
  • 网络Hong Kong Education;Education in Hong Kong
  1. 香港教育学院讲师协会

    Association of Lecturers at the Hong Kong Institute of Education

  2. 香港教育学院副校长

    " Deputy Director , Hong Kong Institute of Education "

  3. 课堂学习研究对香港教育的影响

    The Impact of Learning Study on Hong Kong Education

  4. 香港教育学院校董会

    Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Education

  5. 教育文凭课程(小学)〔香港教育学院〕

    Postgraduate Diploma in Education ( Primary ) [ Hong Kong Institute of Education ]

  6. 香港教育统筹局公布全面支持教师新措施

    EMB Announced Comprehensive Support Measures for Teachers

  7. 于香港教育学院成立奖学金,培育教师继续进修。

    Provided funds to allow local teachers to do further studies at the Hong Kong Institute of education .

  8. 香港教育学院新校舍的启用,为香港的师资培训揭开新的一页。

    The opening of the Institute 's new campus adds a new page to teacher education in Hong Kong .

  9. 我衷心祝愿香港教育学院成功!祝愿在座各位百尺竿头、更进一步!

    May I wish the Hong Kong Institute of Education and all present here today every success in the future !

  10. 因此,我们的第一步工作,是把香港教育学院发展成为颁发认可学位的师资培训机构。

    As a first step we will develop the Hong Kong Institute of Education into a degree-awarding teacher training institute .

  11. 一九九四年九月,政府把当时四所教育学院和语文教育学院合并为香港教育学院。

    HKIEd was established in September 1994 by merging the four former Colleges of Education and the Institute of Language in Education .

  12. 据香港教育局统计,从2006-07学年到2010-11学年,在港内地学生人数的年复合增长率为22%。

    According to the Education Bureau , the number of cross-border students has rose by a 22 per cent CAGR from 2006-07 to 2010-11 .

  13. 香港教育学院是香港最大的师资培训机构,任重道远。

    The Hong Kong Institute of Education is the largest institute entrusted with the heavy and long-term responsibility of teacher training in the territory .

  14. 一九九六年,香港教育学院成为接受教资会资助的院校,并由一九九八至九九学年起开设教育学位及研究院课程。

    It came under the aegis of the UGC in1996.Starting from the1998-99 academic year , it also offers degree and postgraduate programmes in education .

  15. 一九九四年四月,多所前教育学院与语文教育学院合并,香港教育学院正式成立。

    In April 1994 , former Colleges of Education and Institute of Language in Education were incorporated as the Hong Kong Institute of Education .

  16. 梁振英称,香港教育局将修改部分存在争议的教学指引,但没有详谈。

    Mr Leung said that the Education Bureau would revise parts of its teaching guidelines that were contentious but did not go into details .

  17. 因此,香港教育学院将肩负起新的使命,於高等教育方面担当更重要的角色。

    The Hong Kong Institute of Education will therefore have a new mission to accomplish and a more important role to play in tertiary education .

  18. 语文教育学院〔与三所旧教育学院合并为香港教育学院〕

    Institute of Language in Education [ ILE ] [ merged with 3 former colleges of education to form the Hong Kong Institute of Education ]

  19. 由香港教育学院提供的中小学教师职前师资训练副学位课程,正逐步升格为学位或以上程度的课程。

    All pre-service training courses provided by the HKIEd for primary and secondary school teachers are being progressively upgraded from sub-degree to degree or higher level .

  20. 我们衷心感谢教育局及香港教育学院对我们在香港推广冰球发展的支持。

    We want to thank the Education Bureau and The Hong Kong Institute of Education for supporting us in advancing the sport forward in Hong Kong .

  21. 罗富国教育学院〔与另外两所旧教育学院和语文教育学院合并为香港教育学院〕

    Northcote College of Education [ merged with 2 other former colleges of education and the Institute of Language in Education to form the Hong Kong Institute of Education ]

  22. 最近有四名儿童死于流感,为防止流感蔓延周三晚些时候香港教育局宣布停课两周。

    The Hong Kong education bureau announced late on Wednesday a two-week suspension of classes in a bid to prevent the spread of flu after four recent child deaths .

  23. 她是本港中、小学校第一间家教会,可称是香港教育界家教会的先驱。

    It was the first parent-teacher association amongst primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong and can be considered a vanguard of parent-teacher associations in the Hong Kong education arena .

  24. 香港教育学院学生发展计划:本中心为本校学生提供多元化的培训发展,如全人发展、戏剧教育、创造力培训等。

    HKIEd student development scheme : the centre contributes further to the development of the HKIEd students by offering Enhancement Workshop Series for whole-person development , drama-in-education , creativity training , etc.

  25. 冯教授率先推动本港的网上学习和教学,于二零零零年春季与香港教育学院合办网上英语写作课程。

    In Hong Kong , Professor Fung was a pioneer in online learning and teaching , partnering with HKIEd in offering an English writing course in the spring of2000 on the Internet .

  26. 香港教育学院大中华研究中心的教授卢兆兴说,选择成龙参加政协是因为认为他的明星身份有助于促进(内地)与香港的关系。

    Professor Sonny Ho , co-director at Hong Kong 's Centre for Greater China Studies , has said Chan was selected to attend the CPPCC because it was thought his stardom could help promote ties with Hong Kong .

  27. 体育及运动科学系与数学系合办「香港教育学院越野跑及步行筹款」活动,目的在于提倡跑和步行对健康的重要性,同时为学系筹款,增进学生的学术及专业发展。

    The HKIEd cross country fund-raising run and walk , which is jointly organized by the Department of physical education & sports science and the Department of mathematics , aims at raising students'awareness of the importance of physical health and enhancing students'academic and professional development .

  28. 为了面向21世纪的高等教育需要,教育统筹委员会于1999年间开展香港教育全面检讨,并提出建构终身学习的教育体系,其中以高等教育和持续教育的发展为重点。

    To gear Hong Kong education to the new century , the education planning board thoroughly reviewed Hong Kong education in 1999 . It then put forward the idea of constructing in Hong Kong a lifelong learning system which emphasizes higher education and continuing education .

  29. 为改善学校人手编制状况,减轻教师工作负担,让教师安心和专心于教学工作,香港教育统筹局2006年2月27日公布了教师长远支持措施。

    The Education and Manpower Bureau ( EMB ) of Hong Kong , China , announced a series of long-term support measures for teachers on February 27,2006 in order to improve the teaching establishment , reduce teacher 's workload and allow them to concentrate on teaching .

  30. 香港高等教育发展新策略&副学士学位课程计划

    New Development Strategy of Hong Kong Higher Education & Associate Degree Programs