
yàn zī
  • Capital verification;verify capital;assess capital;examine assets
  1. 虚假验资民事责任的性质为侵权责任。

    The nature of its civil responsibility is liability for tort .

  2. 我国法律所确立的验资制度具有强制性。

    The institution of asset accreditation is compulsive in our country .

  3. 打入资金,必须请会计事务所做验资报告。

    Transfer the capital , should check capital by accounting institutes .

  4. 简论会计师事务所虚假验资的民事责任

    On the civil liability of false capital assessment of accounting firms

  5. 法定验资机构出具的验资证明;

    Certificate of capital issued by a legal capital inspection organ ;

  6. 外商投资企业验资风险的防范与化解

    Prevention and Elimination of Risks of Capital Verification for the Foreign-owned Enterprises

  7. 验资报告附件&投入资本明细表的改进建议

    An Appendix to the Capital Verification Report-Improvement of Invested Capital Subsidiary Ledger

  8. 内资提供验资报告;

    The china company offer the check capital report .

  9. 验资业务操作风险及其防范

    Risks and Precautions on the Verification of Legal Capital

  10. 会计师事务所验资诉讼败诉及应对法律责任的探讨

    Probes into CPA loss in litigation of capital verification the way to respond

  11. 验资机构民事责任研究

    The Study of Civil Liability of Asset Accreditation Agency

  12. 探讨注册会计师在验资业务中存在的若干问题

    On Several Existing Issues of Certified Public Accountant ( CPA ) in Cheeking-capital Business

  13. 资产评估报告和验资报告。

    Asset appraisal report and capital verification report .

  14. 虚假验资诉讼中专家职业义务的认定

    Judgement of Professional Duties in False Capital Verification

  15. 虚假验资民事案件中银行权益的维护

    Protection of Bank Interest in False Capital Case

  16. 东莞市健扬包装制品有限公司是经过国家合法机构验资及公证的合法企业。

    Ltd is acknowledged and certificated of registered capital by the legal government organization .

  17. 注册会计师验资业务法律责任问题探讨&由法函[1996]56号所引发的思考

    Problems on the Legal Responsibility in CPA

  18. 验证企业资本,出具验资报告;

    To verify the capital of the enterprise , and issue the capital verification report ;

  19. 虚假验资是注册会计师承担验资侵权责任的前提条件。

    A chartered accountant will be held for infringement when issuing false capital verification reports .

  20. 验资报告,银行资金到位证明

    Capita Verification reports , bank deposit slip

  21. 验资报告应当以文字报告的形式确切地表述验证的内容。

    The capital verification report shall clearly express the contents verified in a word report form .

  22. 因此,明确专家职业义务的定义以及认定在虚假验资诉讼中有重要的意义。

    Therefore , definition and judgment of professional duties prove to be of great significance in false capital verification .

  23. 银行开户由客户自己负责,验资由我们合作的会计事务所负责。

    Opening Bank Account do it by customer self , the check capital are charge of us accountants service .

  24. 我们的审验是依据《独立审计实务公告第1号一一验资》进行的。

    Our verification is in accordance with " Statement of Independent Auditing Practices No.1 : Verification of Capital Contribution " .

  25. 我国注册会计师验资民事责任司法规则的梳理与评价

    The Summary and Evaluation of the Judicial Regulation of Civil Liability Borne by China 's Certified Public Accountants in Asset Accreditation

  26. (三)开办时的验资报告或者有关证明文件。公司聘请的在中国注册的会计师应就出资出具验资报告。

    A Chinese registered public accountant retained by the Company shall issue a capital verification report with regard to the capital contribution .

  27. 资金信用证明、验资证明或者资金担保;

    A certificate of its credit worthiness , a certificate of the verification of its capital or a guarantee for its capital ;

  28. 增设分支机构或办事机构:董事会决议;验资报告。

    The set up of the branch or the handle affairs office : the Directorate resolution ; the testimonial report of the capital ;

  29. 针对这些具体问题应建立完善的评估、验资和信息披露制度。

    Aiming at these real problems , we should establish the integrity system for the evaluation , capital - verification and information disclosure .

  30. 结合会计实务,对如何切实防范验资风险提出了对策。

    With the accounting practices taken into account , some countermeasures , which aim at taking precautions against risks , are put forward .