
piào jù ɡuān xì
  • bill relation
  1. 论票据关系论警察与媒体的通融

    The Relation of Negotiable Instruments On the Harmonious Relationship Between Police and Media

  2. 论票据关系

    The Relation of Negotiable Instruments

  3. 它们因信用证的规定和银行惯例而与开证行和受益人产生各种性质不同的关系,包括代理、合同和票据关系。

    Generally speaking the parties of a letter of credit also include intermediary banks , their relations with the issuing bank and beneficiary are different between each other .

  4. 本题中,票据原因关系只存在于A公司与B公司之间,G公司的付款请求不得拒绝。

    In this case , the reason relations only between Company A and B , Company G 's payment requests shall not be refused .

  5. 通过分析比较信用证下票据基础关系、票据行为及票据权利的特殊性,阐述以一般票据规则约束信用证下汇票所带来的法律后果及在实践中产生的种种问题。

    Then through the analysis and comparison of various aspects of draft , this paper presents the adverse legal effect common negotiable instruments rules have on bill of exchange used according to letter of credit arrangement .

  6. 票据伪造法律关系研究

    Research on Legal Relation of False Signature

  7. 本文结合一起案例,从实证法的角度谈出票行为无效和票据无效的关系问题。

    Using a case , this paper analyzes problems related to invalid billing and invalid bills .

  8. 其中票据利益返还关系的内容是本文的核心,即票据利益返还请求权。

    Return of the content of the bill interest relationship is this article core , namely bill interests return claim .

  9. 持票人与付款人、被追索人之间这种请求返还应当返还的权利义务关系即为票据利益返还关系。

    The bearer of recourse with the drawee , between this request refund shall return the relationship between rights and duties for bills that interest return relationship .

  10. 文章从票据利益返还关系入手,主要围绕票据利益返还关系的主体、客体和内容进行了阐述。

    Taking notes interests as the research object , return relationship around bills interests return relationship mainly of the subject , object and content is discussed in this paper .

  11. 在此基础上,突出了本文的写作重点,即票据利益返还关系的内容&票据利益返还请求权。

    On this basis , the paper highlights the key , namely the writing of the content of the relationship between bill interests - bill return return claim benefits .

  12. 该文还分析了票据贴现的法律关系特征。

    The paper also analyzed the characteristics of legal relation of bill discount .

  13. 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项-关系人;

    Long-term notes and accounts payables due within one year or one operating cycle to related parties-current portion ;

  14. 本文就这一现象展开研究,来探讨货币供应量和外汇储备、国内信贷及央行票据余额之间的关系。

    In this paper , it is aimed to explore the relationship between the money supply , foreign exchange reserves , domestic credit and central bank bills on this phenomenon .

  15. 票据行为具有抽象性,票据关系与票据的基础关系相分离。

    Bill 's behaviour has abstraction . Bill 's relationship is separated from basic relationship .

  16. 票据犯罪结果,主要是指票据犯罪行为对票据法律关系的破坏所造成的社会财产损失。

    The outcome of instrument crime refers to the loss of social property as a result of destroying the legal relation of instruments by instrument crime .

  17. 票据质押是不是一种票据行为,这是理顺票据质押内部关系的关键,定性不同就会引起法律效力和质权实现途径的差异。

    Whether the bill hypothecation is bill act is the key to make clear the inner relation of the bill hypothecation .

  18. 因此,票据无因性产生的重要法律效果是:一旦票据的原因关系无效或撤销,票据关系仍可存续。

    Therefore , the note for no reason to produce the important legal effect is : once the negotiable instrument a causative relationship is invalid or revoked , Negotiable instrument relationship may survive .

  19. 但票据法同时应考虑票据行为人的利益,赋予票据债务人以基础关系对与其有直接债权债务关系的持票人的抗辩权,从而票据行为的抽象性只具有相对意义。

    The Law of Bill should also consider the benefit of party involved , endue the creditor of bill with basic relationship and endue the holder counterplea . Therefore , the abstraction of bill 's behaviour only has relative meaning .

  20. 坚决贯彻票据的无因性,澄清一些法律条文的模糊规定,进而把票据关系与票据基础关系分开。

    The non-reasonability of bills should be implemented and some ambiguous regulations should be made clear in order to separate bill relation from basic bill relation .

  21. 票据伪造和票据变造,会给票据的持票人、付款人以及伪造、变造票据的行为人带来相应的法律后果,使该票据关系的相关主体承担极大的风险。

    Forgery and alternation of bills are two kind of typical negotiable instruments flaws . Forgery and alternation of bills brings about not only corresponding legal aftereffect to the bearer , payer and wrongdoer , but also great risks to the relevant subjects .

  22. 第二部分为票据无因性概述,该部分从两个方面介绍了票据无因性,一方面是票据无因性的内涵及表现形式,另一方面是票据关系与票据基础关系。

    The second part is an overview of bills without cause , the part of the bills introduced in two ways without cause , one is not because of the connotation of bills and forms , on the other hand is a instrument basis and the relationship between notes .