
  1. 达蒙马说:在中国,什么都是复制的。

    Everything is copying in China , Mr. Ma says .

  2. 课堂是炎热,阿达马说。

    The classroom is hot , Adama says .

  3. 马说:“我希望这样的感情能继续持续下去。”

    Ma said : 'I hope it goes on for many more years . '

  4. 多马说,我的主,我的神。

    And Thomas answered and said unto him , My LORD and my God .

  5. 接着他温和地对马说起话来,用手抚摸着它。

    He then spoke gently to the horse , and patted him with hishand .

  6. 主人,马说,这回,您得徒步去打仗了。

    Master , it said , you 'll have to fight on foot this time .

  7. 侯爵对流星报马说。

    Said the Marquis to the courier .

  8. 母牛问马说,“哞,农夫约翰在哪儿?”

    The cow asks the horse ," Moo , where 's John , the farmer ?"

  9. 你周六去见琵琪,我们就跟那匹马说再见了

    You 're meeting Peach Saturday , and we 're saying good-bye to the horse .

  10. 本泽马说他感觉到某些部位有些疼痛,我们会关注他的伤情进展。

    Benzema said he was feeling some pain and we 'll see how that evolves .

  11. 古德马说,这两家公司最近几年从乌克兰赚走了数十亿美元。

    He says these companies have taken billions of dollars out of the Ukrainian economy in recent years .

  12. 哈迪马说,2006年之后,俄罗斯就坚持用现金来支付,而不再用实物作为支付手段。

    Since then , Hudyma claims Moscow , has insisted on paying cash instead of providing payment in kind .

  13. 对于本泽马说,第一块试金石就是接下来14号的西班牙超级杯。

    The first serious touchstone for the improvement of Benzema is the next day14 in the Super Cup of Spain .

  14. 维尔马说:童年时期,我们在男孩女孩身上看不到太多的差别。

    ' In childhood , we did not see much difference ' between male and female , Dr. Verma said .

  15. 马说到今年年底该省将努力实行客货船的正常运行。

    Ma said the province would strive to realize regular operation of the passenger-cargo vessels by the end of this year .

  16. 他们闻不着兔子的味儿了,那匹老马说,也许兔子能跑掉。

    ' They 've lost the smell of the hare , 'said the old horse . 'Perhaps it will escape . '

  17. 会交给你你要是少喝点酒别乱买马说不定你就有正视你的地主了纳拉科特

    If you drank less beer and bought fewer horses , you might be able to look your landlord in the eye , Narracott .

  18. 印度外交国务部长夏尔马说,这次袭击造成印度和巴基斯坦两国关系正常化的进程出现倒退。

    India 's junior foreign minister Anand Sharma has called the attacks a setback to the process of normalization of relations between the two countries .

  19. 维尔马说,这名司机曾威胁这名女子,如果向警方报案,就杀了她。随后,他开车把她送回了家。

    Mr. Verma said the driver threatened to kill the woman if she reported the assault to the police , and then drove her home .

  20. 在1962年拥有一辆大使牌汽车,就像如今在印度拥有一辆奥迪一样,维尔马说,那是地位,是威望。

    To possess an Ambassador in 1962 was like possessing an Audi in India now , said Mr. Verma . It was status , prestige .

  21. 维尔马说,她很机警,也足够聪明,用手机给这辆车拍了照,照片显示了车牌号。

    She was alert and smart enough to get a picture of the cab with the number plate on her mobile , Mr. Verma said .

  22. 印度副外交部长阿南德.夏尔马说,印度和非洲都代表那些面临相同挑战的发展中地区,而且有很多共同点。

    Indian Junior Foreign Minister , Anand Sharma , says both India and Africa represent developing regions with shared challenges , and have much to share .

  23. 马说:你怎么不告诉我?我的蹄子能踢碎狼的脑袋。

    The horse said , " Why not tell me you were in danger ? My strong hooves could stamp broken the wolf 's head . "

  24. 乌克兰总理季莫申科的能源顾问、议员古德马说,乌克兰已经作好充分准备为其使用的天然气付费。

    The energy advisor for Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko , parliamentarian Oleksiy Hudyma , says his country is fully prepared to pay for the gas it consumes .

  25. 心理学教授马诺·库马尔·夏尔马说,该男子每天至少花八小时追剧,这让他“很快乐”。

    And psychology professor Manoj Kumar Sharma said that the man was spending at least eight hours a day watching Netflix because it made him " feel good . "

  26. 这些措施最初的实施时期是60至90天,科罗马说,下一步的措施将在有必要时公布。

    These measures will initially be implemented for a period of 60 to 90 days , Mr. Koroma said , and subsequent measures will be announced as and when necessary .

  27. 鲁甘马说:确实,(非洲的)各种能源,包括地热、风能、太阳能,当然还有水电,潜力都非常大。

    Certainly , the potential is high and we are seeing very good take up of all sorts of geothermal , wind , solar and , of course , hydro .

  28. 马说,我们已经关注打击假冒伪劣产品出口非洲的特别的重要意义,其已经同广东省建立了一个逐渐增长的贸易关系。

    " We have attached special importance to cracking down on fake and shoddy goods exported to Africa , which has established an ever-growing trade relationship with Guangdong ," Ma said .

  29. 总部设在新德里的生物技术和食品安全论坛的农业分析师迪凡德.沙尔马说,国际市场面临的大米短缺前景使得印度政府基本上停止了出口。

    Farm analyst Devender Sharma , with the new Delhi-based forum for biotechnology and food security , says looming rice shortages in the world have prompted the government to virtually block exports .

  30. 布鲁马说:随着对世界的了解不断增长,日本开始认识到,中国并非世界的中心,而且开始认识到中国的弱点。

    As knowledge of the world grew , the Japanese began to realise that China was not the centre of the world , and to recognise the weaknesses of China , he says .