
  1. 第二章对高清监控视频传输的相关技术做了简要概述。

    The second chapter of this paper briefly introduces the technology of the high-definition video transmission .

  2. 在整个视频监控系统中,高清监控视频在网络中的传输成为了限制发展的瓶颈问题。

    In the whole system , the transmission of the high-definition video has become the bottleneck for video surveillance systems .

  3. 大型人流通道高清图像监控和智能分析应用

    Intelligent Analysis Application and High Definition Image Monitoring of Large Channel

  4. 改造内容包括:调速系统的改造、上位机监控界面开发和网络高清视频监控。

    Transformation includes transformation of the speed governing system , the PC monitor interface development and network video monitoring .

  5. 本文算法计算量小,可以有效处理大量数据,并且能有效抑制噪声,可应用于高清视频监控中。

    This algorithm can effectively handle large amounts of data , and can effectively suppress noise , which can be applied to high-definition video monitoring .

  6. 网络高清视频监控通过光纤介质实时清晰地把监控点的视频画面传递到控制室,让工作人员更直观、更全面的了解到提升机的运行状态。

    Network video monitoring transfer the video monitoring points to the control room timely and clearly , let the staff more intuitive , more comprehensive to understand the operation of the state machine .

  7. 该算法使用了提前终止技术,对搜索流程、十字搜索和六边形搜索模板进行了优化,使得运动估计性能全面提升,能够很好地完成高清视频监控的编码工作。

    The algorithm applied early termination technology , optimization of the search process , the cross search and the hexagon search template to enhancing the overall performance of motion estimation , complete high-definition video surveillance coding .

  8. 用户转而更加青睐于移动、实时、高清的便捷式监控。

    Users prefer to mobile , real-time , portable monitoring .