
bā dù
  • octave
八度[bā dù]
  1. 他唱的比我们其他人都低八度。

    He 's singing an octave lower than the rest of us .

  2. 欧洲音乐凑巧采用了八音音阶,“八度”一词就由此而来。

    European music happens to use a scale of eight notes , hence the use of the term octave

  3. 奥毕森的音域跨越三个八度。

    Orbison 's vocal range spanned three octaves .

  4. 如果用竖琴演奏D音符,其他八度音阶所有相应的D弦都将发出共鸣。

    If the note of D is sounded on a harp , all the corresponding D strings of other octaves will likewise resonate .

  5. 她的嗓音下降了八度。

    Her voice went down an octave .

  6. 低于B平黑管范围在八度音节内的大黑管。

    A large clarinet whose range is an octave below the B-flat clarinet .

  7. 女士B:很多人的声音拥有至少好几个八度的音域,有的人能发出让令人震耳欲聋的声音。

    WOMAN B : A lot of people have at least a couple of octaves range which is just stunning what some people can produce .

  8. 那正是C调下的八度音阶。更值得注意的事实是所有的蓝鲸都能用相同的音高唱歌,它们的音高总是完全相同。

    That 's about four octaves below middle C. Even more remarkable than the fact that all the whales sing certain notes at the same pitch , is how perfectly on pitch they always are .

  9. 影响声音很大的不同,比其他八度我尝试

    The effect sounds great and different than other Octave I tried

  10. 一种包括所有八度音阶半程音的12乐音音阶。

    A 12-note scale including all the semitones of the octave .

  11. 她讲电话的声音肯定要高半个八度

    I 'm sure she 's speaking half an octave higher .

  12. 一种音调比普通笛子高八度音的小笛子。

    A small flute pitched an octave above a regular flute .

  13. 某些昆虫比人类能听高两个八度的超音速声音。

    Some insects hear ultrasonic sounds two octaves higher than humans can .

  14. 它有始于中音以下三个八度音阶的深度范围。

    It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C.

  15. 并对古浪地震八度以上高烈度区的分布形态与地震破裂特征的关系进行探讨。

    Earthquake sequence characteristics of Gulang event is also discussed .

  16. 金色的八度音阶会召唤金色梦想到生命中。

    Golden octaves call a golden dream into the life .

  17. 高八度的振动频率是低音的两倍。

    Ascending octaves double the frequency of the lower note .

  18. 今晚温度会下降到零下八度。

    The temperature could fall to minus eight tonight .

  19. 论文对产生八度伸缩性现象的原因作出了解释。

    The paper explains the cause of flexible octave .

  20. 八度音需要八个音来完成。

    Eight notes are need to complete the octave .

  21. 一种基于重构八度音的音频信号高频重建方法

    A Method of High Frequencies Reconstruction of Audio Signal Based on Reconstructed Octave

  22. 一般按四五度定弦,音域三个八度。

    Its range is generally five octaves and three-eighths .

  23. 全方位的调整,从一个半音,以一个八度向上或向下。

    Full range adjustments from one semitone to an octave up or down .

  24. 在一个八度音阶以内不同全音阶乐音的任何不同固定次序。

    Any of various fixed orders of the various diatonic notes within an octave .

  25. 出两个相距八度的音发音时所产生的和音。

    The consonance that results when two tones eight diatonic degrees apart are sounded .

  26. 80赫兹时,提供每八度18分贝的截频。

    Provides 18 dB-per-octave cutoff at 80 Hz .

  27. 略论钢琴音乐中的八度

    On the Octave in the Piano Music

  28. 八度区七层组合结构房屋设计初探

    Probe into the Design of Seven-storey Building with Composite Struction in Eight Seismic Degree Area

  29. 按五声音阶定音,音域可达4个八度。

    The Zheng has a five-note scale , with its musical range reaching four octaves .

  30. 然后再降一个八度。

    And pitched it down another octave .