
  • 网络adhesiveness;adhesion;adhesive;adherence
  1. BMSCs来源的成骨细胞与血管内皮细胞复合异体冻干颗粒骨的黏附性研究

    Experimental study on adhesiveness of osteoblasts and vascular endothelial cells from rat BMSCs co-cultured on allogeneic freeze-dried partially bone in vitro

  2. 方法以膜剂外观、黏附性和溶解时间为指标,进行处方筛选。

    METHODS The pliability , adhesiveness and dissolved time of the membrane were adopted as the index to select the prescription .

  3. N,O-羧甲基壳聚糖膜具有优良的细胞相容性、黏附性、载药性。

    N , O-CMC film had good application in the future .

  4. 含PEG的聚氨基酸的制备及其细菌黏附性评价

    Preparation of Poly ( amino acid ) Containing PEG and Evaluation of Bacterium Adhesion on Polymer Surface

  5. RNA干扰沉默MIF基因对HeLa细胞生长、迁移和黏附性的影响

    Effects of silencing migration inhibitory factor gene by RNA interference on proliferation , invasion , and adhesion of HeLa cells

  6. 研究还指出薄膜和316L医用不锈钢基底之间具有较好的黏附性。

    And it was found that good adhesion between 316L surgical stainless steel substrates and the films .

  7. 目的观察实验性宽颈动脉瘤被非黏附性液体栓塞剂醋酸纤维素聚合物(CAP)栓塞后的组织学变化。

    Objective To observe the histological changes of the experimental wide-neck aneurysms embolized with cellulose acetate polymer ( CAP ) - a kind of non-adhesive liquid embolic material .

  8. Galectin-3表达抑制对子宫内膜上皮细胞生长周期和黏附性的影响

    Effects of Galectin-3 on proliferation and adhesion of human endometrial cell line

  9. 结论作为非黏附性液体栓塞材料,EVAL聚合物是一种具有栓塞可控性好,易判断栓塞的开始和终结点的较理想栓塞物。

    Conclusion The national EVAL embolic mixture is a suitable and easy control vascular embolic material .

  10. 它的化学性质稳定,致密性好,具有良好的抗氧化性和抗热腐蚀性。Al2O3氧化膜与基体黏附性良好。

    Al2O3 oxide scale is very compact , it has steady chemical property and excellent resistance of oxidation and hot corrosion . The adhesion between the oxide scale and substrate is good .

  11. 细胞培养结果表明,和PCL电纺原膜相比,脂肪充质干细胞在双层多孔结构的支架上黏附性和生长效果更好。

    The cell culture results showed that the adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells did more favor to adhere and grow on the bilayer porous scaffolds than on PCL electrospun membranes .

  12. 结论:wt-RON的高表达可以降低E-cadherin表达,降低肿瘤细胞间的黏附性,增加结肠癌细胞RKO的移动/浸润能力。

    CONCLUSIONS : Overexpression of wt-RON led to the decrease in expression of E-cadherin and decreased cancer cell-cell adhension .

  13. 方法:根据细胞的黏附性不同,建立了一整套简便的树突状细胞的体外扩增方法,并利用HE染色和FACS研究了其生物学特征。

    Methods According to the difference of cells s adhesion , a series of method were set up to generate DC and the biological characteristics were studied by HE staining and FACS .

  14. 结论RGD肽对胶原的表面修饰,可提高生物源性支架的细胞黏附性,促进组织工程心脏瓣膜构建。

    Conclusion In comparison with the other three groups , it is an effective method for chemical coupling with RGD containing peptides to improve cell attachment of collagen scaffold , which is helpful to construct tissue engineering heart valve of biological scaffold .

  15. 黏附性生物被膜在细菌性阴道病中的意义

    Adherent biofilms in bacterial vaginosis Adhesion of Entamoeba Histolytica to Erythrocytes

  16. 肠生物黏附性活性炭制剂的驱铅实验研究

    Experimental study to remove lead by bioadhesive preparation of activated carbon

  17. 隆朋麻醉对犬红细胞免疫黏附性及红细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effects of Xylazine on Erythrocyte Adhesion and Membrane Fluidity in Dogs

  18. 卡波姆包衣姜黄素脂质体的制备及体外黏附性考察

    Preparation of carbopol modified curcumin liposomes and study adhesion in vitro

  19. 白色念珠菌在渗透陶瓷表面黏附性的研究

    Adherence of Candida albicans on the surface of infiltrated ceramic

  20. 具有抑制幽门螺旋杆菌黏附性的牛乳蛋白的研究

    Study on Bovine Milk Protein Inhibiting Adhesion of Helicobacter Pylori

  21. 多壁碳纳米管细胞黏附性和蛋白吸附性的初探

    A Study of Cell Adhesion and Protein Adsorptions on Multi-wall Carbon Nanotube

  22. 介质阻挡放电等离子体合成羧基功能薄膜及其细胞黏附性研究

    Acrylic acid functional films polymerized by DBD and its cell adhesion behaviors

  23. 高分子量乳清蛋白抑制幽门螺旋杆菌黏附性研究

    Study on higher Mr forms of whey protein inhibiting adhesion of Helicobacter pylori

  24. 采用γ照相机考察卡波姆934在狗体内的黏附性

    The Investigation of Bioadhesive Property of Carbomer 934 by Gamma Camera in vivo

  25. 非黏附性栓塞剂治疗脑动静脉畸形的临床护理

    Clinical Nursing of Embolization of Brain Arteriovenous Malformation with Non-adhesive Liquid Embolic Agent

  26. 常用生物黏附性高分子材料物理性质的比较试验

    Study on the physical properties of bioadhesive polymers Q & A on Sex

  27. 提高浆液对涤纶股线的黏附性的方法探讨

    On ways of developing size adhesion to polyester thread

  28. 目的制备酮康唑生物黏附性阴道片,并对其体外性质进行评价。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare and evaluate a new bioadhesive vaginal tablets of ketoconazole in vitro .

  29. 生物黏附性神衰果素缓释片体外释放度及组织黏附力研究

    Studies on Release of Helicid Bioadhesive Sustain-Release Tablet and Determination of Adhesive Force in Vitro

  30. 基于聚酸酐的生物黏附性载药高分子

    Polyanhydride based drug containing bioadhesive polymers