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  1. 他写的人鬼恋的故事都很唯美。

    The love stories about human and ghost are very romantic .

  2. 道教对魏晋南北朝人鬼恋小说的影响

    The Influence of Taoism on Love Stories of Human and Ghost in Wei , Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

  3. 而人鬼恋故事中对主角性别与身份的预先设定,又蕴含着颇为独特的文化内容。

    The love between humans and ghosts is a unique phenomenon which is the product of integration of many cultural elements .

  4. 其中婚恋题材的故事内涵丰富,又可分为人仙恋、人人恋、人鬼恋和人怪恋这几类,文中对其作了分门别类的分析和探讨。

    There are so many love stories in the book , can be divided into one immortal love , all love , person clever loves and strange love of these categories . This paper will research on different point of view .