
  • 网络AMAP
  1. 在这个由百度和新对手高德地图(Amap,阿里巴巴两年前从高德软件(AutoNavi)手中收购)主导的领域,腾讯在争夺智能手机地图用户上面临着一场硬仗。

    Tencent faces an uphill battle for smartphone map users in a sector dominated by Baidu and Alibaba 's recent entrant Amap , which it acquired two years ago from AutoNavi .

  2. 根据地图和导航服务提供商高德地图近日发布的报告,上海和厦门被评为我国公共交通最发达、最便利的城市。

    Shanghai and Xiamen have been ranked as the most developed and convenient cities in China for public transportation , according to a report issued by map and navigation service provider amap.com .

  3. 高德地图分析师房一多表示,由于大量在城市工作的人回到自己的家乡共度春节,所以在第一季度大城市的交通拥堵情况大大缓解。

    Traffic congestion eased greatly during the first quarter , as large numbers of people working in cities traveled back to their hometowns to celebrate the spring festival , AMAP analyst Fang Yiduo said .

  4. 该报告由地图服务提供商高德地图联合清华大学下属的某交通研究中心编制。报告称,这是济南继去年三季度之后,再次超越北京成为第一“堵城”。

    It is the second time that Jinan surpassed Beijing to be the most jammed city since the third quarter of last year , according to a report compiled by map service provider AMAP and a transport research center attached to the Tsinghua University .