
  • 网络Hong Kong Securities Market
  1. 香港证券市场对我国内地跨境上市公司约束的有效性研究

    A Study on the Bonding Effectiveness of Hong Kong Securities Market on Mainland Cross-listing Companies

  2. 由香港证券市场的恒生指数(HSI)构建了一个加权复杂网络,这一网络可以将相关的金融信息编码在网络的拓扑之中。

    We construct a weight network of Heng Seng index ( HSI ) in Hong Kong stock market , and show that the network encodes stock market relevant information in its topology .

  3. 在香港证券市场,比亚迪的股票重挫6.7%

    BYD 's shares dipped by as much as 6.7 % in Hong Kong .

  4. 目前,香港证券市场仍然是我国企业国际股票融资的主要场所。

    In the past we mainly issue international bonds in financial markets of Japan and United States .

  5. 新兴市场引入卖空机制对股市的冲击效应&来自香港证券市场的经验证据

    The Shock Effect of Short Selling Mechanism to Emerging Market : Evidence from Hong Kong Stock Market

  6. 三是香港证券市场比较成熟,且与国内经济发展关联密切。

    Third , Hong Kong securities markets are comparatively mature and are closely connected with the economic development of the mainland .

  7. 良好的销售业绩,为集团在香港证券市场的发展奠定了坚实的基础德语翻译。

    The favorable marketing performance laid a solid foundation for the development of the Group on the stock market of Hong Kong .

  8. 而香港证券市场依存度较低,股票走势相对独立。

    However in the securities market of Hong Kong is opposite , the stock trend is independence , and the perfonnance compares dispersion .

  9. 1999年,亚洲金融风暴刚刚过去,香港证券市场的融资能力就迅速恢复。

    The financing capacity of Hong kong 's stock market was quickly revived immediately after the ending of the Asian financial crisis in1999 .

  10. 本章提出了中国企业在内地上市的弊端,分析了香港证券市场的公司上市理念和中国物流企业香港上市的可行性。

    The disadvantages of A-share market are addressed , and the differences of listing concept and feasibility of Chinese logistics company 's IPO in Hong Kong are analyzed .

  11. 基于这种背景下,我认为研究香港证券市场的信息披露制度是很重要的。

    In the light of the above reasons , I consider it is important to study the topic of the information disclosure mechanism in Hong Kong 's securities market .

  12. 摩根大通证券(jpmorgansecurities)驻香港的中国证券市场部主席李晶(jingulrich)表示:“深圳面临被边缘化的潜在风险。”

    Jing Ulrich , chairman of China equities at JPMorgan securities in Hong Kong , says : " there is a potential risk of Shenzhen becoming marginalised . "

  13. 摩根大通(jpmorgan)驻香港的中国证券市场部主席李晶(jingulrich)表示,今年上海股价54%的跌幅,已使估值水平比美国企业更具吸引力。

    The fall of 54 per cent in Shanghai share prices this year has taken valuations to much more attractive levels that compare with companies in the US , according to Jing Ulrich , head of China equities at JPMorgan in Hong Kong .

  14. 本文详细介绍了分别代表我国股市和成熟股市的上海和香港两个证券市场,以及作为研究对象的上证180指数和恒生指数的相关情况。

    The article introduced the Securities market of Shanghai and Hong Kong in detail respectively , and also the study object & SSE 180 and HIS .

  15. 香港摩根大通中国证券市场主席李晶(JingUlrich)说:

    Jing Ulrich is chairwoman of China equities and commodities at the investment bank JP Morgan in Hong Kong .