
  • 网络negotiable instruments agency
  1. 论票据代理

    Financing Commissioner ON THE AGENCY FOR BILLS OF EXCHANGE

  2. 第二部分分析了票据代理与一般民事代理的关系,以突出票据代理不同于一般民事代理的特殊性,从而表明了研究票据代理的必要性。

    The second part talks about the differences of agency systems between general civil agency and negotiable instrument agency to show the importance to study negotiable instrument agency .

  3. 论我国票据越权代理的责任制度重构

    Reconstruction of Responsibility System of Agency Beyond the Scope of Bill Principal 's Power in China

  4. 一起票据纠纷案代理引发的法律思考

    Legal Reflection on An Agent of A Bill Dispute Case

  5. 以物权行为、票据行为及代理权授予行为的无因性理论为其典型表现形式。

    With right behavior , bill behavior and authority conferred as the theory of abstraction typical forms .

  6. 首先,对于直接相对人而言,票据表见代理成立后,其既可以向被代理人主张权利,也可以要求无权代理人承担责任。

    First , the direct counterpart , after the establishment of bill apparent agency , has the right to claim bill rights from both the principal and the unauthorized agent .

  7. 票据表见代理的理论基础为权利外观理论,其为善意第三人信赖利益的保护提供了正当性基础。

    The theoretical foundation of bill apparent agency is the right appearance theory which provides legitimacy foundation for the good protection of the reliance interest of the bona fides third party .

  8. 本文采用区别说的分析方法,连同直接相对人是否构成表见代理以及第三取得人善意与否一起考虑,来分析票据表见代理第三人范围问题。

    This paper adopts distinguishing theory method of analysis , in consideration of whether the direct counterpart constitutes bill apparent agency and the third party in good faith or not , to analyze the scope of the bona fide third party of bill apparent agency .

  9. 我国《票据法》有关票据代理制度的规定仅见于该法第5条和第7条,且内容笼统,不具可操作性。

    Agency of Acts on Negotiable Instrument is the one of them . The regulation about this system is only seen in article 5 and 7 in the Law of the People 's Republic of China on Negotiable Instruments .

  10. 第五条票据当事人可以委托其代理人在票据上签章,并应当在票据上表明其代理关系。

    Article 5 A party to a negotiable instrument may authorize his agent to sign the instrument and the agency relationship shall be indicated thereon .