
  • 网络high-velocity star;HVSs;Swift
  1. 天啊,这比超高速星还要快!

    That 's faster than a hypervelocity star !

  2. 被动力学伸长的云团包裹着濒死恒星高速星风造就的百万度气体泡。

    Dynamic elongated clouds envelop bubbles of multimillion degree gas produced by high-velocity winds from dying stars .

  3. FSO的另一个优势是建立高速的星地通信链路的潜力。

    Another advantage is its potential for offering a high-speed communications between satellites and ground .

  4. 介绍了与之有关的两个模型:(1)高速中子星的中微子火箭喷流模型;

    Two relevant models are introduced : ( 1 ) The neutrino rocket model for neutron stars with high velocities ;

  5. 随着微小卫星编队系统的高速发展,星间高精度测距已经成为一个重要课题,受到国内外的广泛关注。

    With the rapid development of the formation systems of micro satellites , precision ranging between satellites has become an important topic .

  6. 与蟹状星云和船帆座超新星遗迹中被磁化电子云(脉冲星风星云)环绕的高速自转中子星不同,这颗中子星安静而虚弱,目前为止,没有显示脉冲辐射的迹象。

    Unlike the rapidly rotating neutron stars in the Crab Nebula and Vela supernova remnants that are surrounded by dynamic magnetized clouds of electrons called pulsar wind nebulas , this neutron star is quiet , faint , and so far shows no evidence for pulsed radiation .

  7. 扩频和高速数据信号的星间天线角跟踪系统设计

    Design of Inter-satellite Antenna Angular Tracking System for Spread-spectrum and High-data-rate Signals

  8. 用平均轴制动功率法,对高速列车中华之星在270km/h紧急制动时制动盘温度场分布进行仿真。

    Using the method of the average axle braking power , the temperature distribution of the brake disc of the high-speed train China Star was computed .

  9. 脉冲星是一种具有超强电磁场、超高密度的高速旋转的中子星,其自转周期极其稳定,长期稳定度甚至优于目前世界上最好的原子钟。

    Pulsar is a kind of neutron star with super strong electro-magnetic field and super density . It spins rapidly and extremely stably . Its long-term stability could even be better than the best atomic clock in the world .

  10. 星地数据链路需要传输的信息速率越来越高,可达几百兆甚至上千兆,占用的带宽也越来越宽,因此宽带高速传输已经成为星地数据链发展的必然趋势。

    With increasing demand in the transmission speed , which may be as high as several hundred megabits even to gigabit , the bandwidth also becomes larger and larger , so that high transmission rate has become a trend for satellite-ground data link .

  11. 宝马高速腾越超新星中高速中子星的吸积

    Accretion of a Neutron Star Moving at a High Kick Velocity in Supernova