
  1. 《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)曾于2012年报道称,约有45%的香港人使用WhatsApp。

    In 2012 , the South China Morning Post reported that WhatsApp was used by about 45 % of the people in Hong Kong .

  2. 第一家是香港人经营的凯莱大酒店(Gloria),于1995年开张,以假日酒店和希尔顿为首的国际大牌酒店紧随其后。

    The first was the Hong Kong-managed Gloria , which opened in1995.International brands , led by Holiday Inn and Sheraton , arrived soon after that .

  3. 每10个香港人中,就有8人在黄金时段收看TVB翡翠台的节目,这里曾造就了《卧虎藏龙》中周润发等明星。

    Eight out of10 Hong Kong televisions are tuned to TVB 's Jade channel during prime time , watching shows that produced stars such as Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon 's Chow Yun-fat .

  4. 然而,发布年度中国亿万富翁和慈善家排行榜的胡润(RupertHoogewerf)表示,考虑到多年来创造的财富总额,香港人的捐赠金额可能仍低于公众的预期。

    But Rupert Hoogewerf , who publishes annual rankings of Chinese billionaires and philanthropists , said the Chinese territory did not donate as much as might be expected given the amount of wealth that had been generated over the years .

  5. 香港人向来高瞻远瞩,自强不息。

    Hong Kong has always been bold and global in outlook .

  6. 我们的主要目标人群是香港人。

    Our main group of targets is people in Hong Kong .

  7. 香港人似乎总是忙忙碌碌。

    Hong Kong people seem to be constantly on the go .

  8. 难道香港人真的需要这么多这种店?

    Do the people of Hong Kong really need that many ?

  9. 最近进行的调查显示,香港人对香港的信心不断增加。

    Recent surveys have shown that confidence level continues to rise .

  10. 我清楚地知道香港人的需要和期望。

    I understand the hopes and aspirations of Hong Kong people .

  11. 这首歌仍然引起很多香港人的共鸣。

    It still touches a chord in many Hong Kong people .

  12. 有商业头脑的香港人知道,是北京在给自己手上的面包涂抹黄油。

    Its business-savvy population knows its bread is buttered in Beijing .

  13. 香港人越来越认同自己的中国人身份。

    Hongkong people increasingly identify themselves as " Chinese " .

  14. 保留香港人目前享有的种种自由和生活方式;

    Preserves the existing freedoms and lifestyle of our people ;

  15. 游泳是香港人最喜爱的夏日康乐活动。

    Swimming is Hong Kong 's most popular summer pastime .

  16. 香港人平均每天用五个胶袋。

    Hong Kong people use five plastic bags a day .

  17. 许多香港人靠旅游业赚生活费。

    Many Hong Kong people earn their living from the tourist business .

  18. 听你的口音,我能知道你是香港人。

    By your speech I can tell you are from Hong kong .

  19. 香港人较倾向维持现状。

    Hongkongers are inclined to maintain the status quo .

  20. 而对香港人英语水平下降的担忧也不是新鲜事儿。

    And worries about declining English standards in Hong Kong are not new .

  21. 一些香港人曾经看不起大陆人,把他们视为贫穷的堂兄弟。

    Some Hong Kongers used to look down on mainlanders as poor cousins .

  22. 他向受影响的女性及香港人道歉。

    He apologised to the women involved and the people of Hong kong .

  23. 和平与灵性是香港人看重的观念。

    Peace and spirituality are concepts treasured by the people of Hong Kong .

  24. 我喜欢她对香港人的含糊其辞。

    I love that equivocation over Hong Kong .

  25. 超过四分一的香港人患有高血压。

    More than one in four people in Hong Kong has high blood pressure .

  26. 香港人要是团结,你们便会付出很大代价!

    If Hong Kong people are united , you will pay a high price !

  27. 我们写的是简体中文,人和香港人写的是繁体中文!

    We write simplified chinese , people in Taiwei and Hongkong write traditional chinese !

  28. 厨师是香港人。

    The chefs are from Hong Kong .

  29. 香港人以机场铁路自豪,也会以你们自豪。

    Hong Kong people will be proud of you , as of the Railway itself .

  30. 我们中有许多人是香港人。

    Many of us are from Hongkong .