
  1. 从改革开放以来,我国的财政隶属度一直呈现递增趋势,特别是1998年至今,过高的隶属度反映了我国存在过高的财政赤字和国债负担。

    Especially from 1998 to now , the high degree of membership represents the high financial deficit and burden of national debt .

  2. 经过长年的对外战争,军费花销巨大,英国背负了沉重的巨额国债负担,民众对政府的信心也与日剧减。

    After years of wars , having spent lots of money , the kingdom bears a heavy burden of the huge national debt , and the public confidence also erodes .

  3. 二是自从东南亚危机以后,为了走出通货紧缩的困境,我国实行了积极的财政政策,但随之而来的是国债负担的增加和财政赤字的增大。

    Secondly , after the crisis in Southeast Asia , China has adopted an active financial policy and obviously improved deflation , but meanwhile , the burden of public debt and financial deficit has increased .

  4. 国债的经济负担很难由具体的指标大小决定,设立警戒线方法也不太现实。

    Some indicators used for controlling debts risks can hardly measure the economic burden of government bonds and the means by setting up warning-line is not realistic .

  5. 只要经济增长率高于国债利率,国债负担率将会逐步收敛。

    If the economic growth is higher than the interest rate of government debt , the government debt ratio will converge gradually .

  6. 国债的支出方向对国债的代际负担影响研究

    Research on the Effect of the Direction of National Debts on Inter-generational Burden

  7. 国债风险的大小主要通过国债依存度、国债负担率和国债偿债率三个指标来衡量。

    The scale of national debt risk mainly depends us the three indexes such rate of dependency , bearing rate and debt paying sate of national debt .

  8. 我国国债与经济增长关系的计量分析&兼论国债负担对国债经济增长效应的影响

    An Econometric Analysis on the Relationship between Public Debt and Economic Growth in China : Comment on the Effect of Public Debt Burden on the Growth of Public Debt

  9. 第二节分析国债的数量风险,分别研究了衡量国债风险的三个指标:国债负担率、国债依存度和偿债率,并对隐性债务问题进行了较详细的分析。

    Section two analyzes the quantitative risk of national debts risk . It analyzes three indexes which are public debt-to-GDP ratio , public debt dependency and government debt-service ratio . It also analyzes the problem of hidden debts in detail .

  10. 但是,我国的国债政策并没有有效启动国内最终消费需求,而且国债规模的急速膨胀导致了我国赤字率、政府偿债率和国债负担率的快速增长。

    But the increase of bonds scale lead to deficit problem and government payment burden .