
piào jù bǎo zhènɡ
  • Bill guarantee;negotiable instruments guarantee
  1. 论票据保证人的援用抗辩权

    The counterargument right of adduction of the negotiable instruments guarantor

  2. 由一则案例引发的关于票据保证人责任的思考

    Thoughts on the Guarantor 's Liability Indicated by a Case

  3. 第三部分主要分析了票据保证的法律性质。

    Notes that the second part of a major analysis of the elements .

  4. 论票据保证的特征与效力

    On Characters and Effectiveness of Guarantee of Bills

  5. 票据保证责任的法律分析

    A Legal Analysis on the Note Guarantee Responsibility

  6. 从其含义中可以看出,票据保证兼具了保证行为和票据行为的特征。

    From its meaning , we can see that bill guaranty carries double characteristics from guarantee and bill behavior .

  7. 票据保证作为一种保证行为,与民法上的保证制度有着许多相通之处。

    Bill guarantee as a guarantee act , has many things in common with the guarantee of civil law system .

  8. 第六十一条票据保证无效的,票据的保证人应当承担与其过错相应的民事责任。

    Article61if the guaranty of negotiable instruments is ineffective , the guarantor of the bill shall bear relevant civil liabilities according to its fault .

  9. 隐存保证背书能够克服票据保证之不足,有利于保障支票债权的实现,规避票据保证对保证人主体资格的不合理限制。

    The so-called hidden guaranty endorsement is , guarantor does not indicate " guaranty " model of written characters on the bill , and achieves the pledge purpose by the method of transferable endorsement .

  10. 关于票据保证的法律性质,学界尚无统一认识,希望能够在此文中通过这一方法达到预期研究目的。

    As to law nature of bill guaranty , there is no confirmed understanding from the academic world up to now . Sincerely hoping that through this way , I can achieve our expected study goal .

  11. 有关票据保证独立性和从属性的相关论述颇多,本章着重加强了关于票据保证相对坚持无因性的考察,先对有关无因性的几种学说进行阐述,然后再进行比较分析得出结论。

    There are a lot of descriptions about guarantee independence and subordination . This paper focuses on the inspection of bill guarantee relative persistence without reason , first elaborating several doctrines without reason and then concluding through comparative analysis .

  12. 文中全面分析了票据保证和民法保证的区别,票据保证成立的条件和票据保证人的责任范围,并指出了我国相关法律的不足。

    This paper presents an overall analysis on the distinction of bill guarantee and civil law guarantee , the premise for bill guarantee and the responsibility range of bill guarantor , and points out the shortcomings of China 's related laws .

  13. 但二者却也存在很大的不同,这在正文中会详细展开。此外,对于票据保证人责任与权利特殊性的论述,笔者选择以责任与权利的性质为切入点。

    However , they are also very different . That will be detailed in the main body of the paper . Further , about the exposition on the particularity of responsibility and rights of guarantor , the author chooses the nature of the right and responsibility to start .

  14. 为此,只有加强票据法的学习宣传,强力推进票据抗辩限制制度,完善我国票据立法,才能保证票据的安全流通。

    Thus , we must strengthen the publicity of the law for bill of exchange , develop the counterplea limitation system and perfect the legislation of bill of exchange to ensure the circulation security of bills .

  15. 因此,票据法的宗旨是保障票据安全而高效的流通,其各项制度就是依此来设计的,如票据权利的短时效、票据的无因性、票据抗辩的切断、票据保证等。

    So every regulation in the negotiable instrument law is designed to ensure that the note can be circulated safely and high-efficiently . Many systems of the negotiable instrument , such as short limitation of the negotiable instrument , guarantee of the note , are established based on this tenet .