
  • 网络Flight Command;flight control
  1. 飞行指挥模拟器训练方程的设计

    Research on Training Equations of Simulator of Flight Command System

  2. 介绍了飞行指挥模拟器的起落方程、飞行空中方程和特情调度方程等的设计与求解方法,该方法实现了对各种飞行情况的飞行指挥调度训练的评分与打印。

    This paper presents the designing method of rising / falling equations , flying equations and special status dispatching equations of the Flight Command System . The standard grading system of the simulator of Flight Command System is also introduced .

  3. 那些就是地面的飞行指挥仪所接收到的对话。

    Those were the words from the flight director on the ground .

  4. 飞行指挥控制中心〔政府飞行服务队〕

    Air Command and Control Centre [ Government Flying Service ]

  5. 基金的沃洛普斯飞行指挥中心。

    The Wallops Flight Facility command center .

  6. 宇航员和飞行指挥中心立即决定使用登月舱作为救生艇。

    The astronauts and the flight control center quickly decided that the lunar module could be their lifeboat .

  7. 这会儿克林已经用内线接到在主控制室当值的主监控员,即所谓的飞行指挥,他名叫勒罗伊·凯恩。

    Now Kling got onto the main control-room intercom to the lead controller on duty , known as the flight director , a man named Leroy Cain .

  8. 拉菲,作为小波忠诚的朋友,而且也不想踩到飞行指挥的趾公,回道:“我让哥来回答这问题。”

    Lovell , a loyal friend and not one to step on his command pilot 's toes , replied ," I 'll let him answer that . "

  9. 虽然很少会被使用,美国宇航局保持在沃洛普斯自毁在飞行指挥中心设施按钮,可以摧毁火箭,而它在空中的。

    Though it would rarely be used , NASA maintains a destruct button in the command center at Wallops Flight Facility that can destroy a rocket while it 's in the air .

  10. 他将全部飞行指挥权交给了她。于是,如同丽贝卡所梦寐以求的那样,她高高地坐在副驾驶的位置上,双手紧紧握着操纵杆。

    Taking his hands off the yoke , he turned the flight controls over to her . There she was , just as she had dreamed , sitting tall in the copilot 's seat with the flight stick firmly in her hands .

  11. 基于SIMplicity的飞行保障指挥仿真系统开发研究

    Research on development of Flight Support Command Simulation System based on SIMplicity

  12. 基于虚拟现实的飞行保障指挥系统仿真

    Simulation of a Flight Logistics Command System Based on Virtual Reality

  13. 航空运输飞行与管制指挥的矛盾

    Analysis of Conflict Between Air Transportation and ATM

  14. 政府飞行服务队总指挥

    " Commandant , government flying service "

  15. 航天器将向太空投放一枚卫星,这枚卫星将环绕航天器飞行,向使命指挥中心发送图像。

    The ship also will release a satellite that will circle the orbiter and send back images to mission command .