
  • 网络TVB;HK Dramas
  1. 概括了TVB电视剧在中国内地的传播现象,分析了香港电视剧本身的特色,并就这些特色与其在中国内地被广泛传播的关系进行了分析。

    Under the sum-up of characteristics of Hong Kong teleplays , this thesis also makes a deep analysis of its broad transmission in Mainland .

  2. 从七十年代初期它所制作的电视剧集常年占据着香港电视剧收视率的八成左右,时至今日,TVB的剧集更在内地及海外华人中拥有数目庞大的观众群。

    Since early 1970s , the TV series which TVB manufactured has taken up a portion of 80 % in Hong Kong market . Even until now , the TVB series has a large number of Chinese audience groups both in mainland and overseas .

  3. 中国古典文学名著的香港电视剧改编研究

    A Study on the Adaptation of Classical Chinese Literature into HongKong Teleplays

  4. 香港电视剧作为中国电视剧发展成熟的一部分,长期以来一直被理论界所忽视。

    Hong Kong dramas which are regarded as one part of Chinese dramas were ignored by theorists for so long .

  5. 香港电视剧《妙手仁心》主要讲述了发生在香港一家虚构的医院中,医生与护士之间的感情故事。

    The Hong Kong TV series focuses on the loves and romantic relationships of the doctors and nurses at a fictional hospital in Hong Kong .