
  • 网络forms of news writing
  1. 不同的新闻体裁适用于不同的主题和话题。

    Different news outlets will be interested in different topics or aspects of a debate .

  2. 这样做可以确定你的想法,并使文章的概要符合新闻体裁的风格。

    This will help consolidate your ideas and make your outline fit the news outlet 's style .

  3. 但社论毕竟属于新闻体裁,用形象的语言完整准确如同学术语一言一样的精确表明社论的观点、立场和看法是许多社论作者孜孜以求的目标。

    But it belongs to news types , it 's the purpose of the editorial writers - that the visual language is as important as the exact to express the point view of the writer .

  4. 第五章,作者从英汉语言特点,新闻体裁的特征和认知三个方面对统计的结果进行合理的解释,找出英汉新闻语篇中主位推进模式异同的原因。

    In Chapter Five , the author attempts to interpret the existence of similarities and differences between the uses of TP patterns in English and Chinese journalistic texts from three aspects : linguistic , stylistic and cognitive .

  5. 电视系列报道是我国独特的新闻报道体裁,它具有浓郁的政治性特征,这种特征使电视系列报道具有政治说教的特点,观众无法认可和接受。

    TV series reports is a particular report form in China and is including political characters generously which make the reports have political preaching and audience do not willing to receive .

  6. 本文试图从对两则广告的分析入手,说明其在邀请信和新闻的体裁的掩盖下,实际实现的却是广告的功能,而广告也正是其交际目的所在,因此它们事实上属于广告体裁。

    This paper starts from the analysis of two advertisements : a news-looking one and an invitation-looking one and then makes it clear that disguised in the forms of news and invitation , they in fact perform the function of advertisement and thus are of print advertising genre .

  7. 英语报纸硬新闻的叙述体裁分析

    Genre Analysis of Narrating in English Newspaper Hard News

  8. 对新闻访谈进行体裁分析,使我们更好地理解采访者和被采访者如何在特定体裁的限制下选择策略,实现预定的交际目的。

    By examining the news interview with genre orientation , we can understand better how the involved participants select strategies to achieve their communicative purpose within the constraints by the genre it belongs to and why they make such choices .

  9. 英语政治新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势研究

    A Study on the Generic Structure Potential of the English Political News

  10. 英语政治新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势创造了对英语政治新闻语篇体裁进行描述的元语言。

    The generic structure potential of the English political news creates the meta-language which is used to describe the English political news as a genre .

  11. 新闻评论是新闻体裁的一种,是新闻媒介(报刊,广播,电视,网络等)的旗帜和灵魂。

    News commentary , as a genre , is the flag and soul of media ( newspapers , radio , television , Internet , etc. ) .

  12. 英汉新闻语篇中不同新闻体裁的类型是否会影响主位推进模式的选择。

    And whether different journalistic sub-styles influence the choice of TP patterns .

  13. 文章尤其着重对硬新闻和评论这两种新闻体裁进行对比分析,从功能和语域两个方面比较其相同与不同之处。

    Comparison is made on the similarities and differences between hard news and columns in terms of the metafunctions and register .

  14. 经济新闻是一种特别的新闻体裁,具有很强的专业性,现实性,服务性,指导性和实用性,其用词自有不同寻常之处。

    As a special news type , economic news is characterized by its nature of expertise , reality , service , direction and practicability and thus distinctive dictions can be found in such news .

  15. 新闻报道和新闻评论是两种主要的新闻体裁。

    Report and commentary are two important styles .

  16. 《新青年》新闻报道和新闻评论探析&兼论《新青年》在新闻述评体裁史上的地位

    A Study of News Report and News Commentary of the New Youth

  17. 简洁性作为新闻语体的特征之一,始终贯穿在新闻语篇之中,特别在消息这新闻体裁中表现为更加突出。

    The brevity , as a character of news stylistics , companies with news narration from the beginning to the end , especially in typical news style .