- 名anesthetic;narcotic;opiate;intoxicant;stupefacient

[anaesthetic;narcotic] 一种中等剂量时能使感觉迟钝、减轻疼痛并导致显著的睡眠,但中毒剂量时能引起木僵、昏迷或惊厥的药物(如鸦片、颠茄或酒精类物质)
" cyclopropane : a highly flammable , explosive , colorless gas , CH , sometimes used as an anesthetic . "
A colorless , sweet-tasting gas , N2O , used as a mild anesthetic in dentistry and surgery .
Anyone could have got in and doped the wine
They identified six plants as having potential for development into pharmaceutical drugs .
Doctors have been told not to sedate children with an anaesthetic that may be linked to five deaths .
Plain packaging would be another step in the reclassification of cigarettes from inviting consumer products to narcotics .
It 's no secret that Salman played a mentor and guide to Katrina Kaif in getting her a foothold in B-town .
Effects of water temperature , salinity , pH , and anaesthetics on oxygen consumption rate of juvenile Siganus canaliculatus
Propofol in clinical dose can eliminate oxygen derived free radicals effectively and decrease the concentration of MDA .
anaesthetic The use of anesthetics is less than a hundred years old .
Conclusion Explicit memory and implicit memory appears to be impaired by propofol [ 4.0 ~ 6.0 mg / ( kg · h ) ] anesthesia .
The prosecutor played disturbing audio recorded on Dr Murray 's iPhone of Jackson apparently under the influence of propofol .
Conclusion Propofol at anesthetic dose inhibit the activity of neutrophils and have protective effects on the pulmonary I / R injury in rats .
Effect of 3 Kinds of Anaesthetics on the Myoelectric Motility of Sphincter of Oddi in Rabbits
The fie firms warned by FDA hae stated that they produce their topical anesthetic creams as part of the practice of pharmacy compounding .
Mr Walgren said the audio was evidence that Dr Murray knew what was happening to Jackson and should have discontinued ordering propofol .
Therapeutic dose of propofol may play a role in brain protection and act as an OFR scavenger in vivo .
MH is a potentially fatal reaction to certain anesthetic agents and muscle relaxants in susceptible patients that can be avoided by using alternative non-triggering agents .
Weather intravenous anesthesia propofol have effect to CSEP or not and how to develop effect .
Officers of Colombia 's anti-narcotics squad said Mr Hernandez had gone to great lengths to avoid being identified .
And as they took more samples from her lungs , they increased the dose of her anesthetic , Lidocaine , far above the levels approved by the FDA .
The results showed that therapeutic doses of propofol had an effect on brain protection and acted as an OFR scavenger in vivo .
To investigate the effects of tiletamine on NO and NOS and the molecular mechanisms of general anaesthesia mediated by XFM .
AIM To determine the effects of nitrous oxide ( N 2O ) on the spontaneous neural discharge of the neurons in the central amygdaloid nucleus ( Ce ) in rats .
Murray , who was treating Jackson at the pop star 's rented home , told police he then gave him25 milligrams of propofol , a powerful anesthetic .
Application of propofol by intravenous pumping can reduce the increase in serum NSE , alleviate cerebral injury , and protect the brain tissues of patients undergoing surgery for acute craniocerebral trauma .
Results Blood glucose concentration was increased by 48.4 % 15 min after the intravenous administration of urethane at an anesthetizing dose .
In order to properly select and utilize anesthetics during preparing Wistar rat model of middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MCAO ) . the influences of different anesthetics on the physiologic parameters of rats were investigated .
Naloxone Hydrochloride is a pure opioid receptor antagonist . It is widely used for the treatment of intoxication of anaesthetic and alcohol , shock , brain infarction and so forth with good curative effect and few side effect .
Patients with OSA are predisposed to the development of upper airway obstruction during sleep . Similarly upper airway obstruction is likely to occur when sedative or anesthetic agents depress consciousness .