
  • 网络The Black Eyed Peas;The APL Song;black eyes peas
  1. 摇摆乐之王格伦•米勒(GlennMiller),他是那个时代的黑眼豆豆乐团。

    King of Swing Glenn Miller , the one-man Black Eyed Peas of his day .

  2. 嘻哈团体黑眼豆豆在iTunes商店里成为明星

    Hip-hop group the black eyed peas were asked To star in an itunes commercial .

  3. 比伯,黑眼豆豆史奇雷克斯正像是EDM界的Jay-Z,如同Jay-Z一手捧红了蕾哈娜,史奇雷克斯让安东?斯拉夫斯(别名Zedd)大红大紫。

    Like Jay-Z made Rihanna into a superstar , Skrillex guided Zedd to the spotlight .

  4. 坎耶•维斯特(KanyeWest)穿着镶嵌金色饰钉的克里斯蒂安•娄伯丁(ChristianLouboutin)乐福鞋;黑眼豆豆组合(BlackEyedPeas)中的嘻哈明星will.i.am则是穿着一双令人咂舌的高帮鞋。

    Kanye West in Christian Louboutin 's gold-studded men 's loafers , and Black Eyed Peas star Will.i.am , in eye-catching high-tops .

  5. 本周黑眼豆豆的《TheTime》排名第三,而KatyB和MsDynamite合唱的新上榜单曲《LightsOn》则获得了第四名的位置。

    The Time by Black Eyed Peas climbed one place to number three , with Lights On by Katy B Ft Ms Dynamite the highest new entry of the week at four .

  6. 他们说,“嘿,他们要用黑眼豆豆的歌当做iTunes里的商品”

    They said , " hey . They want to use a black eyed peas song For an itunes commercial , "

  7. 但是颁奖典礼受欢迎的重要标志来自其他歌手,如碧昂丝,U2,黑眼豆豆合唱团和,第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马。

    But a major indication of the show 's popularity came from others such as Beyonce , U2 , the Black Eyed Peas , and First Lady Michelle Obama .

  8. 著名流行乐团黑眼豆豆的灵魂人物will.i.am,甚至将奥巴马早期竞选的一篇演讲编成了歌曲。

    Star musician will.i.am even turned one of Obama ` s early speeches into a song during the election campaign .

  9. 拉扎里迪斯及其联席首席执行官吉姆•贝尔斯利(JimBalsillie)相信宣传,他们会在黑眼豆豆乐队(BlackEyedPeas)喧闹的音乐声中走进商业展会的舞台——在黑莓专注于核心的企业用户市场的时候,这种事是不可想象的。

    Mr Lazaridis and his co-chief executive Jim Balsillie believed the hype and would enter the stage at trade shows to the blaring tunes of the Black Eyed Peas , something unthinkable when it was solely focused on its core market of business users .

  10. 夏奇拉和黑眼豆豆合唱团将成为开幕式的亮点。

    Sharia and the Black Eyed Peas were the highlights .

  11. 来自于黑眼豆豆合唱团的菲姬(点此听歌)将身着黑色“太空时代礼服”,为观众们献上热歌几曲。

    Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas'was wearing a black space age suit as they sung a number of hits .

  12. “黑眼豆豆”乐队女主唱费尔姬演唱了美国国歌,“雷鬼乐”歌星齐吉•马利耶也参加了演出。

    Negroid Eyed Peas musician Fergie strapped out the US citizen anthem and the event also functioned Reggae star Ziggy vocalist .

  13. 就在他办公室隔壁的录音棚里,一支管弦乐队正在排练,为“黑眼豆豆”的一首新曲录制配乐。

    In the studio next door , an orchestra was setting up to record strings for a future Black Eyed Peas track .

  14. 这位“黑眼豆豆”女主唱出现在风格活泼的广告宣传照里,推销她与雅芳联合推出的第一款同名香水&“直言不讳”。

    The Black Eyed Peas singer appears in a racy photo shoot to promote her first signature scent , Outspoken , which she created in collaboration with the beauty label .

  15. 他的黑眼豆豆还赞扬了他们的关系,从2004年开始,杜哈明在接受采访时承认,他有一个关于她的梦想。

    His Black Eyed Peas better half has also extolled the supportive aspect of their relationship , which began in2004 after Duhamel admitted in an interview that he 'd had a dream about her .

  16. 入选十大最佳衣着品味的女性还包括出生于巴贝多的歌手蕾哈娜、流行乐团“黑眼豆豆”主唱菲姬、奥斯卡奖得主葛妮丝帕特洛与《欲望城市》中的影星萨拉-杰西卡-帕克等人。

    The list also includes Barbados-born singer Rihanna , pop star Fergie from the " Black Eyed Peas " and Oscar winners Gwyneth Paltrow , as well as the star of " Sex and the City ," Sarah Jessica Parker .