
  • 网络acceptance inspection;acceptance test
  1. 本文讨论火箭弹射击密集度序贯抽样检验的基本原理及进行步骤,并以某火箭弹射击密集度验收检验为例。说明根据原来的验收方案制订等效的序贯抽检方案的方法。

    The basic principle and procedure of sequential Sampling inspection are discussed and the method of making the sequential sampling inspection plan equivalent to the original one is described , using the acceptance test for the density of impact point of a rocket as an example .

  2. 对油气井用电雷管验收检验方案和产品监督检验方案进行了对比分析,发现了验收检验方案在油田监督抽查检验工作中的缺陷,参照有关标准重新确定了监督抽查检验方案。

    A contrastive analysis is made of the acceptance test plan and the supervisory test plan for electric detonators and some weaknesses of the former are revealed . A new plan for randomly supervisory test of electric detonators is designed with reference to the relevant standards .

  3. 验收检验报告由集团收集。

    That the acceptance inspection report is collected by the group .

  4. 电能表验收检验的抽样方案理论验证

    Theoretic Demonstration on Acceptance Check of Electric Energy Meter with Sampling Method

  5. 在此情况下,在验收检验时应使用修订后的图纸。

    In this case , corrected drawings shall be used in acceptance controls .

  6. 《验收检验报告》具有正式证据文件的特点,需要单独存放。

    The air has the character of an official evidence document and needs to be self-contained .

  7. 对于验收检验,应考虑这些制图中固定的尺寸和容差。

    For acceptance controls , the dimensions and tolerances specified in these drawings shall be taken into consideration .

  8. 序贯抽样检验及其在火箭弹射击密集度验收检验中的应用

    Sequential sampling inspection and it 's application in acceptance tests for the density of impact point of rocket

  9. 通过对稳定生产状态下的机电产品生产条件细分,设计了相应的生产质量验收检验抽样方法。

    This paper has analyzed the productive condition of mechanical and electrical products under the steady productive state , designed the corresponding sampling way of the inspection of the productive quality , and introduced in detail the application of sampling way .

  10. 买方在交货之后应当立即验收和检验货物。

    The Buyer must accept and inspect the goods immediately upon receipt of delivery .

  11. 今后应加强电网中金属材料方面的质量验收和检验。

    Therefore great importance should be attached to the quality acceptance and checkup of metal materials in the future .

  12. 并以钛白粉这种散料为研究和应用对象,将二氧化钛含量作为主要质量特性指标,给出了一套完整的、切实可行的验收抽样检验方案。

    The acceptance sampling inspection plan which takes the content of titanium dioxide as the main indicators of the quality characteristics is designed .

  13. 设备验收要求与检验用来进行检验的设备。

    Equipment required to perform a test .

  14. 设备验收要求与检验

    Equipment acceptance requirements and inspections

  15. GB/T17587.3-1998滚珠丝杠副第3部分:验收条件和验收检验

    Ball screws & Part 3 : Acceptance conditions and acceptance tests

  16. 施工过程的检验和试验,交付前的预验收按《产品检验和试验程序》进行控制。

    Inspection and test of construction procedure , pre-inspection and pre-acceptance before delivery shall be controlled in accordance with product inspection and test procedure .

  17. 什么是验收测试?验收测试指检验程序。来验证已完成的用户故事是按照现场客户期待的方式开发的。

    Acceptance testing is the process of verifying that stories were developed such that each works exactly the way the customer team expected it to work .

  18. 建设工程的竣工验收,应以施工图纸及说明书、国家颁发的施工验收规范和质量检验标准为依据。

    The inspection and acceptance of construction projects upon completion shall be carried out according to the blueprints and written instructions , and to the work testing norms and quality inspection standards issued by the state .