
  • 网络Customer Service;customer service management;csm
  1. TA人寿保险公司客户服务管理研究

    The Customer Service Management Research of TA Life Insurance Corporation

  2. 基于分布式对象技术的企业网络客户服务管理系统

    A Distributed-object-based Enterprise Network Customer Service Management System

  3. 基于逻辑网络的客户服务管理

    Logical Network Based Customer Service Management

  4. 制定客户服务管理制度并组织实施,推进客户服务方式及渠道的创新;

    Establish customer service management system and organization promoting customer service means and channels of innovation ;

  5. 组织客服团队进行有效的订单管理和客户服务管理,为客户提供良好的服务。

    Organize the customer service team for the order management and after sales service to provide good service to customer .

  6. 客户服务管理包括航班查询,机票预订,酒店预订,电话值机等功能。

    Customer service management includes querying scheduled flight , booking air ticket , booking hotel and telephone check-in service and so on .

  7. 本文的研究工作正是在这一背景下开展的,其目标是为陕西移动通信公司研发一个大客户服务管理系统。

    I prosecute my research under the circumstance , the target is to develop a VIP management system for ShanXi Mobile Communication Company .

  8. 运维管理是客户服务管理、业务经营管理的基础和保证,是电信运营企业一项长期的工作。

    Operation management , as the foundation and guarantee of customer service management and business operation and management , is a long term job of telecommunication enterprises .

  9. 中国装备制造行业发展的实践表明,国内公司普遍对客户服务管理还不够重视,而对于客户服务的管理和研究,国外装备制造行业却已历时多年,并已积累了很多的宝贵经验。

    The management and research to the customer service , they were spent on many years on foreign equipment manufacturing industry and had accumulated a lot of valuable experience .

  10. 结合上述管理方法,从企业战略定位到具体步骤实施逐步明确第三方物流企业客户服务管理的方法及改进措施。

    Combined with the management methods , from the company strategic positioning to the implement procedure , it made a third-party logistics corporation management approach and customer service improvements .

  11. 结合分公司客户服务管理需求,设计一套管理集中、服务分散的客户服务系统,为公司提供一个低成本、高效运行的客服管理平台。

    To satisfy the need of manage and server of filiales , we designed a complete system to centralized-control and serve point to point which provide a low-cost and efficiently customer service system .

  12. 本文给出了一种基于知识管理的客户服务管理系统结构,并从知识获取、知识表示、知识查询、知识转化等视角研究系统实现的方法。

    The paper gives a framework of knowledge management based customer service system , and the method to realize the system from the view of knowledge acquisition , knowledge representation , knowledge query and knowledge transition .

  13. 作为物流信息系统重要组成部分的客户服务管理系统也不例外,应根据客户需求及时调整、完善,最终达到客户满意的目的。

    No exception with the customer service management system , that as an important part of the logistics information system . It should be adjusted timely adjusted according to the customers ' need , and finally satisfied with the customers .

  14. 本文提出进行客户服务管理的对策,实行客户服务管理的整体战略、建立以客户服务为中心的企业文化和完善企业客服人员的培训,以指导运营商更好地服务客户。

    We propose measures for customer service management , the overall implementation of customer service management strategy , and establishing customer-centric service culture and improve the enterprise customer service training , so as to guide the operator to serve our customers better .

  15. 在介绍前人理论研究的基础上,对物流系统化理论、物流系统规划及设计理论、物流客户服务管理、物流设施选址、交通运输网络规划、仓储、库存控制及物流战略理论进行研究。

    Based on research on theory , the article researches logistics systematic theory , logistics system planning and design theory , logistics custom service , management , logistics establishment address selection , traffic transportation network layout , storage , stock control and logistics strategy theory .

  16. 有线电视客户服务管理信息系统是有线电视客户服务体系的重要组成部分,面对客户服务要求和行业规范化要求,不断提高有线电视客户服务水平成为当务之急。

    CATV Customer Service Management Information System ( MIS ) is an important component of CATV Customer Service System . To meet the demands of customer service and the requirements of trade standardization , it is urgent to improve the level of CATV customer service .

  17. 本文提出了适合电力企业GIS的数据组织和管理的改进模型,根据这个模型建立的配电管理系统满足客户服务中心管理和使用配电(GIS)资源数据的要求。

    An advanced model for Data organized and managed of Electric Power enterprise Power Distribution Management System is proposed , the model adapt to managing GIS resource data for call center .

  18. 阐明CRM是继ERP(企业资源计划)和SCM(供应链管理)之后出现的,备受营销理论界关注的新的客户服务与管理策略。

    ? CRM is a rather new and important customer service and management strategy after ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) and SCM ( Supply Chain Management ), which attracts most marketing theorists ' attention .

  19. 本文首先通过CRM理论及国内外对CRM的应用现状研究、我国邮政广告函件客户服务与管理现状研究,论述了邮政广告函件业务实施CRM的必要性。

    In this paper , by researching CRM theory and its application and analyzing the client service and management status of china postal DM , the necessity to apply CRM in china postal DM is talked firstly .

  20. 正确运用客户服务和管理提高医院竞争力

    Correctly use customer service and management to elevate hospital competition ability

  21. 协助客户服务代表管理订单文件的存档。

    Assist Customer Service Representative to file all related documents .

  22. 物流是实现客户服务的管理活动

    Logistics is Activity of the Management of Realizing Customer Service

  23. 目的通过信息化管理手段,提高医院客户服务中心管理水平。

    Objective We can enhance the management level of the hospital customer 's service center by the information management method .

  24. 对于制造业,要提高其竞争能力,仅仅依靠传统有形产品的管理方式是不够的,必须加强对客户服务的管理。

    In order to improve enterprise 's market competition , it is not enough to just rely on traditional tangible product management , so we have to strengthen customer service management .

  25. 浅析我国传统储运业向第三方物流转化对传统储运业的概念、资产等关键问题发表了见解,提出了物流是整合供应链一体化,实现客户服务的管理活动。

    This article states the author ′ s views of some key problems of concepts and assets in traditional industries . Proposed logistics is activity of the management of realizing customer service that it collate and advance supply chain of all-in-one .

  26. 随着图书馆向数字化的发展,传统图书馆的管理和服务已难适应当今图书馆发展的需要,以人为本和客户服务的管理将是图书馆发展的趋势。

    With the development of the digitalization of the library , the traditional management and service of the library can 't meet the needs of the current development of the library , and the management of people-based service for clients will be the developing trend of the library .

  27. E公司网络支持部客户服务中心绩效管理体系设计与实施研究

    Performance Management Scheme Design and Implementation of Customer Interaction Center in E Company

  28. 基于下一代移动互联网客户的服务质量管理研究

    Research on Quality of Service Management for Next Generation Mobile Internet

  29. A企业客户服务人员绩效管理问题研究与实践

    Study and Implementation of Customer-service Staffs ' Performance Management in A Enterprise

  30. 客户服务中心维修管理系统解决方案

    Scheme of management system for customer service center of communication device manufacturer