
  • 网络Treasury Yields;bond yield
  1. 在5月29日美国国债收益率飙升、抵押贷款利率走势出现部分逆转后,美联储(Fed)目前正处在观望之中,官员们不愿仓促作出任何下意识的政策反应。

    The Federal Reserve is in wait-and-see mode following the surge in bond yields and mortgage rates that partly reversed on Friday , with officials unwilling to be bounced into any knee-jerk policy reaction .

  2. 随着意大利的国债收益率达到了危险的水平,意大利也面临失去信用的风险,贝卢斯科尼被要求“邀请”IMF来监督指导他的改革。

    With Italy 's bond yields reaching danger levels , Mr Berlusconi was told he lacked credibility and was made to " invite " the IMF to supervise his reforms .

  3. 批评人士还表示,与欧洲央行(ECB)不同,人们可以相信英国央行(BankofEngland)会让英国国债收益率维持低位。

    They also say the Bank of England , unlike the European Central Bank , can be trusted to keep gilt yields low .

  4. 10年期美国国债收益率不到2%,创下自美联储(FED)1953年开始发布市场数据以来的新低。

    Yields on 10-year US Treasuries are below 2 per cent , the lowest recorded since the Federal Reserve began publishing market data in 1953 .

  5. 在美国政府官员和乐观的股市投资者中间流行的第三种理论是,在量化宽松政策结束后,美国国债收益率会继续上升,因为美国经济届时将已经达到逃逸速度(escapevelocity)。

    A third theory in vogue among Washington bureaucrats and Panglossian equity investors , is that yields will continue rising after QE ends because the economy will have reached escape velocity .

  6. 受援国将按极低的利率向imf支付利息,相当于所有可兑换货币国债收益率的综合平均水平。

    Recipient countries would pay the IMF interest at a very low rate , equivalent to the composite average treasury bill rate of all convertible currencies .

  7. 但是,图泽补充道,CDS的这些变化提出了三个问题:首先,现在我们真的可以把美国国债收益率视为恰当的无风险收益率吗?

    But , these CDS swings , Tozer adds , raise three questions : firstly , can we really consider Treasuries an appropriate risk free rate today ?

  8. 在英国,富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)的股息率自从去年9月以来一直高于10年期美国国债收益率,目前高出近两个百分点。

    In the UK , the dividend yield on the FTSE all-share has been above that of 10-year gilts since September last year and is nearly 2 percentage points higher .

  9. 美国和日本的情况相似,日本也有一套结构性机制,使其在丧失AAA评级后仍然能使国债收益率维持在低位。

    It 's akin to Japan , which also had a structural mechanism that kept rates low even after the country lost its AAA rating .

  10. 随着经济下行和国债收益率走高,加上欧盟(eu)、欧洲央行(ecb)和国际货币基金组织(imf)大声下达命令,意大利人意识到,必须改变。

    With the economy going down and government bond yields going up , and with the European Union , European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund shouting orders , Italians realised that things had to change .

  11. 周二美国股市创两年新高,国债收益率大幅攀升。投资者认为,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)和国会共和党人达成的减税协议相当于第二次刺激,将提振2011年的经济增长。

    US stocks hit two-year highs and government bond yields soared on Tuesday as investors reckoned that a tax deal between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans amounted to a second stimulus that will boost growth in 2011 .

  12. Nelson-Siegel模型在国债收益率曲线构造中的应用

    Nelson-Siegel Model Is Applied by Constitution of National Debt Yield Curve

  13. 不过,鉴于3月期国债收益率仅为0.18%,很显然,银行仍然不愿以高得多的无担保利率3月期Libor放贷。

    But with bills only yielding 0.18 per cent , it 's clear there remains an aversion to lending money at the much higher unsecured rate of three-month Libor .

  14. 美国市场昨日早盘,货币市场投资者大举转向安全资产,推动短期美国国债收益率走低,原因是美国财政部和美联储(fed)最高官员继续展开幕后努力,以提振信贷市场信心。

    Money market investors staged a dramatic flight to safety , knocking down yields on short-term US government debt in early US trading yesterday , as top Treasury and Federal Reserve officials continued behind-the-scenes efforts to shore up confidence in the credit market .

  15. 两名知情人士透露,今日欧洲央行(ecb)在其管理委员会会议上宣布购买欧元区问题主权债务的计划时,将不会公布任何正式的国债收益率上限。

    The European Central Bank will refrain from publishing any formal cap on bond yields when it announces a plan to buy distressed eurozone sovereign debt at its governing council meeting today , two people familiar with the matter said .

  16. 油价上涨和美国国债收益率走高,本可能不利于股市,但股市昨日持续了反弹走势自2009年3月以来,这波反弹已推动标准普尔500指数(SP500)上涨75%以上。

    Rising oil prices and Treasury yields can be bad for stocks , but equities markets yesterday continued a rally that has propelled the S & P 500 index up more than 75 per cent from March 2009 .

  17. 美联储最早将于下月重启扩张性定量宽松货币政策(又名qe2)的可能性,导致美元汇率大幅下跌、大宗商品价格上涨、长期美国国债收益率攀升这些都是通胀预期上升的标志。

    The prospect of the Fed restarting its expansionary quantitative easing policy , also known as QE2 , as early as next month has brought big falls in the dollar , rises in commodity prices and higher long-term Treasury yields all of which are barometers of higher inflation expectations .

  18. 美国国债收益率上一次出现如此低位还是在1941年1月。

    The last time they were this low was January 1941 .

  19. 与此同时,意大利和西班牙国债收益率依然居高不下。

    Italian and Spanish yields , meanwhile , remain stubbornly high .

  20. 美国10年期国债收益率也触及2.65%的年内新低。

    US 10-year yields hit new year-lows of 2.65 per cent .

  21. 美元对主要币种走势坚挺,美国国债收益率上升。

    The dollar was broadly firmer and Treasury yields had risen .

  22. 两年期美国国债收益率跌至0.23%的创纪录低位。

    Two-year yields hit a record low of 0.23 per cent .

  23. 固定收益平台报价与国债收益率曲线实证研究

    Empirical Research on quote of fixed income platform and Treasury bond yield

  24. 的确,国债收益率已经很低。

    True , yields on government bonds are already low .

  25. 另一个因素是国债收益率低于此前预期。

    Another factor is the lower-than-previously-projected interest rates on the national debt .

  26. 国债收益率的再思考

    A Reflection on the Return Ratio of the Government Bonds

  27. 而10年期美国国债收益率下跌了35%。

    The 10-year Treasury yield has fallen 35 per cent .

  28. 基于广义息票剥离法的国债收益率曲线的估计

    Estimation on Treasury Bond Yield Curve with Generalized Bootstrap Method

  29. 美国国债收益率也在走高,只是幅度没有那么大。

    US Treasury yields are also higher , though not as much .

  30. 我国国债收益率曲线波动性研究

    Research into Fluctuation of the Yield Curve of China 's Treasury Bond