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  1. 驯鸟师DillonHorger说鸟不会飞走的原因是他们认为沙漠博物馆是它们的领地。

    Bird Trainer Dillon Horger says the birds don 't fly away because they consider the Desert Museum their territory .

  2. 国王听后,从邻国召来了几位驯鸟师和治疗师。

    Upon hearing this , the king summoned trainers and healers from the nearby kingdoms .

  3. 于是,回国后,他请来了一位驯鸟师,训练这对金刚鹦鹉。

    So , upon returning to his kingdom , he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train the Macaw parrots .

  4. 过了些日子,有一天驯鸟师来到宫殿,禀告国王,其中一只鹦鹉已经可以在高高的天空中飞翔,但另一只从来到王宫的那一天起就从来没有离开过它站立的树枝。

    As time passed , one day the trainer came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying majestically high in the sky , the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived .