
  • 网络News structure;structure of news
  1. 本文旨在研究音调对于广播新闻结构所起的作用。

    This paper investigates the role of pitch in the organization of broadcast news discourse .

  2. 提出按事实的重要程度和传播价值的大小来安排新闻结构的基本要求。

    He claims to order news constitutions base on the importance of facts and value of communication .

  3. 从对突发事件新闻结构特点的分析出发,进行了特定领域文本分类方法的探讨。

    This paper discusses the special domain text classification method by analyzing the news structure of accident .

  4. 新闻评论结构的本质是语义的选择和生成;

    The structure of news review has the nature of semantic selection and generation .

  5. 第一章借鉴结构主义语言学的层次法分析新闻话语结构的常规范畴和程式、结构原则和特性以及它们与认知之间的关系。

    Using stratificational grammar of structuralist linguistics for reference , the first chapter analyses the conventional categories and schema , principle , character of news structure and relations between them and cognition .

  6. 道德内化图式是主体接受、过滤、筛选外部客观道德信息刺激的工具。新闻道德结构要素及主客体关系模式分析

    Moral internalization scheme is a tool the subject uses to process the moral in formational stimuli . Structural Elements of Journalistic Ethics and an Pattern Analysis of the Relationship between the Subject and Object

  7. 新闻召唤结构的营造包括结构的空白化、表达的含蓄性和意义的未定性等。

    The Ideal of the University 's Nature and It 's Practical Meaning The calling construction of news works includes blank space of construction , implication of expression , uncertainty of meaning and so on .

  8. 构建网络新闻传播结构框架,是理解网络新闻传播的复杂过程的一种有效途径,也是分析研究网络新闻传播效果的重要手段。

    Construction on the structure of online news communication is not only an effective approach to understand the complicated process of network news distribution but also an important mean to research on and analyze the effect of communication .

  9. 分类不当纠缠不清&《汉字文化含蓄性表达的两种方式》指误新闻召唤结构的营造包括结构的空白化、达的含蓄性和意义的未定性等。

    Inappropriate Classification Makes a Mess & Two Ways of Expressing Understatement in Chinese Character Culture ; The calling construction of news works includes blank space of construction , implication of expression , uncertainty of meaning and so on .

  10. 作为解释框架的新闻传播四维结构

    Four-dimentional structure of news communication as a framework of interpretation

  11. 2研究网络新闻语言文本结构。

    Research on text structure of internet news language .

  12. 文章最后认为完善农民工报道仍然是具有可能性的,新闻场的结构能力证明这种改善是有必要的。

    And the structure function of news field shows that this improvement is necessary .

  13. 论新闻纸原料结构的调整

    On the adjustment of newsprint raw material mix

  14. 基于规则的研究:新闻语篇结构类型的穷尽性探析

    A Regulation-based Study : Probing into the Exhaustiveness of News Discourse Structure and Type

  15. 试论电视新闻的文本结构特征

    On Text Characteristics of TV News

  16. 该方法利用网上新闻的特殊结构,在标题和正文间寻找重复的字串。

    Instead of large thesaurus , it uses the special structure of Internet news to find the repeated strings .

  17. 中文新闻在信息结构的主要特征为旧信息+新信息。

    For the informative features , Chinese news titles generally follow the patter : Given information + New information .

  18. 新闻评论者在结构的各个部分策略性地利用语言资源实现其交际目的。

    News editorialists often strategically utilize language resources in each part of the structure so as to realize their communicative purposes .

  19. 形式上探讨了该新闻栏目的结构和编排,符号系统的特色,明星主播和记者的特点,总结了该新闻栏目形式系统中符合受众心理需求、愉悦受众视听的规律。

    The structural features , news programming and editing , the characteristics of the anchors and journalists of the TV News Program were also analyzed .

  20. 这一部分研究了主谓式新闻标题的结构类型和句法特点;

    This part studied the structure type of the subject predicates type news title and the syntax characteristic of the subject predicate type news title ;

  21. 三网融合使得整个媒体生态发生了巨大的转变,如新闻信息源结构的重组、媒介组织结构融合、受众的数字化生存、新闻生产方式的转型等。

    The whole media environment has undergone tremendous changes for network convergence . Triple play makes the reorganization of the structure of the news and information source , media integration and organization structure transformation of the audience being digital , and so on .

  22. 因此,要在优化新闻节目整体结构上下功夫,要坚持创新与务实相结合,在办出特色上做文章,使新闻节目更加贴近生活、贴近观众。

    Therefore , much more effort should be made to optimize the whole structure of news program , adhere to combination of bringing forth new ideas and being pragmatic , pay attention to characterization , hence make the news program closer to real life and audience .

  23. 本文论述新闻编辑的知识结构。

    This article talks about news editors ' knowledge framework .

  24. 新闻英语中被动结构的功能及其涵义

    Functions and Meanings of the Passive Structure in English for News Reporting

  25. 谈假新闻与新闻系统结构缺失

    False News and Incomplete Structure of News Departments

  26. 做广泛的新闻报道;社会结构当中的深远的改变;广泛的改革。

    Had extensive press coverage ; far-reaching changes in the social structure ; sweeping reforms .

  27. 试析新闻作品的召唤结构

    On Calling Construction of News Works

  28. 论新闻理论的形式结构新闻关怀的理论建构

    On the Construction Form of Theory of Journalism The Realistic Need For Journalism Concern and Its Theory Structure

  29. 但这一理论的缺陷是,它割断了隐喻和语境的关系,抹杀了新闻报导的动态结构特征。

    However , this theory separates metaphor from the context which disintegrates the dynamic organization of news reporting .

  30. 该文根据新闻视频的特殊结构和新闻节目主持人固定的特征,采用基于人脸检测的主持人镜头识别和基于语音的主持人识别来分割新闻视频中的新闻故事。

    In the algorithm , anchorperson shot detection based on human face detection and anchorperson detection based on speech are used .