
  • 网络national bonds scale
  1. 我们专业的凝聚力债务国际化下国债规模临界增长模型研究

    On the Critical Growth Model of National Bonds Scale after the Bonds Internationalization

  2. 通过分析得出,影响我国国债规模最关键的因素是GDP增量、居民储蓄规模,而且我国国债规模与GDP增量、居民储蓄规模存在正相关。居民储蓄分流问题新视角:储蓄替代型证券

    The models indicate that the key factors to influence the scale of China 's government bond scale are GDP increment and scale of personal deposits . New Angle of Personal Deposits Distributary : the Securities which Substituted Saving

  3. 我国国债规模及国债政策取向新探

    New Thoughts on National Debt-Scale and Orientation of Policy in China

  4. 对我国国债规模与结构的探讨

    Discussion on the scale and structure of China 's national delt

  5. 关于我国国债规模扩张区间的探讨

    On the Extension Range of the Issuance Scale of Treasury Securities

  6. 国债规模及其控制的相关与回归分析

    Correlation and Regression Analysis of the Public Debts Scale with Control

  7. 公开市场业务、公告操作与国债规模

    Open Market Operations , Open Mouth Operations and Quantity of Treasury-Bond

  8. 国债规模与国债市场金融功能的发挥

    The Size of National Bonds and the Financial Function of Bond Market

  9. 近些年来,日本国债规模不断增加。

    Japanese government debt has been rising in recent years .

  10. 国债规模与发行成本优化问题的研究

    Research of Government Bond 's Scale and Optimization of Its Issue Cost

  11. 中国目前的国债规模究竟多大才适宜?

    What is the proper national debt scale in China ?

  12. 防范潜在财政风险适度控制国债规模

    Preventing the Potential Fiscal Risk and Controlling the Size of Government Debts

  13. 债务融资的国民负担与可承受国债规模分析

    On the Citizen Burden of Debt Financing and Endurable Scale of Governmental Debt

  14. 对中国国债规模的理性判断

    Rational Determination of the Scale of Chinese National Debt

  15. 中国国债规模的分析与思考

    An Analysis of and Thoughts on the Scale of the Chinese National Debt

  16. 国债规模与期限设计合理化研究

    Study of the Rational Design of Government Debt Scale and the Expiration Date

  17. 国债规模分析与政策取向

    An Analysis of the Scale of China 's National Debt and Policy Orientation

  18. 测量国债规模的模型阐释&基于国债功能的变迁

    On the Scale of Public Debt : the Measurement Model in System Transition

  19. 使用协整模型评价现有国债规模。

    Reviewing the government bond scale by setting up the cointegration equation model .

  20. 我国国债规模及其宏观调控作用分析

    Analysis in Scale and Macroeconomic Regulation and Control Function of Government Bond in China

  21. 浅析中国国债规模

    Analyses of the scale of Chinese national debts

  22. 一是保持适度的财政赤字和国债规模。

    First , we will keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels .

  23. 如何保持适度国债规模之分析

    Analysis of Keeping Appropriate Scope of National Debts

  24. 我国国债规模浅析

    An Analysis of Scale of Chinese National Debt

  25. 我国国债规模的可持续性及其风险分析

    The Analysis both on the Sustainability of Our National Debt and on Its Risk

  26. 中国国债规模:现状、由来与出路

    The Scale of Public Debt in China

  27. 国债规模:在财政与金融之间寻求平衡

    The volume of Treasury bond : Balancing the needs of monetary policy and fiscal policy

  28. 国债规模的可持续性分析

    Analysis of Sustainability of Government Bonds Size

  29. 国债规模过大,不但不能发挥其对宏观经济实行有效的调控作用,反而会给国家财政和社会的正常运转带来消极的影响。

    To the contrary , too large scale of national debt will result in passive consequence .

  30. 国债规模投资论

    On Scale investment of national debt