
  1. 办理票据质押贷款被骗责任由谁承担

    Who Shall Undertake the Responsibility of Cheats at Handling Bills Loans

  2. 票据质押的要件新论

    A New Study on the Requirements of the Negotiable Instruments Pledge

  3. 论票据质押的权利担保与物的担保的二元性

    On Pledge of Atypical Rights The Duality of Bill Pledge

  4. 票据质押的法律效力及其实现形式

    On the Legal Effect and Realization Form of Bill Pledge

  5. 文章的第一部分票据质押之概述主要讨论了票据质押的一般理论问题。

    Part One gives a general introduction of bill pledge .

  6. 关于票据质押的法律思考

    On The Legal Thinking About Pledge Of Bill

  7. 论票据质押的法律效力

    The Legal Validity of Mortgage of Commercial Instruments

  8. 但有几个问题值得研究。1、关于票据质押背书应当以何种形式进行的问题。

    But these question needs to be discussed : the form of the transfer endorsement ;

  9. 票据质押设定程序简单,担保力强,是理想的质押方式。

    Because ofthe simple setting-up procedure and strong guarantee ability , bill pledge is an idealguarantee form .

  10. 作者认为,票据质押不是票据行为;

    In writer 's opinion , pledge of negotiable instrument isn 't an act on commercial instrument .

  11. 第一章介绍我国票据质押法律规则及其内在冲突。

    The chapter I contains the pledge rules of bills in laws of china and the conflict between them .

  12. 票据质押是不是一种票据行为,这是理顺票据质押内部关系的关键,定性不同就会引起法律效力和质权实现途径的差异。

    Whether the bill hypothecation is bill act is the key to make clear the inner relation of the bill hypothecation .

  13. 票据质押作为一种权利质押形式,由于其强流通性、高安全性而在实务中倍受青睐。

    Bill hypothecation as a form of pledge is very popular in practice because of its character of circulation and security .

  14. 票据质押必须经设质背书、载有“质押”字样才能有效成立。

    Bill pledge is effective on condition that the bill is created an endorsement of pledge first with the word " pledge " on the bill .

  15. 由于票据质押具有较强的流动性以及较高的安全性,近年来被人们逐渐接受并广泛适用,已经逐渐成为商业流通领域、银行信贷业务中常见的一种担保方式。

    Bill pledge has strong liquidity and high security . In recent years it had been gradually accepted and widely applicable and gradually become the commercial circulation of bank credit as a guarantee .

  16. 这章介绍了票据质押的发展历史和基本法律属性,具体分析了我国票据质押法律规则存在冲突的具体冲突表现,提出了本文需要解决的问题票据质押法律规则冲突的调整。

    This chapter provides the history and basic legal nature of bill pledge , the detail analysis of the conflicts between articles about bill pledge and the issue how to adjust the conflict .

  17. 介绍了票据质押作为一种特殊的权利质押的重要特征,指出了票据质押作为间接保障交易安全促进市场繁荣的重要工具的功能。

    Based on the character of the bill hypothecation , the author thinks the bill hypothecation functions as an important role as the relative protection of the deal security and the promotion of the market .

  18. 其次是对票据质押是否属于票据行为,票据质押行为的特殊性,以及票据质押与一般债权质押的区别分别做出讨论。

    Second , the author discusses whether the bill hypothecation belongs to bill act , the special character of the bill hypothecation , and the difference between the bill hypothecation and the pledge of obligation .

  19. 质押背书是设立票据质押的必要条件,其目的是为特定的债务履行设立担保,以保证债权人实现债权。

    The pledge of endorsement is necessary to set up a bill pledge , its purpose is to fulfill the creation of security for a particular debt to ensure that the creditors to achieve debt .

  20. 本文将票据质押法律问题研究分为两个层次,其中票据质押的法律属性、票据质押的设立与效力研究为第一层次,票据质押其它法律问题研究为第二层次。

    This thesis divided the basic legal problems of bill pledge into two aspects , and the first aspect includes the essence 、 definition 、 character 、 effect of bill pledge , the other basic problems belong to the second aspect .

  21. 阐明票据质押的概念,确定了票据质押是一种权利质押形式,以及票据作为权利质权的标的所应具有的属性和票据设质的现实意义。

    Making clear the concept , the author thinks the bill hypothecation is a pledge of right , the character that the bill as the object of the right pledge should has , and the practical significance of the bill hypothecation .

  22. 第三,不得转让的票据的质押和票据部分金额质押的问题。

    Third , the author discusses the problem of the hypothecation of non-transfer bill and partial hypothecation of bill ;

  23. 我们可以从理解票据质权人行使票据权利的性质入手,突破理论陈规,以票据质押构成要件的二元构造论解析了质押背书的性质。

    We analyses characteristics of endorsement of pledge based on dualistic requirement .

  24. 所谓票据融资,主要是指票据当事人以票据贴现、票据转让以及票据质押的方式调度资金、融通资金。

    The so-called bill financing mainly refers to the instrument parties mobilizing and circulating funds by means of bill discount , bill transference and bill pledge .

  25. 质押背书作为一种特殊形式的票据背书方式,以设立担保为目的,是成立票据法意义上的票据质押的必备要件。

    As a special model of bill endorsement , with the purpose of setting up hypothecation , bill pledge Endorsement is the prerequisite of bill pledge in the sense of setting up Law of Bill .