
  1. 国家食品安全风险评估中心(ChinaNationalCenterforFoodSafetyRiskAssessment)的徐海斌周四表示,政府还在考虑这件事。

    Xu Haibin , a director at the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment , said Thursday the government is still mulling the move .

  2. 发达国家食品安全风险评估机制的启示

    Developed Countries , Food Safety Risk Assessment of The Revelation Mechanism

  3. 预报微生物学在食品安全风险评估中的作用

    The Role of Predictive Microbiology in Food Safety Risk Assessment

  4. 国务院卫生行政部门应当及时向国务院有关部门通报食品安全风险评估的结果。

    The health administrative department of the State Council shall timely notify the relevant departments of the State Council of the result of food safety risk assessment .

  5. 食品安全风险评估应当运用科学方法,根据食品安全风险监测信息、科学数据以及其他有关信息进行。

    The food safety risk assessment shall be made through scientific methods and be based on the food safety risk monitoring information , scientific data and other relevant information .

  6. 食品安全风险评估指的是科学地估算食品中可能含有的某些有害的因子对人体产生不良作用的几率以及这种作用的大小。

    Food safety risk assessment refers to estimating the probability of having adverse effects for human body , which are caused by some injurious factors contained in food , and the effects .

  7. 较之以往的监管制度而言,食品安全风险评估兼具科学性和预防性等特点,它通过对食品生产的各个阶段进行监管,可以有效地遏制潜在的食品安全风险的发生。

    Compared with the previous systems , this system is both scientific and preventative . By supervising every stage of food production , it can effectively control the occurrence of potential food safety risks .

  8. 国务院卫生行政部门应当根据技术必要性和食品安全风险评估结果,及时对食品添加剂的品种、使用范围、用量的标准进行修订。

    The health administrative department of the State Council shall , on the basis of the technical necessities and food safety risk assessment results , timely revise the standards for the varieties , extent of use and dosage of food additives .

  9. 英国诺丁汉大学和尼姆罗德兽医产品公司的动物健康专家以及两家中方合作伙伴——成都新希望六和公司及中国国家食品安全风险评估中心,将领导这项研究。

    The research will be led by animal health experts from the University of Nottingham and Nimrod Veterinary Products in the UK as well as two Chinese partners - New Hope Liuhe in Chengdu and the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment .

  10. 将建食品安全风险监测评估制度;

    It will establish the system of risk supervision and assessment on food safety ;

  11. 形成服务于食品安全监测分析、风险评估、事件预防、通报应急的食品安全信息共享服务平台;

    ⅲ Has a information share system which service for food safety detect data analysis , food safety risk assessment , food safety early warning , announcement and prevention .