
  • 网络Maqiao Dictionary;A Dictionary of Maqiao
  1. 《马桥词典》和《暗示》的文体变革与小说新范式

    On the Style Innovation of Ma Qiao Dictionary and Suggestion

  2. 《马桥词典》&20世纪90年代文化寻根的升华

    Ma-Qiao Dictionary & The Sublimation of 90 's Root-searching Culture

  3. 第一部分:分析《马桥词典》中权力的多元形态&话语权力、王权、男权。

    That is , discourse power , empirical power and power of male .

  4. 所谓《马桥词典》和《暗示》的文体创新,其实从中国最古老的小说传统借鉴不少。

    The style innovation of Ma Qiao Dictionary and Suggestion has drawn a great deal from ancient Chinese novels .

  5. 说明《哈扎尔辞典》和《马桥词典》的比较研究所得出的价值与意义。

    That " Khazar Dictionary " and " Maqiao Dictionary " comparative study and significance of the value derived .

  6. 第二部分:分析《马桥词典》中暴力的多元形态&军事暴力、刑罚暴力、心理暴力。

    In the second section , the pluralistic modality of violence martial violence , punitory violence and mental violence is considered .

  7. 韩少功此时的创作风格、技巧等都已经趋向成熟,也可以说先前的创作经验都在此融合为一体,最具有代表性,也最能整体反应这一风格的,笔者认为是他的《马桥词典》。

    The writing style and techniques became mature . In other words , all his previous experiences have integrated together as a whole . The author considered the most representative work to be his " the Horse Bridge Dictionary " .