
Marine life may be affected too : El Ninos can reduce the rising of the cold , nutrient-rich water that supports large fish populations , and the unusually warm ocean temperatures can destroy coral .
The study of animal mitochondrial DNA and its application to the study on fish population genetic structure
Application of AFLP in the analysis of fish population
A body-length-structured mathematical model for fish population study and its application
The number of fish species in Dianchi Lake also declined . 2 .
The analytic model of population dynamics for cannibal fishes
Surplus production models are among the main models for fish population dynamics .
These stocks cannot recover from the human pressure .
Filtering Analysis of Fish Population with Dynamics Model
Conference on straddling and migratory fish stocks ;
Population dynamics and life history patterns for main marine fishes in the coastal waters of China
A preliminary analysis of the population dynamics of pelagic fishes in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
Final act of the United Nations Conference on straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks ;
The Johannesburg summit set the goal of restoring depleted fish stocks to a sustainable level by2015 .
Ecological features of fish population in the river yao-jiang , with a discussion on fish-producing capacity of the river
The fishery management organization plays a unique role in promoting international cooperation on conservation and management of fish stocks .
Draft Convention on the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks on the high seas ;
Phosphates soften water for detergents but contribute to algae blooms in our waterways , which can kill off fish populations .
Fish stock assessment is to use various statistical and mathematical methods to quantify the reactions of fish population to fisheries management choices .
FAO helps countries conserve fish stocks and aquatic resources , protect the environment and ensure that future generations will not go hungry .
The Pacific islands also reaffirmed regional solidarity for effective management and conservation of highly migratory fish stocks in the western and central Pacific Ocean .
In places like Bangladesh and Cambodia , the depletion of fish stocks presents a real threat for the health of poor families in coastal and inland communities .
All kinds of fishes are now struggling in the severe environmental conditions and have change a lot in phenotypic traits , especially the miniaturization of fish resources .
They provide important habitat for fish populations , including rare and endangered fish species , and are spawning and nursery areas for many fish and other marine species .
Ms. Loh said the government implemented a trawling ban last year , which green groups hope will improve local fish stocks and protect Hong Kong 's dolphin population .
The new model is superior to the models obtained in the past , and can been used to estimate the numbers of different sizes in one species fish population .
Their arrival has caused quote extreme disruption to native fish communities , according to the International Coral Reef Initiative , which is studying what to do about the lionfish invasion .
Yet , in all , almost two-thirds of fish populations studied worldwide still need rebuilding . Only two areas did not have an overfishing problem in either the new study or the earlier one .
The Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean ( hereafter the Convention ) has entered into force , and Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission ( WCPFC ) will formally operate .
Concerning the depressed population of this precious and rare fish , the authors propose that suitable protective measures in the estuarine region of the Changjiang River should be taken .