
  • 网络News Reform;journalism reform
  1. 随着中国加入WTO和改革开放的不断深化,我国新闻改革也在不断推进。

    With China 's accession to the WTO and the continuous reforming and opening policy , Chinese Journalism reform has also been promoted .

  2. 在这十年间我国经历了新闻改革,新闻事业也获得了长足的发展。

    In this decade China has experienced journalism reform ; Journalism has achieved great development .

  3. 转变作风是新闻改革的关键。

    Changing style of work is the key to news reform .

  4. 改进经济报道是加强新闻改革的关键之一。

    Economic reports are the key to news reform .

  5. 平民化&广播新闻改革的新亮点

    Nearer to the Common People & New Shining Point of Broadcasting News Reform

  6. 为了改革和完善社会主义制度,从20世纪80年代起两个国家都进行了一系列的政治、经济体制改革,新闻改革是其中的重要组成部分。

    Since 1980s , the two countries have undertaken their journalistic reformation to perfect their socialist system .

  7. 经济报道的变革已逐渐在国内新闻改革的话语空间占据越发重要的地位。

    The transition of Economic News is more and more important in the field of journalism reform .

  8. 《有报天天读》栏目的成功对内地电视新闻改革的启示

    The Enlightenment of the Success of the " Daily Newspaper Reading " to the TV News Reform Inland

  9. 作为改革开放的产物,传播学研究与新闻改革具有历史的同步性。

    As the result of reform and open policy , mass communication studies are synchronous with the reform of journalism .

  10. 新闻改革的终极目标是促进社会的健康发展。从媒介生态功能理论的视角来看,相对完善的媒介生态系统对于社会的健康发展极为重要。

    The ultimate purpose of journalist reform is to promote social development , which requires a relatively perfect media ecosystem .

  11. 过去的20余年,中国新闻改革的原动力来自于经济体制改革。

    In the past 20 years , it is the reform of China 's economic system that has motivated its media reform .

  12. 传播技术视野下的中国新闻改革&传统媒体中的两会报道与两会博客比较

    China Journalism Reform in a Background of New Communication Technology Development & A Comparative Study on Traditional Liang-hui Reporting and Liang-hui Weblog

  13. 探讨报纸发展的国内背景和动因,我国新闻改革是在维持新闻体制基本不变的前提下,由观念的革新来带动新闻媒体的变革。

    Keeping the old news system was the premise of this newspaper reform . The reform of the idea drove the reform of the newspapers .

  14. 从这个角度观照我国近年来的新闻改革,我们认为除了实现媒介组织结构的市场化再造以求做大做强之外,还应考虑如何构建一个合理的媒介生态系统以促进社会的协调、健康发展。

    Therefore , in conducting journalist reform , it is necessary to construct a sound media ecosystem in order to promote the harmonious development of society .

  15. 随着中国新闻改革的深入,新闻专业主义正在日益成为中国新闻界和新闻传播教育界的一个重要议题。

    With the reform of journalism , journalistic professionalism has become an important topic in the press circle and education circle of journalism and communication in China .

  16. 实践证明,《南方日报》的改版模式符合中国社会的实际,是新时期党报特别是省级党报谋求新闻改革的成功探索,并给新一轮省级党报改革提供了重要启示。

    In summary , the reform of Nanfang Daily is a successful practice of the ongoing provincial party newspapers reform and it provides two basic instructive experiences .

  17. 科学发展观作为统领经济社会发展全局的重要指导方针,是引导新闻改革向纵深发展的纲领。

    The conception of scientific development , as a important guideline of the development of economy and society , is undoubtedly the guideline of the reform of journalism industry .

  18. 《北京青年报》、《中华工商时报》等新派报纸独树一帜,为九十年代新闻改革与报纸发展提供了生动的注脚。

    Some new style newspaper such as The Beijing youth and Chinese industry and commerce Times fled their own colors and provided the lively example for the newspaper reform .

  19. 改革开放以来,特别是市场经济确立后,随着新闻改革的逐步深入,我国报业的格局也发生了重大的变化。

    Since the Reform and Opening-up , especially the building-up of the Market economy , the structure of Newspaper made great change with the development of the journalistic reform .

  20. 改革开放30年,带来了社会全方位的变革。中国新闻改革是中国改革开放的一个重要组成部分。

    China society has changed comprehensively with the reform and opening policy being taken in the past 30 years , while the media reform is an important part of the all-round reform .

  21. 伴随着新闻改革的深化,新闻从业者主体意识的觉醒、民众的需要和社会承受能力的加强,这种颇具中国式微服私访文化色彩的采访方式有了很好的传播效果和市场。

    With the news reform deepening , the conscience of the news involved , public needs and social endurance strengthened , this kind of petty visit has a good spreading effect and market .

  22. 只有以中国国情作为改革的框架和背景,超越对受众的简单迎合,中国的电视新闻改革才能沿着正确的轨道不断向前发展。

    Reformation of TV news in China won 't be going forward in the correct orbit unless it is considered Chinese reality as its frame and background and abandons simply catering for the audience .

  23. 本论文集中探讨自1996年以来正在进行的新闻改革和整合,从外部的结构调整到内部的资源整合、新闻报道模式的转换。

    The eight-chapter dissertation has explored the ongoing press reform and media convergence in China since 1996 , which include its external structural adjustment , internal convergence of media resources and transformation of news reporting styles .

  24. 随着新闻改革的不断深入,同时受新闻事业发展新形势的要求、媒体部门观念变更及受众需要的推动,灾难新闻开始更多的出现在我们视野中。

    With the deep of journalism reform , along with the new challenge of the journalism , the alteration on the concept of the media department and the impulse of audience requirement , disaster news has come frequently into our horizon .

  25. 因此,本文认为新记《大公报》是沿着一条职业化的道路向前发展的,这也是它之所以获得巨大成功的主要原因,它的这些做法对我们今天的新闻改革仍然具有一定的借鉴意义。

    As a result , this essay concluded that Ta-Kung-Pao developed along the way of professionalism , which was also the main cause leading to its huge success , and from which we can still learn something useful to benefit today 's news reform .

  26. 同时,《南方日报》又以广东农业改革开放的伟大实践作为参照系,反过来促进报社自身各项事业的发展,为广东省乃至全国的新闻改革积累了宝贵的经验。

    Meanwhile , with reference to the great practice of guangdong 's reform and opening-up , Nanfang Daily accelerated its own development , and the achievements it had made became the precious experiences to the press reform of Guangdong and even the whole china .

  27. 评论是体现媒体公共性的重要文体,而都市报是中国新闻改革和媒体市场化发展中独特而典型的代表,在都市报发展转型的过程中,都市报时评兴起并整体推动了时评中兴。

    Since news commentary is an important text which reflects the publicity of media and city newspapers is a representative model of Chinese media marketing reform , the rise of news commentary in city newspapers improves the development of news commentary in the press wholly .

  28. 今天,随着新闻改革的不断深入,受新闻事业、新闻报道规律的支配以及政府支持、受众需要的推动,负面报道包括灾难新闻开始较多地出现在大众媒体的视野中。

    Today , with the development of news reform , controlled by news business and news report regulations , supported by the government and encouraged by the needs of the audience , more and more negative news coverage , including disaster news appear in the reports .

  29. 古代论辩艺术对新闻评论改革创新的借鉴意义

    Value of Learning Art of Chinese Ancient Argument to News Comments

  30. 论广州报业竞争对新闻业务改革之影响

    On the Guangzhou Newspapers Competition Impact upon Media Operation Reform