
  • 网络Cavalry Division
  1. 这是最大的雇主在德克萨斯州和唯一在美国支持两个完整装甲师-第一骑兵师和第四步兵师能力的军事哨所。

    It is the largest single employer in Texas and the only military post in the United States capable of supporting two full armoured divisions-the1st Cavalry Division and the4th Infantry Division .

  2. 第二次巴尔干战争期间,担任第一骑兵师的作战参谋。

    During the Second Balkan War he served as chief of the Operations Bureau of the1st Cavalry Division .

  3. 在第七骑兵师,我们有一个来自乌克兰上尉,另一个来自波多黎各。

    In the7th Cavalry , we got a captain from Uric , another from Porto Rico.

  4. 皇上派了多芒的轻骑兵师去探察那黑点。

    The Emperor detached Domon 's division of light cavalry to reconnoitre in that quarter .

  5. 蒙古骑兵师的第6和第8装甲营装备着这些汽车参与了1939年春&夏在哈桑河的军事冲突。

    The6th and8th armored battalions of the Mongolian cavalry divisions equipped with these vehicles took part in an armed conflict at the Khalhin-Gol River during the spring and summer of1939 .