
  1. 正宗新疆羊肉串,脍炙人口,香溢四方。

    Authentic Xinjiang mutton keBabs ( kaboBs ) win universal praise and their fragrance spreads all around .

  2. 知识播大地书香溢并州&太原市知识工程活动述评

    Knowledge Sows the Ground , Books'Fragrant Overflows Bing City & Review on Taiyuan City 's " Knowledge project " activities

  3. 使用方法:在烹饪前将咖喱叶放入温水浸泡3-5分钟,可令咖喱叶味道更加香溢。

    How To Use : To enhance the flavour of curry leaves , it is advisable to put curry leaves on warm water for3 to5 minutes before cooking .