
ɡuó zhài ɡuǎn lǐ
  • national debt management
  1. 第六部分,对国库现金管理与国债管理协调配合提出政策建议。

    The sixth part , gives policy recommendations for cash management and the national treasury debt management and coordination .

  2. 第六章,结论与政策建议,给出本文的研究结论,从加强完善财政建设和优化国债管理两方面给出了国债管理的政策建议。

    Chapter 6 : conclusion and policy advice , which make a conclusion for the paper and give some policy advice .

  3. 全文的初衷所在,即使为提高我国国债管理水平,改善宏观经济环境尽一点绵薄之力。

    The purpose of the whole article is to contribute myself to reinforcing the ability of public debt management and improving the macro-economic environment .

  4. 深化国库集中收付、政府采购及国债管理制度改革。健全消费税制度。

    We will deepen reform of the systems for treasury 's centralized revenue collection and expenditure payments , government procurement , and central government debt management .

  5. 中国国债发行管理研究

    The Study on Management of National Debt Insurance in China

  6. 第四部分是有关国债市场管理的论述。

    Part IV is on the management of the market .

  7. 论建立比例上限的常态国债余额管理制度

    A Research on Applying Ratio Ceiling and Regular Examination in the National Debt Balance Management System

  8. 我国需要在《预算法》中明确国债发行管理的法律框架。

    The legal framework of national debts issuing management should be defined by the budget law .

  9. 财政风险与国债结构管理&从国债再融资角度的分析

    Fiscal Risk and Public Debt Structure Management : According to the Refinance - risk of the Public Debt

  10. 第三部分,国债风险管理的国际经验借鉴及启示。

    The third part , the international experience and its implication on the management of the risk of national debt in our country .

  11. 从今年开始,参照国际通行做法,采取国债余额管理方式管理国债发行。

    Starting this year , China will follow standard international practices by adopting the method of outstanding balance management for its national debt .

  12. 加强国债项目管理,防止重复建设和过度超前建设,提高资金使用效益。

    Management of the projects financed by treasury bonds was tightened to avoid redundancy and inappropriately high standards and to ensure better cost-effectiveness .

  13. 从2006年开始,我国将实行国债余额管理,这将对国债发行产生重大影响。

    China will carry balance management of national debt into execution in 2006 , which certainly will influence the optimal issuance strategy of national debt .

  14. 因此,如何建立一个行之有效的有中国特色的国债风险管理体系将是未来中国银行业的一大挑战。

    Thus it is one of the challenges which China 's banking face that how to establish an effective Treasury-bond Risk Management System with China 's characteristics .

  15. 基于国债余额管理提出了一个国债最优发行模型,以最小化所发行国债组合的期望利率成本。

    Based on balance management , this paper proposed an optimal issuance model of national debt in order to minimize the expected interest cost of portfolio of national debt .

  16. 因此,政府当务之急是完善国债投资管理和审批体制,增加国债资金运用的透明度,加大对国债资金管理和使用的监督和检查力度,提高国债项目的投资效益。

    So , government should perfect administration system of government debts investment and examining and approving , advance transparence of fund using , strengthen supervising and examining , and increase earning of government debt project .

  17. 我国商业银行国债利率风险管理研究

    Study for Treasury Bond 's Interest Rate Risk of Commercial Banks in China

  18. 国债业务的管理信息系统

    The MIS for the Business of Government Bonds

  19. 信息不对称与国债收益风险管理

    Information Asymmetry and Risk Management of Bond Yield

  20. 但是,目前我国国债期货的管理体制还不尽完善。

    However , at present , the management of treasury futures is not perfect in our country .

  21. 最后探讨如何利用模型进行定量分析,降低信息不对称风险,做好国债收益风险管理。

    Finally the paper discusses about how to use the model to make quantitative analysis , and how to reduce the risk of information asymmetry , so as to make a good management on bond yield .

  22. 从投资角度看,这样的回报水平可能显得太过疯狂;但美国国债对现金管理部门仍有吸引力,因为其流动性强,而且更为关键的是,它的风险低于没有保险的银行存款。

    From an investment perspective , these returns may seem crazy ; but they are still attractive to cash managers because T-bills are liquid and , most crucially , seem less risky than uninsured bank deposits .

  23. 特种镜头系列及夜视瞄准镜国债技改项目管理或者,我会把显示器调整到一个有利的拍摄角度,镜头对准目标进行拍摄。

    The Project Management on the Technical Innovations of Special Lens Series and Night-vision Collimator with the National Debts ; Or I swivel the monitor to an advantageous angle and shoot with only the lens pointing at the subject .

  24. 我国积极财政政策下国债的效应与管理

    The Effect and Management of Treasury Ml Under the Positive Fiscal Policy

  25. 第三部分为养老基金主要投资工具中风险的防范与管理。主要内容有:存款和国债投资的风险管理、股票投资的风险管理等;

    The third part discusses how to control and manage these different kinds of risks , including the main principles of investment , risk management of the main investment tools .

  26. 随着以希腊债务危机为导火索的欧洲债务危机的愈演愈烈,国债的发行与管理再一次成为了经济学讨论的热点。

    As with Greek debt crisis for the European debt crisis triggered the increasingly fierce , the national debt issuance and administration once again be the economics of hot debate .

  27. 因此,我国国债的信用风险管理应当从控制发债规模、调整优化国债结构、提高国债使用效率、协调财政收支等方面着手,科学确定国债发行规模,缓解国债信用风险。

    Finally we give some suggestion to manage the credit risk of the national debts for example controlling the national debts ' issuing scale , adjusting the structure of the national debts , promoting the efficiency of the national debts fund , harmonizing the fiscal revenue and fiscal expenditure .

  28. 在预算执行阶段,应禁止国债的定向发行,强化国债管理的信息披露等。

    During the period of implementing the budget , the private issuing of national debts should be forbidden and the information disclosure of debts management should be strengthened .

  29. 本文从国债再融资风险的角度,分析了国债结构管理在防范财政风险中的作用,并对我国国债现状进行了实证分析。

    According to refinance-risk , the article researches the role of public debt management in avoiding the fiscal risk , and analyzes the situation of the public debt management of China .

  30. 国债流动性在现代国债有效市场机制和效率管理中具有十分重要的地位,它对降低债务风险、提高国债管理效率和充分发挥国债二级市场的经济调控功能都具有重要意义。

    The liquidity of treasure bonds has the very important position in modern valid market mechanism of treasure bonds . It can lower debt risk and increase treasure bonds management efficiency and develop the functions of controlling the national economy of its secondary market .