
  1. 一种优秀的课堂精神文化都有它自己的特质,它的培育要求教师承担起精神领袖的角色。精神领袖是一种拥有人格魅力与科学精神的精神贵族。

    A kind of excellent culture of spirit is regarded as a deep attention to the quality of student , and it can inspires the development of students and teachers , especially , teachers should play a role of leader of spirit who possess a kind of charm .

  2. 本文介绍了现代控制理论中的一个十分活跃和富有魅力的重要科学领域&自适应控制技术。

    This paper introduces a very active , charming and important scientific kingdom-self-tuning control technic .

  3. 它内化为科学家本人的人格魅力,是科学事业和科学家本人前进的精神动力和精神源泉。

    It internalizes scientist 's the personal charm ; it is the spiritual power for the scientists and science .

  4. 探索科学真谛彰显人文魅力&论高校科学与人文并举的管理理念

    EXPLORING SCIENTIFIC TRUTH AND STRESSING HUMANISTIC GLAMOUR & On Management Conception of Combining Science and Humanism

  5. 结果:青少年性生理发育提前,部分青少年对自己的性征、身体发育和自我性魅力评价存在不科学的认识。

    Result : Teenagers premature in their puberty development , some of them do not have appropriate understanding on evaluation of their physical appearance , development and self-charm .

  6. 中国传统科学中的生成论展现出与构成论不同的思想魅力,给当代科学中的微观物质结构研究带来了曙光。

    Formation of traditional Chinese science on the show and the Composition of the different ideological appeal to the contemporary scientific research in the microstructure of materials to bring the dawn .