
  • 网络Client Resource;customer resource
  1. 采用客户资源索引在super-peer上的缓存机制和查询转发中的优化技术,以适应搜索网络的高效性要求。

    To satisfy the requirement of efficiency , the algorithm caches client resource index on super-peer and optimizes the forwarding of query message .

  2. 新的市场经济竞争格局,使客户资源将成为企业参与竞争的核心资源之一。

    New competition situation in market economy makes client resource one of the core resources taken by enterprises and businesses to achieve competitive advantage .

  3. 银行业CRM下的客户资源管理研究

    Research to the Customer Resource Management of Banker 's Credit

  4. CRM下客户资源管理研究

    Research to the Resource of Customer Management on the Basic of CRM

  5. 客户资源管理(CRM)系统理论模型的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Theory Module of CRM

  6. 实施CRM下的客户资源管理,是赢得竞争的最有力的手段。

    The implementation of the customer resource management under the CRM is the best means leading to success .

  7. 带有这个关系的链接,其URI能用于获取一个客户资源。

    The URI of a link with this relation can be used to fetch a customer resource .

  8. 中国加入WTO后,金融业相互合作、相互渗透的愿望日益加强,希望对分销渠道和客户资源进行共享。

    After the entrance to WTO , financial services in China have the strong wishes to cooperate and penetrated the market . They wish to share the distribution channels and customer resources .

  9. 在此基础上明确本文需要解决的问题:E公司需要通过创新商业模式,探索发展新的业务,打造统一服务平台来有效整合客户资源和生产资源。

    On the basis of this analysis , the clear issue of this paper : E group need to integrate customer resources and production resources through innovative business models and unified service platform .

  10. 当今,客户资源已成为企业最宝贵的资源,因而大部分企业将客户关系管理(CRM)放在一切工作的首位。

    Nowadays , customers have become the most valuable resource for companies , therefore most companies take the customer relationship management ( CRM ) as the first place .

  11. 在客户资源的应用方面,本文研究CRM发展的前沿理论&分析型CRM对客户资源进一步的理解和运用。

    In customer application respect of resource , this literary grace spend CRM front theory of development-Understanding and application that analyzing type CRM is further to customer resources .

  12. 为了与CRM区别,使用CRMII作为客户资源管理的缩写。

    To differentiate with CRM , the abbreviation CRMII is used to describe this concept .

  13. 我国加入WTO以后,企业之间的竞争更加激烈,客户资源已成为企业经营活动中极为重要的资源。因此以客户为中心的经营管理理念便应运而生。

    The customer resources become extremely important to marketing activities after China 's entry into the WTO , thus came the concept of customer-oriented marketing , which centers on raising satisfaction of the customers and fostering loyal customers .

  14. 基于核心竞争能力的物流企业&客户资源整合系统(CRIS)的构建

    Establishment of CRIS in Logistics Enterprises Based on Core Competence

  15. 本论文结合AD公司具体实例,通过SWOT分析得出目前AD公司的客户资源是公司可以加以开发利用的,并且能形成企业新的竞争优势的宝贵资源。

    Depending on the case of AD , the paper points out that its customer resource is the valuable resource which can be exploited to form the new competitive advantage for AD company through SWOT analysis .

  16. Dyn总部设在曼彻斯特新罕布什尔,现在有400名员工,并且以拥有Twitter和Etsy之类的客户资源为荣。

    Dyn , based in Manchester , New Hampshire , now employs 400 people and boasts clients such as Twitter and Etsy .

  17. SP企业塑造核心竞争力应实施三个差异化战略:客户资源制胜战略、内容制胜战略和技术制胜战略。

    For the SP enterprises to mold core competitive ability , three differentiation strategy should be implemented , namely the customer resources subduing strategy , the content subduing strategy and the technology subduing strategy .

  18. 而海外的大型分销商也虎视眈眈,加快了进入中国IC市场的步伐,急于抢占市场份额、争夺客户资源,国内IC分销企业的利润和生存空间受到严重挤压。

    And overseas large-scale distributors are eyeing to speed up the pace of entering IC market in China , eager to seize market share and compete for customer resources . The profits and survival of domestic IC distributors severely squeezed .

  19. 在一个完全竞争的市场上,客户资源已经被越来越多的企业看作是企业的资产,并进行资产化的管理,CRM软件作为一种计算机辅助管理工具在企业中得到了广泛的应用。

    In a completely competition market , customer resources have been considered as enterprise capitals by more and more enterprises , and have been managed with capitalization . CRM software is applied widely as a computer assistant management tool in enterprises .

  20. 一方面中小企业不必自行开发或购买信息化系统,节省了开支和人员需求,另一方面SI(ServiceIntegrator)可以借助中国移动这个平台获取更多的客户资源。

    On the one hand , SME does not need to develop their own informatization systems or purchase them , SME can save costs and human resource , on the other hand , SI ( Service Integrator ) can get more custom resource over the platform .

  21. 随着广告成本的大幅上升,以及竞争的加剧,电视购物急需采用CTI技术,帮助企业增加盈利,最大限度利用客户资源。

    With the surge of ad cost and heated competition , TV shopping calls for immediate application of CTI technology to increase profit for the enterprises and make the best of customer resource .

  22. P2P技术解决了传统C/S模型单点故障和访问热点的问题,能有效的抵御DoS攻击,并且对平衡网络流量、有效利用客户资源、永久存储需求等给出了良好的解决方案。

    P2P technology has solved the single point of failure and accessing hot spot problems of traditional C / S model . It can defend DoS attack effectively and propose good solutions aiming at balancing net flow , using clients ' source effectively , eternal storage and so on .

  23. 论文还论述了构建基于核心竞争力的物流企业客户资源整合系统(CRIs)的设想。

    In addition , this paper puts forward the construction of customer resource integration system ( CRIS ) based on the core competence in logistics enterprise .

  24. 现如今客户资源是企业最大的财富,企业管理的重心正从内部向外部扩展,从生产制造向客户关系管理转移:ERP-SCM-CRM;

    Now nowadays customer resource enterprise most heavy wealth , weight of business administration expand from inside to the outside , From manufacturing shifting to customer 's relation management : ERP-SCM-CRM ;

  25. 寻找新的潜在的客户资源以扩大市场占有率。

    Source the new potential market to increase the markeing share .

  26. 提出了客户资源是企业的一项重要资产。

    This article proposes that the customer resource is an important capital .

  27. 物流企业客户资源的评估研究

    The Research on Customer Resource Evaluation of the Logistics Enterprise

  28. 珍惜、保护好宝贵客户资源是建立和发展战略伙伴的桥梁

    To Treasure and Protect Customer Resources & The Bridge to Strategic Companionship

  29. 物流服务需求者&客户资源整合模式探讨

    Discussion on Logistics Service Need & customer Resources Integration Mode

  30. 客户资源价值分析及综合评价

    Research on the Assessing System of Customer Resource Value