
  • 网络Mabul;Marineblues;Mab;Mubul
  1. 马布苏湖(UvsNuurLake)是世界遗产,为俄罗斯联邦的图瓦共和国(TuvaRepublic)和蒙古国共同拥有。

    Uvs Nuur Lake , shared with Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation , is a natural World Heritage Site .

  2. 契马布埃:受训于拜占庭风格的意大利画家,被认为是佛罗伦萨学院的首任校长。

    Cimabue : Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school .

  3. 他认为从开罗到拉各斯都有遭受恐怖袭击的危险,并称蒙面人部队计划在911袭击周年时策划对马格利布的袭击活动。

    He said the threat of an attack spread from Cairo to Lagos and claimed the Masked Men Brigade is plotting to use the planes in attacks on a Maghreb state on the anniversary of 9 / 11 .

  4. 他们给马蒙上遮眼布。

    They put a blindfold on a horse .

  5. 本人同意在比赛前和比赛期间不得损害、更改及遮盖马拉松官方号码布;

    I agree to do not deliberately damage , change or mask my bib number before and during the competition ;