
  1. 客户利润贡献度评价的数据挖掘方法

    Study on method of evaluating customer profitability based on data mining

  2. 决定方法、媒介、“客户利润”的综合方案。

    Decide on our mix of methods , media ," customer benefits ", etc.

  3. 通过将数据挖掘与数字神经网络二者有效的结合起来,设计出有效的方案和算法,商业就可以利用客户利润数据中的某些变量将客户分为不同的类别。

    Businesses can use the data to divide customers into segments based on some variables of current customer profitability .

  4. 供电企业为提高自身的核心竞争力需进行电力客户利润贡献度分析。

    Power supply enterprises need to analyze the profit contribution of power customer in order to improve core competition .

  5. 为了提高客户利润贡献度评估的可操作性,本研究在评价方法中引入数据挖掘技术,给出了这一方法的步骤和基于判定树的分类模型。

    It uses the data mining technique in order to supplement the lack of the operational method in evaluation of customer profitability .

  6. 此外,产品整个使用过程中平均的客户利润贡献能力能够用来比较的客户在产品生命周期的任何阶段的利润贡献能力。

    Additionally , averaging the profitability of a customer over the life of a product allows comparisons of customers at any point in the product lifecycle .

  7. 交易额和客户利润被选作特征变量来描述客户关系水平,理论分析表明:两者均随生命周期阶段的发展而不断提升,考察期最小,形成期次小,稳定期最大。

    According to theory analysis , both transaction quantity and customer profit increase with the relationship phases and are minimum in the exploration phase , next minimum in the buildup phase but maximum in the stability phase .

  8. 同时,以客户和利润为中心的市场营销理念自始至终贯穿于MM公司半导体材料部中国的整个市场营销战略规划之中。

    Meanwhile , customer and profit focused thinking runs through whole work .

  9. 而CRM关注的正是企业最关心的问题:识别、保持和提升最佳客户的利润率。

    And what CRM pay close attention to is what businesses are interested in : distinguishing , keeping and raising the profit rate of the best customers .

  10. CLV是对客户未来利润的有效预测,因此CLV的计算是制定正确客户战略中不可或缺的一步。

    CLV can predict future margin of customer effectively , so the computation of CLV is an indispensable step in making right customer strategies .

  11. 公司的创始人和投资者并没有因为缺乏计划而烦恼。他们乐于向另一位从大学退学、创办了Facebook的马克•扎克伯格学习:先在你的网络里获取大量客户,利润自然会随后滚滚而来。

    The lack of a plan does not appear to bother Lore 's founders or investors , who seem content to learn a lesson from another university drop-out , Mark Zuckerberg , the co-founder of Facebook : achieve critical mass in your network and the profits will follow .

  12. 提出了依据客户历史利润与以往客户利润曲线案例的拟合情况来预测客户未来利润模式,进而预测CLP的拟合法。

    The fitting method is presented to forecast CLP . According to the fitting situation of the historical profits of current customer with cases of customer profit curves , it forecasts the future profit model and thereby CLP of the current customer .

  13. 对物流企业来说,客户是利润池,员工是财富,供应商是技术保障。

    For logistics enterprises , customers are the profit pool ; staffs mean the property ; suppliers grant the guarantee of technology .

  14. 全力帮助客户挖掘利润空间,精诚共享现代科技,携手迈入创新新时代,是我们倾力追求的目标!

    Effort to help customers tap the profit margins , sincere sharing of modern technology , work into a new era of innovation is our goal !

  15. 这些小目录虽然奏效,但对于我们的大多数客户来说利润率仍然太低以至于不会优先考虑用其来做推广。

    Overall , these niche directories do yield leads , but for most of our clients the ROI is still too low to be prioritized too highly .

  16. “质量第一、信誉第一、服务第一”是我们的宗旨,为用户带来实惠、为客户带来利润是我们的愿望。

    " Quality first , credibility first , service first " is our purpose to bring real benefits users and profits for their clients is our desire .

  17. 2004年花旗银行中小企业客户的利润贡献,平均占到所在国家公司银行业务利润的四分之一。

    The profit contribution of Citibank 's customers of small and medium-sized enterprises in 2004 , took up average 25 percent of the banking business profit of national company .

  18. 高价值客户作为利润贡献的重点,对企业的生存和发展具有决定性的作用,是企业资源投入的核心。

    The high value customers are the core of business resource service because they are primary contributors of enterprise profit and have crucial function on the existing and development of enterprise .

  19. 在会议室,与一个挑剔的客户就利润问题纠缠几个小时,其实并不比午后与他一起喝杯葡萄酒更糟糕。

    Wrangling over margins with a demanding client for a couple of hours in a conference room doesn 't seem so bad later in the day when you 're sipping wine together .

  20. 在一个信息技术高速发展的时代,在一个消费者需求不断变化的时代,商业银行如果不随机应变,失去的不仅仅是客户和利润,甚至会被市场无情淘汰。

    In an information technology with the high-speed development of The Times , in a consumer demand changing times , commercial Banks if not random strain , lose is not only the customer and profits , even by market ruthless eliminated .

  21. 中间商客户价值(利润型客户价值)由当前价值和潜在价值构成。

    The distributors ' customer value consists of current value and potential value .

  22. 如今,许多不起眼的中国承包商与它们在发达市场的客户相比,利润要丰厚得多。

    Many humble contractors are now much more profitable than their developed-market customers .

  23. 商业银行也依赖于信托产品来向客户提供高利润率的理财产品。

    Commercial banks also rely on trusts to offer high-margin products to customers .

  24. 过于忠诚的客户对企业利润的损害

    An Over-Loyal Client Brings Harm to the Corporation

  25. 为了从一些客户那里赚取利润,专利会把他人拦在市场外。

    In the hope of raising profits from some customers , they will price others out of a market .

  26. 如果在可预见的未来,股市横盘整理,那么劝说客户离开低利润率的避难所将变得更为困难。

    If equity markets go sideways for the foreseeable future , coaxing clients from their low-margin boltholes will be harder still .

  27. 最有价值客户是企业利润的主要来源,也是客户资产管理的重点。

    Most valuable customer ( MVC ) is the source of business profits . It is the core of customer asset management .

  28. 有足够的实证证据证明,过分追求重要客户的短期利润,忽略长期因素,这种行为最终导致了很多公司的迅速破产。

    Ample empirical evidence suggests that the obsession with short-term profits from prominent clients and the neglect of long-term considerations contribute to the quick death of companies .

  29. 客户是企业利润的根本来源,为抢占客户市场,各大银行均使出浑身解数,抢占客户资源,并探索客户服务的有效策略。

    The customer is the fundamental source of the corporate profit . All the banks try their best to seize the customer resources and explore effective customer service strategies .

  30. 大客户是企业利润的重要来源,而且大客户资源在整个市场上是十分稀缺的,因此留住大客户、避免大客户流失对企业而言有着重要的意义,这也关系到企业的生存和发展。

    Therefore , retaining the key accounts and avoiding the loss of them are of great significance to the enterprise . This is related to the survival and development of the enterprise .