
  • 网络Customer orientation;Client Orientation;CUSTOMER
  1. 接着通过四个方面对公司进行定位:目标定位、客户定位、形象定位和文化定位。

    Then position four aspects of the company : goal orientation , customer orientation , image orientation , and cultural orientation .

  2. 通过研究分析,找出了楼盘在营销中存在市场定位不准、价格定位不准、客户定位不准等现象,并且在产品的某些设计上和物业管理方面也存在很多的不足。

    Such problems in the marketing as the poor market orientation , the poor price orientation and the poor customer orientation and the demerits in some design and property management are found in the research and analysis .

  3. 面对这一切,人们不免想探个究竟:对于许多公司而言,如果只将目标客户定位于使用谷歌(Google)搜索引擎的人群,是否投资回报率反而会更高?

    It all makes one wonder if many companies might be better off just targeting customers searching Google ( GOOG ) .

  4. 文章提出,要改进我国第三方物流MIS开发与应用水平,开发应有明确的产品定位或客户定位;

    To improve MIS developing and application level for TPL , MIS developing should has clear product positioning or customer positioning ;

  5. 研究了住宅物业发展过程中的客户定位和产品定位,提出了SWOT分析模型、地产因子比较分析方法和房价收入比预测模型,较系统地研究了项目定位的技术和程序。

    The paper discusses the customer targeting and product orienting . It proposes the SWOT aided decision model , land factor comparative analysis and the forecasting model based the proportion between price and income . It studies the technique and procedure of project positioning .

  6. 假设一个团队使用一个固定的时间线执行项目,从开发到部署,再到客户定位。

    Suppose that a team has a fixed timeline to execute a project from developing to deploying to customer location .

  7. 将目标客户定位为:洞悉城市发展潮流价值之精英人士。

    The target customers for this project are the elite crowd who has an insight into the value of urban development trend .

  8. 通过市场细分,对北京易居房地产经纪公司进行了目标客户定位、区域市场定位、商业模式定位。

    Subdivide through market , apt to occupy real estate manager Company carry on target consumer orientation , regional market orientation , commercial mode make a reservation to Beijing .

  9. 这是个有趣的转变,时装业把目标客户定位于上了年岁的消费者,这些人容易上当受骗,希望自己青春犹在,而时装业的传统是偏好年轻人。

    It 's an interesting move , because fashion has traditionally been skewed towards youth , in the hope of selling to the gullible old who wish they were still young .

  10. 同时通过对信息的分析、挖掘,进行更准确的客户定位,减少销售、营销费用,降低企业成本。

    At the same time through analysis and excavation of information , corporation can orient the more accurate customer , reduce sale and marketing expenses , reduce the corporation ` s cost .

  11. 精准营销作为现代商业营销的新趋势,伴随着数据库、网络等计算机技术的发展,以其客户定位精准性、实现过程技术性和商业应用广泛性而备受企业的青睐。

    As the trend of modern marketing , Precision Marketing is more and more popular to the business by precision customer-orientation , high-technology procedure and widespread application , along with the development of database , network and other computer technology .

  12. 如麦德龙将其目标客户定位于中小型零售商、企业的业主、政府事业单位,区别于家乐福、沃尔玛或本土大型超市企业,占据组织型客户的购买份额;

    For example , Metro position its target customers as owner of middle-small retailer and firms , and government institution or units , compared with that of Carrefour , Walmart and indigenous supermarket ; Metro focused on the organizational market shares ;

  13. 接着根据市场分析,得出项目的市场定位,在市场定位的基础上确定了项目客户定位、产品定位、价格定位、形象定位。然后对项目技术可行性进行分析,找出项目开发经营策略、制订开发进度。

    Next according to the market analysis , this article obtains the project market localization , and makes the project customer localization , the product localization , the price localization , the image localization in the foundation of the market localization .

  14. 金建新苑的营销策略包括项目市场状况、项目优劣势分析、目标客户定位、项目价格定位、项目品牌定位、项目品牌形象包装、项目销售战术安排及售后营销安排等。

    , the detail is as follow : 1 The marketing strategy of JinJian Company includes market situation , advantages and disadvantage analyzing , potential customer targeting , prices setting , brand setting , brand advertising and sales strategy making and after sale arranging and so on .

  15. 当客户需要定位一个域控制器来认证用户时,它就查询DNS,拉出一张要接触的域控制器表。

    When a client needs to locate a domain controller to authenticate a user , it will query DNS and pull down a list of domain controllers to contact .

  16. 使客户能够定位连接工厂和队列

    Enable the client to locate the connection factory and queues

  17. 从项目周边人文环境进行调查研究,分析目标客户群定位和购房生活需求。

    Research from the project surrounding environment , analysis of target customer groups positioning and real life demand .

  18. 明确了西门子企业通信集团的客户群体定位及业务定位,提出了西门子企业通信集团的市场定位及建议。

    The customer group of Siemens enterprise communications group orientation and business orientation , puts forward the market orientation of Siemens enterprise communications group and suggestion .

  19. 对每个客户有效定位,充分了解客户需求和目标业务量,获得长期盈利项目。

    To manage the effective segmentation of each Global Account customer to fully understand the customers and target the right type of business to achieve long-term profitability objectives .

  20. 企业构筑价值网络的主要职责是:明确网络的客户价值定位,制定网络战略;

    When an enterprise conceives its value-net to obtain competitive advantage , it must fulfill the main responsibilities as following : giving a proper value positioning , developing network strategy and absorbing new network partners ;

  21. ORB是CORBA规范的核心,而OA作为ORB的重要组成部分,在接收客户请求及定位对象乃至请求处理等许多方面都起着关键性的作用。

    ORB is the core of CORBA specification , while OA is the important component that consists of the ORB structure , it plays so important role in receiving client requests , locating objects and processing the requests .

  22. 由雇员、业务伙伴和客户发现和定位专门技术和内容

    Find and locate expertise and content by employees , business partners , and customers

  23. 数百家店铺的目标客户群都定位为尼日利亚的中产阶级随着生活品质的不断提升,整个非洲大陆中产阶级的社会地位都有所提高。

    Hundreds of shops cater to the Nigerian segment of a middle class whose ranks have been swelled across the continent by rising livelihoods .

  24. 本部分针对该公司的目标客户的准确定位,论证了关系营销和该公司的匹配。

    This point , in connection with the actual orientation of the aim client of this company , expounds and proves the correspondence of relationship marketing and this company .

  25. 本文针对这一问题设计嵌入式眼控鼠标系统的并行架构,为客户提供高速定位计算。眼控鼠标系统在时序上分为背景处理,基准位置初始化和实时控制三个阶段。

    So in this paper , parallel architecture of Eye-controlled mouse embedded system was proposed to provide customers with high-speed position calculation . Sequentially , the system can be divided into three phases , background processing , base location of initialization and real time controlling .

  26. 而且最终,开发团队能够有办法来实现由客户要求的客户定位(customerorientation)。

    Furthermore , the development team finally has the means to achieve the customer orientation that is always asked of them .

  27. 广东智通科技有限公司是GPS运营商,主要面向商用车市场的企业客户,销售GPS定位设备及提供监控服务。

    Guangdong Z-Tone Technology Co. , Ltd. is a GPS operator , mainly for the commercial vehicle market , corporate customers . It sells GPS positioning equipment and provides monitoring services .

  28. 例如,客户机可能要定位所有实现GetQuote端口类型的服务提供者。

    For example , a client may want to locate all service providers that implement the GetQuote port type .

  29. 大批量定制中客户订单解耦点定位的2维模型

    Two-dimension model of customer order decoupling point position in mass customization

  30. 客户订单解耦点定位中的冲突消解研究

    Interference Solving Strategy in Customer Order Decoupling Point Position