
Fitting the Term Structure of Interest Rate of Bond with B Spline
VRP fitting model for the term structure of SSE T-bonds
Furthermore , we apply LAD-LASSO to perform variable selection and parameter estimation simultaneously in Chapter 8 . The propose methods are used to estimate the Shanghai stock exchange term structure of interest rates with cubic spline function .
Following the present researches , this thesis tries to do some systematic researches on fitting and forecasting the term structure of interest rate of government bonds in China , based on the Nelson-Siegel model . Firstly , we modify the Nelson-Siegel model by adding the government bond supply factor .
Empirically Numerical Research on Treasury Bond s ' Term Structure
B-spline Method Constructing Theoretical Treasury Yield Curves Theory with Practice
Empirical Comparison of Several Interest Rate Term Structure Models
Dynamic Analysis of Term Structure of Interest Rate of China 's Treasury Bonds
Empirical Study of Treasury Bonds Term Structure in Bourse
Development of Interest Rate Term Structure Theories and Empirical Research in China Treasury Bond
Therefore , the research on the interest rate term structure has greater significance .
A Study of Term Structure of Interest Rates of Shanghai Security Exchange with Fuzzy Regression
Test of the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure of Treasury Market Among China Banks
Fitting term structure of interest rates of treasure bill market with splines based on robust estimation
The paper analyzes the influence mechanism of monetary policy to the term structure in China .
The notes in England The Study of Term Structure of Interest Rates of Treasury Notes of China
The main part of this paper is the empirical research of Chinese bonds ' interest-rate term structure .
The full term structure plays an important role in government finance , financial deepening and other aspects of monetary policy .
Under the interest market , this paper concentrate on relationship between the macro economy and the term structure and its application , it is important for the development of bond markets and the make good monetary policy .
On the basis of native models of term structure of interest rates , depending on the current data , we analyzed the developing trend of yield curve of treasury notes of China and brought forward a forecasting model .
Meanwhile , in the light of the shape and features of term structure of interest rate of China 's national debt , the authors illustrate it with traditional theory of term structure of interest rate , put forth the suggestion of designing and pricing of the national debt .
By using Nelson - Siegel model , the paper derives the term structures for bonds in Shanghai & Shenzhen Security Exchange in 2002 , and use two - and three - principal components as well as traditional duration and convexity to simulate a hedging of portfolios .
As the basis ; ( 2 ) To adjust the subsequently annual mortgage loan interest rate by using M-T-M model to confirm the alteration of value of the mortgage loan which related with the prepayment risk and term structure of interest rate in national debt market .
The Estimation on the Interest-rate Term Structure Curve of Our T Bonds
Then , this article had emphatically carried on the empirical analysis to the relations between the interest rate term structure of national bonds of our country interbank and monetary policy .
By using exponential Splines model , we estimate the bond 's term structure of shanghai stock exchange , then we have a static analysis to it and obtain the statistical feature of term structure .
Then from chapter three to chapter five , the dissertation uses the different fitting techniques , including interpolation , linear programming , spline , and parameter method , to study the interest rate term structure of Chinese treasury market .
For analyzing the term structure in Riding the yield curve , B-spline is used to fit the interest rate term structure implied by treasury bonds . Performance is compared between bonds with different maturity and different holding period .
Term structure analysis of the bond repurchasing interest rates market of China
Firstly the paper analyses interest rate level , term structure and the present circulation situation of China 's government bonds , points out the problems : not enough kinds of government bonds to form a perfect term structure ;