
  • 网络Press Kit
  1. 周五,Coulson因为批准向警察行贿160000美元现金来换取新闻资料而被捕。

    Coulson was arrested Friday over fresh allegations he authorized cash payments of around $ 160000 to police stories .

  2. 其他指控包括向警察行贿获取新闻资料。

    Other accusations include paying police for information on stories .

  3. 而搜索网站可以带领读者,从广告直接跳到了拥有第一手新闻资料的网站。

    And aggregators drive readers , hence advertising , to original-news websites .

  4. 浅谈网络环境下新闻资料的分类

    Talking about the Classification of the News Information under the Network Environment

  5. 关于新闻资料分类标准化的几点思考

    Thoughts on Classification Standardization of News Materials STATISTICAL DATA

  6. 谈新闻资料的搜集与整理

    On Collection and Sorting out the Press Data

  7. 本文谈了作者从事新闻资料工作的一些体会。

    Abstract In this paper the author presents some experiences in the press data work .

  8. 新闻资料室〔政府新闻处〕房产新政消费篇我们到底需要多大面积的住房?

    Press library [ Information Services Department ] We really need new premises consumption articles size of housing ?

  9. A:凯西,新闻资料袋的照片准备得怎么样了?

    A : So , Casey , how are things going with the photos for the press kit ?

  10. 联合国正常出版物的特别版本和其它新闻资料是新闻宣传的组成部分。

    Special editions of normal United Nations publications and other information materials are part of the public information campaign .

  11. 本文讨论了概率模型的新闻资料全文检索及排序算法。作者提出了全文检索最佳排序原则。

    A probabilistic-based news full-text retrieval and ranking algorithm is discussed and the probability ranking principle for full-text is proposed .

  12. 透过新闻资料对上海流动人口犯罪特征及原因进行具体分析,可以看出上海流动人口犯罪表现出了犯罪的一些共性,也反映了上海城市犯罪的一些个性特征:侵财型犯罪比重大;

    This article analyzed the characters and reasons of the crime committed by the floating population in Shanghai through the news datum .

  13. 例如,使用互联网的乐趣在于它帮你获得大量国外新闻资料。

    For example , one of the joys of the web is that it grants you access to an array of foreign news sources .

  14. 每年的一月是出生缺陷预防月,这项新闻资料显示出生缺陷对于家庭和我们国家的影响。

    " January is Birth Defects Prevention Month and these new data show the impact of birth defects on families and our nation ," says Dr.

  15. 从新闻资料生产、微生产、评论生产与制度生产四个方面分别考察电视社会新闻生产中的各个影响因素,以及新闻生产与社会控制之间的关系。

    From the production of news information , micro-production , review production system to produce four aspects were investigated the TV social news production of various factors .

  16. 本文根据大型新闻资料计算机检索系统对中文检索语言的具体要求,对中文叙词表结构进行了分析,并以抽象代数为工具进行推导,给出了一种叙词表结构的形式化的描述方式。

    The structure of Chinese thesauruses of a large Chinese information retrieval computer system is analyzed and a kind of formal description is presented through strictly inferring by using abstract algebra .

  17. 阐述了新闻资料数字化的意义、作用、趋势及其效益,探讨了电子文献与纸质文献之间的关系,指出电子文献与纸质文献将长期并存。

    This paper expounds the significance , functions , trends and benefits of the news information digitalization , probes into the relation between the electronic literature and the paper literature , and points out that the electronic literature and paper literature will co-exist for a long time .

  18. 核武扩散相关新闻和资料,卡内基国际和平基金会。

    Proliferation News and Resources . Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .

  19. 电影包括一些新近发现的战争新闻片资料。

    The movie contains some recently discovered newsreel footage of the war .

  20. 维基新闻的资料室,这里提供了许多知名的新闻源。

    Wikinews reference desk , providing links to many reputable news sources .

  21. 网络环境下新闻图书资料建设的思考

    The Construction of Journalism Book Corpus in the Network Background

  22. 最后,该研究力求能够对新闻史资料进行充实和完善。

    Last but not least , this study also is expected to enrich the document of the Chinese news history .

  23. 第十章通过辑录时事小说所涉及的新闻史资料、评述时事小说在信息传播中的作用来显示时事小说的新闻史价值。

    Chapter X demonstrates the value of news history of the Current Events Novels by collecting their news data and commentary their function on diffusion of news .

  24. 互联网档案馆近日整理出911当天的电视新闻报道资料。该机构总部位于加州,以记录历史为目的,搜集相关音视频及网页资料。

    The Internet Archive , a California-based organization that collects audio , moving images and Web pages for historical purposes , has put together a television news archive of that day 's coverage .

  25. 但如果你需要一个系统来显示新闻,文本资料,日历以及诸如此类的东西,CMS会更合适。

    But if you need a system to show news , text documents , calendars and the such , you should look for a CMS .

  26. 请访问AJDT网站以获得更多内容,包括demos、新特性、下载。如果你有任何问题,网站上还提供了AJDT新闻组详细资料。

    Please visit the AJDT site to find out more , including demos , new features , downloads , and details about the AJDT newsgroup if you have any questions .

  27. 人们对互联网的应用已不仅仅局限于浏览新闻、检索资料等,而是向着更深、更广泛的领域发展。

    People for Internet applications are not limited to browsing information , retrieve information , etc. , but rather toward a deeper , wider developments in the field .

  28. 每平方米是一个链接到一个对象,例如新闻文章,天气资料,或电话号码。

    Each square is a link to an object , e.g.a news article , weather information , or phone number .

  29. 本文从舆论学的视角关照时评这种特殊的新闻文体,通过资料检索、理论推演、个案分析以及综合归纳等方法,系统论述了时评舆论这种特殊的舆论存在形态。

    This article will research the review , a special news form , from the view of public opinion , and elaborate the review public opinion , the special existence of public opinion , through the method of data index , theories deduce , cases analysis etc.

  30. 外国记者会除为会员提供社交设施外,并举办各类专业活动,包括新闻业会议、新闻资料简介及放映电影。

    The Foreign Correspondents'Club offers its members social facilities and a range of professional activities , including news conferences , briefings and films .