
kè hù ɡuǎn lǐ
  • customer management;customer research
  1. 随着客户管理的需要,作为沟通用户和企业桥梁的CallCenter应运而生。

    Call Center burns as the need of managing more and more customers .

  2. Z公司系统设备领域大客户管理探索

    Key Account Management 's Search about System Equipment 's Business in Z Corporation

  3. 改善CRM系统软件及建立良好的客户管理队伍。

    Improve CRM system software and the establishment of good customer management team .

  4. CRM作为企业信息管理的重要组成部分,在客户管理、服务等领域具有独特的作用和优势。

    Enterprise Information Management CRM as an important component of the customer at management , service and other fields has a unique role and advantages .

  5. 客户管理&使用黑莓致电或发送电子邮件到客户端。

    Customer Management-call or email using the BlackBerry to the client .

  6. 商业银行关键客户管理的模式研究

    Research on Mode of Key Account Management in the Commercial Bank

  7. 三钢客户管理策略的实践与探索

    Practice and discussion of the customer management strategy in Sanming Steel

  8. 五矿钢铁西安公司大客户管理分析与研究

    KAM Analysis and Research of Minmetals Steel Xi'an Company

  9. 建立系统的客户管理策略;

    Establishing Systematic Customers Management Strategy ;

  10. 主要内容包括案件管理、客户管理、法律文档管理、系统定制等。

    The main function modules include case management , client management , legal document management and system customization .

  11. 当代广告公司从自身管理、客户管理等诸多方面都存在着很多的问题。

    Contemporary advertising company from its management , customer management , and many other aspects there are many problems .

  12. 它还影响着企业的营销管理决策重心及内容的变化,以及开展营销活动采用的技术支持手段即客户管理手段发生了重要变化。

    At last , the importance of management policy and the means of technology help , the customers ' management methods have changed either .

  13. 时代的变化也为企业客户管理带来了新的挑战,客户变得越来越成熟、越来越有个性,也越来越难捉摸。

    The change has brought new challenges to enterprise management , Customers become more and more mature and personality , as well as elusive .

  14. 系统功能主要包括订单管理、客户管理、库存管理、查询统计、商品管理和系统管理等。

    The system function mainly includes orders management , customers management , storage management , search and statistics , merchandise management , and system management etc.

  15. 使保险公司客户管理更有针对性,降低客户保费迟缴、忘缴等风险,并降低管理成本。

    The insurance company customer management more targeted , reduce customer premium late payments , forgot to pay , and reduce the cost of management .

  16. 系统主要包括源数据获取、客户管理、统计分析、知识库管理和系统管理五大模块。

    The system is composed of five functional modules including source data acquirement , customer management , statistical analysis , knowledge base management and system management .

  17. 根据电信企业的现状及业务特点,论述了大客户管理系统的设计思想以及系统的主要功能。

    According to the current status and characters of telecom enterprise , the article presents the design and main functions of an important client management system based on Domino .

  18. 本商务平台实现了信息查询、客户管理、货物进出及资金管理等功能,实现了信息流、物流、资金流的高速低成本传递。

    The DEMO system implemented information query , customer management , warehouse management , financing management and got high speed transfer of information , material flow and capital with lower cost .

  19. 最后,针对性地提出港口海运煤企业进行客户管理的两方面具体措施,包括建立煤炭销售质量全程管理制度与以高质量的客户服务培养企业忠诚客户。

    Finally , propose the specific measures for coal enterprises to improve customer relation management , including establishing the whole processing management system for the coal sales quality and high-quality customer service to cultivate loyal customers .

  20. 从加强协调管理的重要性入手,外部协调包括加强物流客户管理和合同管理、与客户建立战略合作伙伴关系、建立处理突发事件的应急措施和争端解决机制等内容;

    The analysis starts with the importance of strengthening coordination management . Coordination outside involves customer and contract management , establishing strategic relationship with customer , setting up dispute settlement mechanism and emergency measures to handling accidents , etc.

  21. 许多工程设计咨询企业尚不懂得工程设计咨询市场及其营销策略,更不了解什么是客户管理,以及工程设计咨询企业客户管理的内容及其技术。

    Many enterprise of engineering design consultation have knew little about the market and market strategy of engineering design consultation , less than customer management as well as the content and technology of customer management concerning engineer design consultation .

  22. 一般职业经理的能力结构包括:专业管理能力、团队管理能力、客户管理能力、领导和成就意识、积极的自我意识、分析式思考、关注细节与秩序、监控和培养下属共8项胜任特征。

    The junior professional manager 's competency feature include such factors : specialization manage , team manage , custom manage , leader and achievement mentality , positive self-consciousness , analysis thinking , concerning details and order , supervise and cultivate subordinate .

  23. 最后,为使上述营销策略可以顺利实施,取得良好效果,本文从客户管理、风险控制、人力资源、信息系统技术、产品管理保障等五个方面提出具体的保障措施。

    Last but not least , I put forward concrete protection from five aspects of customer management , risk control , human resources , information system technologies and products management , in order to successfully carry out the strategies mentioned above .

  24. 采取的主要控制方法是基于计算机项目管理信息系统,包括决策支持、物资与设备管理、质量管理、成本管理、合同管理、财务管理、客户管理、风险管理、采购管理、人力资源管理等子系统。

    The main control methods are MISs of project , including decision support , and many sub-systems for management of materials and equipments , quality , cost , documents , client , risk , purchasing , human resource , and etc. .

  25. 在网络信息时代,电子商务成为企业未来发展的方向,商务网站组成了新的市场交易模式,这种新的市场环境将极大地改变企业的客户管理方式。

    In network information times , Electronic Commerce becomes the direction of future of enterprises development and Commerce Website has formed new market trade pattern . In this kind of new market environmental , it 's suit essential that EC integrate with CRM .

  26. 此外,本文还在研究结论的基础上提出采用预测购买增长和实际购买增长两个维度实现客户管理的策略,为快速消费品行业小型超市的客户价值管理提供了对策及建议。

    Besides , this dissertation proposes a customer management strategy via two dimensions of predicted buying growth ( using regression equation predicted by customer potential value ) and real buying growth . Meanwhile it also provides some advices for customer value management toward Mini Market in fast consumer industry .

  27. 客户关系管理(CRM)系统的研究与设计

    Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) System Research and Design

  28. 二是客户关系管理(CRM)系统。

    The other is customer relationship management ( CRM ) .

  29. 重庆移动公司应用客户关系管理(CRM)实例研究

    Research on the Application of CRM in ChongQing Mobile Communication Company Limited

  30. 面向客户关系管理(CRM)的综合决策支持系统框架探讨

    On Frame of Synthetic Decision Support System Oriented to CRM