种重要的民商事权利,这种权利随着商品经济的发展而产生。

    The right of instalments is an important kind of civil and commercial right , and emerges accompanying the development of commercial economy .

  12. 票据权利的善意取得制度在于化解原票据权利人与最后善意持票人之间的冲突。

    Boon Fide acquisition of instrumental rights aims at solving the conflict between the former owner of instrumental rights and final holder ` s.

  13. 内幕交易的构成要件浅析关于票据权利善意取得构成要件若干问题探讨

    Discuss-ion about the Constitutive Requirements of the Insider Trading A Study on Some Issue About Constitutive Requirements of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights

  14. 空白背书不记载被背书人,以持票人为票据权利人。

    As the endorsee is not recorded in the blank endorsement , the bearer is considered as the person in power of the bill .

  15. 票据权利是一种证券性债权,与民法上的一般债权相比,更强调权利的可转让性和交易安全,因而善意取得制度在票据法领域具有更大的适用空间。

    As securities-based obligatory right , the right of instrument puts much focus upon transferability and security compared with average rights in civil law .

  16. 因此,票据权利纠纷客观上要求得到迅捷的审判,以便票据流通性得以实现。

    Therefore , disputes over the right on a negotiable instrument require to be resolved quickly in order to make a negotiable instrument current .

  17. 但在法律上确认票据权利的善意取得制度会带来原权利人对于票据权利的损失。

    That will bring the loss of the right of the right of the original obligee to affirm the innocent gaining system in law .

  18. 它在性质、成立条件、行使等方面均有不同于票据权利的特征。

    It differs from the voucher right in its characters , the condition in which it comes into being and the actual use of it .

  19. 此外,不同国家对于票据权利行使与保全的方式、期限、要件等也有不同的规定,当事人为行使或保全票据权利而实施的行为,也可能产生法律冲突问题。

    Furthermore , there are different regulations for the way , the date and the requisites of the instrument behaviors , which also can result in the conflict .

  20. 票据权利善意取得制度就是为了保障票据的流通性,实现法的社会公正价值和法的经济效益价值而做的一项特殊制度设计。

    The said system is a very special arrangement in the Bill Act , to ensure the Bill negotiability and the legal social value of justice and economic benefit .

  21. 同时由于除权判决将票据权利从原票据实体中去除,引发了其与票据善意受让人之间的法律冲突。

    Meanwhile , since the invalidating judgment cancels the right of the negotiable instrument from its original entity ; it triggers the legal conflicts between the invalidating judgment and the bona fide assignees .

  22. 背书是一切有价证券权利转让的重要方式,而背书的连续性是影响票据权利人的票据权利的重要因素。

    Indorsement is fundamental way that the rights of all kinds of active securities transfer , and the uninterrupted series of indorsement is the most important factor which decides the bill rights of holders .

  23. 文章第二部分为票据权利善意取得具体制度,包括票据权利善意取得的构成要件和法律后果两部分。

    The second part of this paper is named as " Concrete System of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights ," including " ingredients " and " legal consequence " of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights .

  24. 但是,支票交付属于新债清偿,如果支票不获兑现,保险人可以选择主张票据权利或合同权利。

    Even if it needs time to accept the check , check belongs to new debt liquidation . If the check cannot be accepted , the insurers own the option to achieve the right of the bill or right of the contract .

  25. 质权人享有完整的票据权利,但其票据权利的行使受到一定限制,在条件具备时,可以行使付款请求权和追索权,也可以再背书转让。

    The pawnee has bill rights completely , but to exercise this rights is limited to some degree . If the condition has reached , the pawnee may exercise the rights of claim for payment and the right of recourse , or re-endorse the bill for transfer .

  26. 本法所称票据权利,是指持票人向票据债务人请求支付票据金额的权利,包括付款请求权和追索权。

    The right on a negotiable instrument as used in this Law means the right of a holder to demand from the person liable for the negotiable instrument payment of the sum payable by the instrument , including the right of claim for payment and the right of recourse .

  27. 论票据质押的权利担保与物的担保的二元性

    On Pledge of Atypical Rights The Duality of Bill Pledge

  28. 票据是票据权利的载体。

    Bill is the carrier of bill rights .

  29. 票据是票据权利的载体,票据丧失,持票人就失去了行使票据权利的物质依据。

    Bill is the carrier of the holder 's right , and loss of bill means that the holder loses the material basis of exercising the right .

  30. 从票据、提单权利可以适用善意取得的论述中,阐明了债权法中也有可以适用善意取得的情形发生。

    Can in the suitable argumentation that make with good intention , expound from note , bill of lading right creditor 's rights law situation can suitable to apply with good intention makinged to have take place too .